NetbuLL 395> PTB CS lg (ArcelorMittal) 12/19/2010
In this netbull: The die
Packaging (Liege API) will be stopped next April while galvanizing lines in Flémalle should be shut down in March.
From 1 January 2011, the industry's hot reinstate ArcelorMittal Belgium. In 2006, when they were sentenced, the activities had been separated from the "cold". According to the report
Syndex, "the current situation raises the issue of sustainability of the economic model AM medium term in a sullen, provided that the financial requirements to meet the goals of self-sufficiency in iron ore and coke as or coal and coke, worth billions of dollars when you add processing units programmed in Brazil and India. "ArcelorMittal, which employed about 130,000 FTE workers in 2006, does that now occupies 107,000 out of 276,608 in September 2010 (334 259 workers FTE in 2006). The Europe region recorded the most losses of jobs in the first nine months of 2010. The rate of absenteeism in the northern branch is important to Florange 3.52%, 3.35% to Dunkirk, 5.12% in Liege, Ghent and 4.9% to 5.03% in Bremen.
The Walloon parliament increases the action means of JC Marcourt 20 million euros to cover expenses related to purchase CO2 quotas for ArcelorMittal.
ArcelorMittal steel pole out his scope of its activities from the first quarter of 2011. Even before its forced merger with Mittal in 2006, Arcelor questioned the need to keep this activity within the group. Arcelor had also invested 240 million euros in a new steelworks at Châtelet, hoping to make the industry more attractive to a potential buyer. Lakshmi Mittal has not found any more candidates, the income of stainless steel dropped by half last year. At Châtelet, the steel with a capacity of 1 million tons idling and the mill turns it to 25% capacity. The context of the IPO is it therefore ideal? The steelmaker believes that the transaction "will maximize shareholder value." But it also states that it should generate an impairment charge of approximately EUR 600 million, and that the new entity will be indebted to the tune of 750 million ... "The debt carried by the steel is disturbing and will hurt investment "Critical Antonio Di Santo, on behalf of the Belgian FGTB-Metal and the French CGT. Unions site Genk (1,200 jobs) fear further restructuring: "Our businesses have achieved an EBITDA of 3.7 billion dollars over the past five years, used to invest in other companies and to distribute dividends to shareholders," said Stefan Indestege, delegate of the FGTB ArcelorMittal Genk. "We therefore believe that with this maneuver, ArcelorMittal is considering a merger with another group of steel producers and major restructuring that will be conducted to clear our debt."
Russian NLMK group will leave probably drop the hot phase of Charleroi (Carsid). NLMK to buy wants Duferco, dealer, tools and La Louviere for Clabecq give endorsement to steel (slabs) that happened in Russia at a cost half that of the hot phase Carolo. "For Carsid survive, it must have a steel manufacturer needs its slab," says Libert Froidmont, president of Sogepa (Walloon Region) "should actually steelmaker that has such a need for it to be slab willing to pay more expensive than many competitors. This partner, I think we always look for it now. Antonio Di Santo, president of the FGTB Metal Carolo, imagines the reconstruction of another industrial scheme, which would feed into slabs Carsid Carinox the mill. However, this mill is now dedicated to stainless steel, within the ArcelorMittal group at that. Libert Froidmont: "ArcelorMittal already has two blast furnaces in Liège but it runs only one. And he probably has other concerns that the future of the hot phase of Charleroi. "
The union CFE-CGC, one of the blast furnaces at Fos-sur-mer would be arrested in December, while one remains off Dunkirk cyclical since this summer and that Florange, arrested for operations maintenance in July, has not been restarted in September.
ArcelorMittal (Liège), the galvanizing will be extended by one month
ArcelorMittal's management has confirmed the dates for the discontinuation of certain lines to cold in Liege. Thus, Packaging industry (API) will Sclessin arrested in April (as originally proposed in the plan of management) while galvanizing lines in Flémalle work a month longer than expected, and they should be shut down in March . Regarding the heat, the production will also go to 110,000 tons for the month of December. Discussions are continuing with management regarding the organization of the judgments of different lines. (6com 14/12)
ArcelorMittal weakens its units in Europe
Philip Lawson IIb 13/12/2010 Concern among European workers ArcelorMittal (AM). Indeed, during the European Works Council (EEC) Group (30/11-01/12), they made a finding not very optimistic about the future of sites operated in Europe by the world leader in the steel industry. They are based, to do so on the October 2010 Syndex French office. The office has stopped by. Although the group's strategy to allow AM more self-sufficient in its supply of raw materials, intensive investment in mining will hamper the development of units for Europe . "The strategic move upstream in the chain which seems to be increasing today introduced a growing gap between European and other units. This shift weakens and threatens to make inaccessible the objectives assigned to them, particularly in terms conquest of market share, especially if the aftermath of market shares are conditioned to maintain high margins. "Today, MO focused its development strategy around three key pillars: flexibility of facilities to cope with the volatile economic climate, reducing fixed costs through earnings management (to better withstand a slowdown again), and investments in mining projects (especially in emerging markets, often coupled with investments in the hot phase in the production of slabs). "The two lines are from the financial crisis and economic and social changes from the end of 2008 and the third is a constant in the group policy, whose strategy has emerged very early as mining and metallurgist metallurgist and not just "experts say.
