On the cover of the Journal, you've probably noticed the phrase "From the heart and hands to a new world." This means that the missions of the Franciscans wish to highlight the tireless work of missionaries and brothers of the country missions to build the Kingdom of God. In everyday life, the brothers on a mission relieve human suffering, help the poor, are with the people in distress, support initiatives to improve the lives of children, women, sick and left-nots. They do out of passion for humanity because they strongly believe that the new world promised by Jesus Christ, must be built each time despite the difficulties, obstacles and discouragements.
The Franciscan missionaries to draw even the Franciscan spirituality strength to continue their work wherever they are present. Thus, Francis of Assisi, by the example of his life, said the brothers and how Christians can live the faith centered in Christ and what can be done to make man more human and world more habitable. Francis has served on brothers, but also to the laity, which may be the mission: "The brothers who go (to the Saracens) may consider their spiritual role in two ways: either not do or quarrels and disputes be submitted to any human creature for God's sake, and just confess they are Christians, or, if they see that this is the will of God, proclaim the Word of God (1 Reg 16.5). This approach to mission is an exceptional value for Christians, a great inspiration, while being humble and unassuming: it is about living a simple presence in the world. Be there be in the midst of all, witness to God, without triggering either misunderstanding or conflict, praising peace and justice of Jesus Christ. Each of us is also required to perform this presence of God wherever and whatever he does.
Franciscan Missionaries are witnesses of the presence of Jesus Christ in their country of mission not only by the practical assistance they provide to the people but also and especially by their model of life based on the Gospel. Pope Paul VI said that "the Gospel must be proclaimed by witness By ... this wordless witness these Christians stir up in the heart of those who see them live, compelling questions: Why are they doing? Why do they live this way? What or who inspires them? Why are they among us? Such testimony is already a silent proclamation very strong and effective the Good News. In fact, it's about having heart and hands to build, to follow Jesus Christ, a new world! Thank you for encouraging our missionary brothers, your loyalty and kindness touched me greatly. Remain united in prayer.
Richard Chartier, ofs
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