But they are not convinced by the approach." The current situation raises the issue of sustainability of this economic model in the medium term in a sullen, provided that the financial needs to meet the goals of self-sufficiency in iron ore as coke or coal and coke, worth billions of dollars when you add processing units programmed Brazil and in India , "they argue. The recovery of investment in 2010, assessed 4 billion dollars (2.8 billion cons in 2009 to freeze investments in Europe), shows that the group intends to intensify its efforts in the development of mining activities. It is now the fourth largest producer of iron ore with about 70 million tonnes per year, a 3.6% share of global production capacity. And the goal is to reach 100 million tonnes a year by 2015, which should provide him with self-sufficiency rate of 75%.
unions denounce the strategy of downsizing, the policy of "variabilisation" fixed costs and flexibility workers with greater use of subcontracting, fixed-term contracts and temporary work. "The industrial model and employment oriented towards achieving greater productivity is not without risks: loss of expertise in-house because of non-transmission of know-how, job insecurity, deteriorating work, negative impact on safety and health at work, "wrote representatives of workers in a paper at the end of last EEC.
For them, the gradual reduction in Europe for two years, the development mining activity and expansion in emerging questions about the future positioning of European sites and its employees within the group. Especially since the European sites have contributed more than half of the $ 3 billion of management gains achieved since 2008 (nearly half in labor). ArcelorMittal, which employed around 130 000 FTE workers in 2006, does that now occupies 107,000 out of 276,608 at the end of the first nine months of 2010 (334,259 FTE workers in 2006). "The Europe region recorded the most losses of jobs in the first nine months of 2010, "noted bitterly workers. The rate of absenteeism in the northern branch is important with Liege as champion: Florange 3.52%, 3.35% to Dunkirk , 5.12% in Liege, 4.9% to Ghent and 5.03% in Bremen.
Parlt Walloon: a budget adjustment to fund the allocation of CO2 Mittal
Belga 07 December The Walloon parliament on Friday approved in Commission of a second adjustment to the 2010 budget. It increases the capacity of the economy minister, Jean-Claude Marcourt, 20 million euros. This will cover expenses related to the acquisition of CO2 allowances to ArcelorMittal by way of a loan taken by Sogepa. The Walloon government decided in March 2010 to grant the steelmaker CO2 allowances needed to revive the hot phase in Liège. The cost estimate cited at the time ranged between 40 and 60 million euros. (NBA)
ArcelorMittal Liège: snow causes a collapse onto the conveyor belts of chipboard
Serious Incident ArcelorMittal Liege on Saturday night: part of the roof overlooking the carrier recovery and formatting of chipboard collapsed, probably under the weight of snow. There were no injuries, but damage is significant and will require at least fifteen working days for rehabilitation. Meanwhile, the recovery of material from the blast furnace B Ougrée was disrupted, trucks and boats may take over time to repair (6com 06/12/2010). Rem. HH: In fact, the snow was in addition to tons of dust that have accumulated over time; dangerous situation already reported three months ago.
Change for ArcelorMittal Liège 06.12.10 Since 2006 hot line, pay, formed a society in itself. The rest is to say ArcelorMittal Belgium, included the activities of flat carbon steel Liege, La Praye, Gent, Geel and Genk. As more heat is intended to close, the group decided to reinstate him, explains Etienne Botton, spokesperson: "There is no reason to have two companies. It had created two companies was in 2006, because only part of the plant was closed in 2009. Since we abandoned the plan to close the hot line, obviously there is no reason to have two companies. Instead, having two companies, it requires administrative procedures being done today and then double from next year, we will do more. "For Robert Rouzeeuw the FGTB, but rather a Good news: "Yes, it has provided no surprises later, but first time here for us is a good thing." Looking at the CSC, it is also estimated that it rather positive, as Jordan Atanasov said: "Clearly this is a good thing because the two entities is different labor contracts, perhaps under different conditions. Here we find a coherent and therefore it remains in a configuration of integrated steel. "F. Braibant
ArcelorMittal Liège: 144 million euros in savings within two years
In its internal letter of November, the management of ArcelorMittal Liège has decided to focus its policy about a savings plan that should amount to some 144 million euros by the end of 2012. The effort will focus on trade and commodities. Objective: To reduce the overall cost of 30 euros per ton of steel at the end of next year. This in a context of rising commodity prices. With respect to the commercial, the aim is to redefine the strategy focusing on new products with high added value. This plan has identified 37.1 million euros in savings. It does not include the outsourcing of part of the computer any more than putting the temporary closure of certain lines in the cold next year (The Echo 1 / 12)
Future of stainless steel stock market Carolo
ls 9 / 12 The future of steel pole Charleroi (Carinox) will finally be offering, ArcelorMittal has decided to leave its business scope from the first quarter of 2011 (subject to approval by shareholders). The 750 workers Châtelet are not alone concerned: the steel industry because of ArcelorMittal employs more than 10,000 people in Brazil, France and Belgium (including Genk). The world's largest steel had mentioned this idea since last summer, when the future of the steel was subject to uncertainties in a long time. Even before its forced merger with Mittal in 2006, Arcelor questioned the need to keep this activity in a group that specializes in carbon steel, raw materials and markets to meet because of different constraints. Arcelor was also invested 240 million euros in a new steelworks at Châtelet, hoping to make the industry more attractive to a potential buyer. Inheriting the problem with the takeover of Arcelor, Lakshmi Mittal has not found any more candidates. The activity was further degraded, the revenues of the steel falling by half last year. At Châtelet, the steel with a capacity of 1 million tons idling and rolling mill, also powered by the mill in Genk, turns on him at 25% capacity (almost 4 million tons per year in maximum heart rate). The context of the introduction Is the stock market, therefore, ideal?
steelmaker believes that the transaction, based on the distribution of action "stainless steel" for 20 ArcelorMittal shares held, "will maximize shareholder value." But it also states that it should generate an impairment charge of approximately EUR 600 million, and that the new entity will be indebted to the tune of 750 million ...
Opinions diverge outside. "A movement rather positive," said an analyst at Oddo Securities, quoted by AFP, which sees the opportunity for independent steel better the crisis by having the "means to restructure and continue its growth ambitions." But unions are mixed. "The debt carried by the steel is disturbing and will hurt investment. However, it is attributable to the expansion policy of Mittal's purchase of such mines in the service of carbon steels, "Critical Antonio Di Santo, on behalf of a front consisting FGTB-Metal Belgian and French CGT. "Okay for the IPO if it opens up real prospects for stainless steel and can not be reduced simply a financial transaction designed to relieve ArcelorMittal." And, while the Carolo steel basin still waiting also for clarification on the future of the hot phase (Carsid) co-owned by Duferco and NLMK. The unions will meet on that the Walloon government on Thursday. ■
Russian NLMK will leave no doubt drop the hot phase Carolo
ls 2 / 12 The assumption seems dark turn into certainty: the Russian NLMK group will leave probably drop the hot phase of Charleroi (Carsid) and its thousand of jobs, and is now the quest for an unlikely partner who occupies the minds.
The problem is known: NLMK wants to buy Duferco Seller, tools of La Louviere (sheet) and Clabecq (plates) to give an endorsement to steel (slabs) that happened in Russia at a cost half that of the hot phase Carolo. Two futures open therefore to Carsid (off for two years because of the crisis): to put the key under the doormat or invent a new future ...
"For Carsid survive, there must be a steelmaker has need of its slab, "says Libert Froidmont, president of longtime Sogepa (Walloon Region) and, as such, indispensable interlocutor in the Walloon steel. This should be done that steelmaker has such a need for that slab is ready to pay more expensive than many competitors. This partner, I think we always look for it now. "
strategists unconcerned tools
Several names have yet been cited by sources close to ongoing negotiations between NLMK and Duferco: Italian Riva and the former Anglo-Dutch group Corus, now in the hands of 'India's Tata Steel, among others. Other stakeholders, such as Antonio Di Santo, president of the FGTBMétal Carolo, imagine the reconstruction of another industrial scheme, which would feed into slabs Carsid Carinox the mill, downstream of Charleroi. However, this mill is now dedicated to stainless steel, within the ArcelorMittal group at that.
"We're not in a world where the logic of premium tools, Libert Froidmont analysis. These are the hands of global groups that have different strategies. ArcelorMittal already has two blast furnaces in Liège but it runs only one. And he probably has other concerns that the future of the hot phase of Charleroi. "
is in this context that the union representatives Carsid, who say they are kept in the dark complete negotiations in progress, have requested the convening of an extraordinary works council. They will also be received by the Walloon government - which would be an actor but is mostly a spectator of the file. ■ JULY BENEDICT
Carsid: towards an alliance between Duferco and Riva?
Faced with uncertainty about the future of the joint venture between Duferco and Russia's Novolipetsk (see 6com of 25/11), unions Carsid claimed Tuesday the convening of an extraordinary works council. The management says it does not justify failing to disclose information at this time. A works council is usually scheduled for 15 December. But already, he said that Duferco might seek a partnership with the Italian Riva interested in an alliance. An alliance that would focus on facilities other than mills that Novolipetsk still covets. (La Libre 01/12/2010)
ArcelorMittal Liège: return to work for AMR
The twenty workers workshops rolling stock (AMR) of ArcelorMittal and Chertal Ougrée which were shut down since Tuesday have returned to work Friday morning. "We were able to agree with management on Thursday night," said Didier Smetzer, head FGTB-Metal of "hot" in Liège. "Workers have however agreed to stop movement very difficult. "Several organizational problems were reported by staff. All is not settled yet. Another meeting with management is scheduled Wednesday. (6com 11/29/2010)
Stop Work workshops rolling ArcelorMittal Liège
The 19 workers Workshops rolling stock (AMR) of ArcelorMittal and Ougrée Chertal are off work since Tuesday. They complain of a series of breaches of from management of the steelmaker, recurring deficiencies for a year or two in some cases. "Wages are not suitable to actually responsible, "laments Smetzer Didier, head of the" hot "Liege." The management wants to impose a new labor organization. We also acknowledge the delay in formations which have not been held for nearly two years. "Advances have been recorded during a meeting with management on Wednesday. The staff has however considered insufficient. The work of AMR is crucial in the production process of ArcelorMittal. They ensure the maintenance of wagons and locomotives and more broadly of what makes up the garage industry. "There is only one loco operational and there is no hardware Reserve. If the movement continues, in case of failure, the blast furnace B Ougrée could experience problems, "concludes Didier Smetzer. Negotiations were held late into the evening Thursday. A preliminary agreement was concluded and must be submitted on Friday morning at the staff meeting. (6com 26/11)
ArcelorMittal to outsource its IT infrastructure in Europe 25/11/2010 ArcelorMittal should choose her partner shortly outsourcing for its entire IT infrastructure in Europe. Previously, he had already outsourced in June 2008 as the maintenance of its application to the duo of French and Sopra India's MindTree, and had entrusted his financial services to a shared service center in Poland in late 2009 under the responsibility of Wipro.
ArcelorMittal believes that infrastructure services are increasingly a commodity and no longer a strategic differentiator. It must be said that the 2009 crisis has severely affected the steelmaker whose IT budgets were reduced by 35%, even though turnover went from 110 to $ 64 billion between 2008 and 2009.
Two candidates are now vying for the huge outsourcing contract covering the entire European infrastructure: operations and maintenance of data centers, servers, PCs, networks, security, etc.. This is SAC and HCL Technologies, while HP, IBM, Capgemini and Wipro were also candidates. Only remain in the internal management of contracts with partners. The decision is expected to fall soon and the contract come into force in early 2011, after negotiations with social partners.
The group says it wants to limit the social impact, but the unions are talking about 500 people potentially impacted in Europe. And according to the CNE-SETC, 21 employees were involved with us at the sites of Liege and Charleroi, employs approximately 120 people.
ArcelorMittal France again concerned partial unemployment
LEMONDE.FR with AFP 24.11.10 Unions and management of ArcelorMittal announced on Wednesday, November 24, the introduction of short days on the sites of Dunkirk, Florange and Fos-sur-Mer. The management of the steelmaker said that "measures of short [up to five days in the month of December, according to the positions held] were invited to accompany the classic downturn end of year in the context of slow activity, requires additional devices.
"After a restart of business in 2010, we are in a down cycle, prospects for 2011 in Europe are poor, "said the CFE-CGC. The union also said that one of the blast furnaces at Fos-sur-mer would" be arrested in December, "while" one Dunkirk remains off since the summer and cyclical than Florange arrested for maintenance in July, has not been restarted in September.
" There is no restart date set "for the last blast furnace, confirmed a spokesman for ArcelorMittal. CFE / CGC wishes to extend metal" devices Support Employment installed in 2009 as the device of partial activity of long duration (APLD), which provides for partial unemployment benefits to 75%, based on salary and bonuses.
Scandal harassment at ArcelorMittal Gent
belga / mb 25/11/10 After the revelation of the scandal of harassment in the plant Walloon MACtac, a new case erupted in Flanders. Workman ArcelorMittal in Ghent, SDC, has been for about one year the indiscretions of his two superiors. The two executives, who were both over 15 years of age, have ceased to mock the worker. "They have consistently ridiculed," says a union representative SCC. Harassment was also physical. "For example, it is removed her pants and groped her private parts with a stick. They also attached to the tank of a jeep and transported throughout the plant." During one year, the victim did not complain. TCS's wife went in early to management and demanded action. The management fired the two stalkers. "That makes sense. We can not tolerate bullies," said the spokesman of the plant. "Every year we dismiss people for" reasons punishment "as harassment."
Carsid unions do not participate in board business
Belga Trends November 24, 2010 Carsid FGTB and CSC (Charleroi), refused, in a common front, to sit on the board of business Wednesday. Unions have read a letter in which they claimed to be kept informed of upcoming decisions Carsid. The blast furnace of the company is at a standstill since November 11, 2008. For now, the site is MARCINELLOISE in the lap of a joint venture (RIS) equally owned by Russian group Duferco and NLMK. Both partners, however, could be separated. Perspective maintains in doubt the workers and unions who are wondering what will happen when the blast furnace Charleroi and tools attached. Side management, it said Wednesday that the current market conditions do not restart the blast furnace Carsid short term, ie by December 31. Management should communicate to workers in the next works council in December, if the site will remain or not to stop after that date. The direction of Carsid still remember that shareholders of FIS are continuing their work in coordination with the Walloon government, "to develop an industrial model that can withstand difficult market. "The management is committed to preventing staff and social partners as soon as a decision is made. (VIM)
A master plan for the site of ancient Forges
www.rtbf. be / 16/11 A support committee will be established within months to develop a master plan setting out broad options for the rehabilitation of the old site Forges.
An agreement was signed to that effect on Tuesday by the Walloon Minister for Planning, the City of Tubize and society Duferco Development. The 80 hectares of brownfield clean-up after that could last three years, will be redeployed in areas of housing, green spaces, areas for SMEs and for home offices.
Each partner agrees on the goals of rehabilitation, and is committed to advancing the project in the same direction. Duferco Development, a company created specifically to redevelop the site Clabecq, will assume the financial costs of sanitation.
The master plan is a comprehensive study on territorial development that will provide broad guidelines for the future of the site's programming of different areas on the site, mobility, and the phasing of work. It must be delivered in summer 2011. The potential of the site, estimated in early studies, is 1700 units and over 2,000 jobs.
Heavy Industry, decline and conversion. >>
ARCELORMITTAL resumed its share repurchase program
AOF 29/11/10 ArcelorMittal reopened its stock repurchase program to a maximum of 6% of its capital. The implementation of this share repurchase program began Nov. 29, 2010 and will close no later than December 1, 2011. This program is intended
to cover, in part or in whole, the risks associated with dilutive instruments issued or implemented by the group. It allows ArcelorMittal to acquire or sell its own shares by all means permitted by the regulations in force, including through the sale of treasury shares, sales or purchases in the form of blocks off-market operations will contracts, option contracts to purchase or any other derivative. The harasser
ArcelorMittal Zelzate does not understand his dismissal
7sur7 26/11/10
Wife of JD, one of two senior TCS, licensed by Arcelormittal for having harassed, has told Sudpresse. "It's scandalous," complained the wife of JD "My husband worked for 25 years, he had an unblemished record, the boss he has never made any remark, and then, suddenly, he was thrown into the street, "she says.
The wife of JD, which is based on the story of her husband, the victim, TCS, which would have caused it. "He pulled his ears and the cuffs of his colleagues, he gave them kisses, crawling on the knees of some, he even put his tongue in the ears," says she Sudpresse. "One day, yes, he was found in the locker room with his pants decreased and they have well written in marker on his body but on his belly, not on her back and even less about his noble parts, "she says. TCS would be a dad." They wrote on the belly of their colleague the name chosen for the child, it was just a joke, "insists the wife of JD
Since his dismissal, JD is demoralized." We do not understand the reaction of the alleged victim, my husband could not defend themselves, "says his wife." My husband told me he sometimes thought of suicide. He said: Look at me, I am 49 years old and I'm going to a temp agency. We're screwed, we have two children 15 and 19 years, what will they become? "JD's wife is even in contact with the victim." She does not believe the harassment, but her husband does not want to backtrack, he fears for his job. "laments her.
ArcelorMittal Isbergues in doubt December 3, 2010 The 700 employees of the ArcelorMittal website at Isbergues (Pas-de-Calais) learned that the body shop would be classic shut down by January. The decision, which involves 200 full time equivalents, comes five months after restarting the activity. Measurements of partial unemployment will be place and employees will receive nearly full pay in accordance with the agreement signed in September 2009 between the steelmaker and the state.
For management, this standby tool is a natural response to the sluggish economy, because "we're only 75, even 78% load compared to production capacity," reported the plant manager, Philippe Demarez.
The latter was also a surprise. At the Works of 22 November, the leader announced his departure. Three frames he also followed suit. The backdrop of this disintegration, there is also the readjustment of staff engaged in June, which provided compensation for senior employees in return for their early departure. For
union representatives, such a body of evidence portends a bleak future for classical sheet metal part of the site artesian, which could then focus on making modern plates. At ArcelorMittal
Isbergues, a funeral oration as a medal ceremony May 1 December 2010 the leaden coincidence for two years the atmosphere of the medal ceremony Isbergues work at ArcelorMittal. Year Historically, it was forbidden to shake hands or get a kiss with influenza H1N1. Before yesterday, the festive evening coincided with the announcement of the new prospect of temporary closure of the sheet metal classic, early next year. A closure
heavy sense for unions that do not lull illusions about the future of industrial activity in the short or medium term here. Philippe Demarez Nor has failed to repeat this in his speech: "Our CEO has talked seamlessly threats to our workshop. Patrick Ramelot, secretary of the company: "If the tolerance for farm good, and the completion LC2I must bear all costs of structures, with a de facto loss of profitability. This occurs when ArcelorMittal working on a possible sale of its branch steel.
Without much conviction, Philippe Demarez nevertheless urged employees to "continue on the pace of 2010, marked by the ability to adapt through the efforts of all, under the auspices of a dense social dialogue and very frequent. We will find the resources to overcome this crisis and long to define together the winning design of the site. The tools of success are in your hands and in that of Thierry Flament, my successor. "For the secretary of the EC, there is no plan to win Isbergues.
Especially for him, "reorganizations have been botched, changes in work patterns poorly negotiated, planned breakup. "
Another coincidence of the calendar, the boat Steelworker dark when the captain leaves the ship Demarez. Patrick Ramelot took the microphone and scolded the director. "You're away from staff, your managerial position has prevailed over the actual role that everyone expected of an employee who has built his entire career Isbergues. Employees Site deserve better than your point and your sarcasm EC on the short distance between Isbergues and Dunkirk. They have not felt a fierce defense of the site from you. We are in a downward spiral, regressive and tragic for the company and the labor pool. The room has acquiesced with applause. Jacques
Napieraj Mayor Isbergues, regrets that the will of one man, one-year work to develop employment in a sector is scanned. But the session of the steel industry by ArcelorMittal did not alarm as you might expect. The mayor drew a parallel with what happened a few years ago for plate oriented grains. UGO TKES resumed its activity on his own and has developed considerably. "I hope the Stainless Steel Division has the same route, it is the hope that I make. That our industry does not die. "
ArcelorMittal will make a steel pole independent 08/12/2010 ArcelorMittal will introduce its line of stainless steel stock in the first quarter of 2011. Shareholders will receive one share for twenty Stainless Steel ArcelorMittal shares. The new combined entity would have the same shareholders that ArcelorMittal is to say 40.8% of shares for the Mittal family, 3% for the Luxembourg government, the rest corresponding to the float. The value of the company, as part of a quotation, would be between 3.4 and 4.2 billion dollars. The transaction should result in an impairment charge of approximately $ 800 million. "After the split, the stainless steel industry will record a net debt of approximately $ 1 billion, which will include both the existing debt of ArcelorMittal, transferred with the stainless steel industry and the new debt incurred by the industry," emphasizes the group. The aim of the operation is to facilitate a rapprochement of the branch of ArcelorMittal Stainless with other competitors, says Les Echos. The steelmaker has committed recent years of discussions with many industry groups in Europe, but also with South Korea's Posco. Unions, hitherto opposed to the transaction, consider their side as the target of the IPO is primarily financial. They also dispute the amount of debt allocated to this activity, a billion dollars, a debt that could "cripple severely the new entity."
ArcelorMittal Stainless steel stock market: unions concerned Unions December 9, 2010 Genk site, where steel is produced and where 1,200 people are active, now fear that a new restructuring is made: "Our businesses have achieved an EBITDA of 3.7 billion dollars over the past five years, but the amounts harvested were used to invest in other companies and distribute dividends to shareholders, "said Stefan Indestege, delegate of the FGTB ArcelorMittal Genk, ex-ALZ. "On the other hand, we must continue to invest in research and development, said the unionist. In addition, debts amounting to 1 billion has been transferred to us, then they are not stainless steel but due to the group with investments in mild steel and the purchase of mines. We therefore believe that with this maneuver, ArcelorMittal is considering a merger with another group of steel producers and major restructuring that will be conducted to clear our debt. "
ArcelorMittal Gent and Electrabel invest 400 million in a sustainable central
llb on 10/12/2010 Kris Peeters (CD & V) was officially inaugurated Friday the central "Knippegroen" in the field of ArcelorMittal.
ArcelorMittal Gent and Electrabel (GDF Suez) have invested 400 million euros in new power plant for the recovery of gas and steel. The two companies will also build seven wind turbines. "The new power plant has the best technology currently available to transform the gas from blast furnaces and electricity," said Sophie Dutordoir, CEO of Electrabel. The new plant "Knippegroen, which replaces the former Central Rodenhuize, reject annually 100,000 tons less CO2.
"Knippegroen" has a capacity of 305 MW and can annually produce 2.4 TWh (terawatt-hour) of electricity, which represents the annual consumption of 700,000 households. Electrabel has invested $ 300 million and EUR 90 million ArcelorMittal. The two companies have entered into a collaboration agreement for 20 years. "During the production of pig iron, blast furnaces emit gas," said the engineer Jan Cornelis, ArcelorMittal. "40% of this gas is used internally, 60% goes to the plant." Liquid pig iron is converted into crude steel through the conversion of the steel plant. "During this process of converting, gas escapes too. Half of this gas is used as a replacement for natural gas. The other half goes to the plant." The gas recovery converting annual savings of CO2 emissions of 150,000 tons.
Carsid: Scenario the split-Duferco NLMK always studied
10/12/2010 On 20 December, a staff meeting will be held to inform the current outlook of both companies.
The extraordinary works council held Friday at Carsid Marcinelle has allowed the announcement of any decision on the future of the company, says one union source. He confirmed however that the Russians Novolipetsk, associated in a joint venture with Duferco within FIS, do not seem interested Carsid. Among the possible scenarios that the split is contemplated, although no decision has yet been taken at any level whatsoever.
If this split was to take place between the two groups, each holding half of FIS, the Russians retain the rolling mills of Novolipetsk La Louviere and Clabecq while Duferco keep Carsid and long products, provided that Carsid has opportunities for its slabs (semi-finished products). Those it produced for La Louviere and Clabecq until November 2008 are currently NLMK, financial conditions, despite the lower carriage.
Carsid is stopped for economic reasons since November 2008.On recalls, the union side, it is essential for maintaining 1,500 direct jobs Carsid to maintain the perimeter had been established in 2006, when the creation of the joint venture between NLMK and Duferco.
Trade unions seek an urgent meeting with the shareholders of both companies, to be informed of their wishes clear before a possible decision to split ending the joint venture is taken.
ArcelorMittal restructures its steel industry before the IPO
ls December 16, 2010 ArcelorMittal announced a restructuring of its steel, designed to make it more presentable subsidiary before it next Stock Exchange and aims to increase its profits by $ 250 million over two years. The steel subsidiary, which will take the name Aperam, will suspend "temporarily" the activity of cold-rolling mill at its plant in Isbergues (Pas-de-Calais) with a capacity of 100,000 tonnes per year. Aperam simultaneously will invest $ 62 million to improve the productivity of its line of annealing and pickling hot Gueugnon (Saône-et-Loire). One of the blast furnaces at its plant in Brazil will Timoteo also converted to use charcoal. ArcelorMittal announced that it has simultaneously filed IPO prospectuses of Aperam, on the Paris, Amsterdam and Luxembourg. The demerger will be presented Jan. 25 to shareholders of ArcelorMitall for approval, the statement said. If they had to agree they would receive Aperam shares in proportion to their participation in ArcelorMital. Aperam, whose 2009 revenue was approximately $ 4.2 billion, has six major plants in Brazil, Belgium and France. The group employs approximately 9,800 people. It has a production capacity of 2.5 million tons of stainless steel plate, with a strong presence on products with high added value.
Carsid stopped until at least March 31
ls December 15, 2010 Trade unions active in Carsid in Marcinelle regretted Wednesday after the company's board of management's decision to postpone until at least March 31 to the recovery of the blast furnace. If they have missed, trade unionists interviewed, however, said he was not surprised by the decision.
Since November 11, 2008, when the shutdown of the blast furnace, the unions have come to know them as the arguments advanced by management to keep off the site and its production of slabs.
The management decision, based on declining demand and falling prices, was therefore expected by unions and some 900 workers Carsid. She was all over that last few weeks, the site's future hangs on the outcome of negotiations between the two partners of the joint venture FIS, the Swiss-Italian group Duferco and Russia's NLMK.
official sources, talks on the future of the collaboration continues. The unions hope that in the event of separation, Duferco will be tempted to resume MARCINELLOISE Carsid site and find products for a variety of opportunities. If the scenario of separation is confirmed, NLMK may indeed be tempted to resume activity on the mill at La Louviere, said the unions.
General mobilization to save the mill ArcelorMittal Bourg 12/18/2010 If nothing happens, the plant's historic Village and its 400 employees will close. "For months we knew, but we played the confidentiality order not to frighten customers. "Whoever said this yesterday, Francis Daniel Steward central CGT ArcellorMittal in Bourg. But today, the thing is public: if the group to January 4 do not pay a fine for illegal cartel between 1984 and 2002 of 230.4 million euros, it will put the key under the door and with it 620 jobs will be eliminated in four locations including the Village and 160 in three subsidiaries. For the factory history - Chaudouet born early last century, before becoming Tréfileurope - Lyons Road would be 400 people who find themselves unemployed.
course the national leadership has not remained the arms dangling from his conviction and obtained a decrease from the initial fine of 276.5 million. An amount that is still 1.3 times its turnover and seven times the value of its equity.
She tried to invoke the clause disability payment from the European Commission which may impose a fine of more than 10% of its turnover. But now the European Union considered qu'ArcellorFrance could get out of trouble with the help of its international group ... One thing that would be impossible according to his lawyers, minority shareholders can then attack the group for misuse of corporate assets.
On 4 January, three months allowed for this payment will have passed. Given the urgency, the company, the unions have questioned the prefect, the member Xavier Breton, Mayor Jean-François Bourg Debat and Damien Abad. MEP says he just spoke with the European Commissioner Michel Barnier. "There was a cartel, but the penalty seems disproportionate to its consequences. We will try to obtain a suspension of the payment obligation on the part of the European Court of Justice to discuss the merits ... "he explained last night by ensuring that the Minister of Economy Christine Lagarde was also aware by the prefect.
"A brand new steel mill" for Atlantic ArcelorMittal ArcelorMittal 17/12/2010 Atlantic has passed 2010 without too much damage. The steel giant is in a phase of relatively slow economic recovery "with rather promising perspectives for 2011. And all this while continuing to invest two sized facilities have recently entered service.
> Security. In 2010, ArcelorMittal welcomes the Atlantic had recorded "no serious accident on his great work on construction sites and yards of new work." However, Henri-Pierre Orsoni, the director, too many regrets accidental facts "on everyday work situations." Strengthening the security policy has been conducted in parallel, around such an operation "real talk", which should enable the management to detect risk situations.
> Environment. ArcelorMittal Grande-Synthe topped the top 3 polluters in the region for CO2 emissions. However, the steelmaker has continued to invest in 2010 to reduce its emissions by 3 million euros have been spent for air quality (activated carbon injection in the channel 3, which has a beneficial effect on dust emissions) a revaluation of domestic sludge, dust and milk was also conducted. In 2010, ArcelorMittal has established its circuit for biodiversity, was nominated for the award for Enterprise and Environment, 2010, marked "Top awareness initiative." A pair of peregrine falcons are also present on the site for three years, and an apiary is still in operation, with Apinord and employees.
> Hirings. Between the last quarter of 2010 and the first of 2011, ArcelorMittal has recruited 202 OETAM (worker, employee, technician, supervisor) and 29 engineers and managers.
> Investments. Since late June, the new "RH2" is on the site of Grande-Synthe. ArcelorMittal now have the equipment through its second vacuum degassing facility, which reduces the carbon content of steel, for special orders of the automotive industry. The RH2 can produce 2.4 million tons per year. The cost (process and facilities schedules) is around 90 million euros.
Other equipment size (75 million), the new continuous casting 21 is operational since last week. Transformed as was the 23 in 2006, the CC21 can increase the production of high quality slabs for the automotive market. Finally, with three new continuous casting facilities and two vacuum degassing (RH1 and RH2), steel No. 2 can produce up to 7 million tons of slabs. "We now have a completely new steel mill, one of the most powerful in Europe," said Olivier Mafaity, pilot project operator. The set will cost 300 million euros.
ArcelorMittal buys for 1.25 billion euros of stock options
AFP 18/12/2010 ArcelorMittal has acquired 61.728 million stock options at an exercise price of 20.25 euros per share or 1.25 billion euros. These options "allow ArcelorMittal to cover its commitments primarily related to the possible conversion of its convertible bonds and / or exchangeable ArcelorMittal shares in new or existing, bearing interest at 7.25% and maturing on April 1, 2014. In a second time, they also enable him "to cover the stock option plans and employee share ownership awarded by the group." Meanwhile, the group also completed the sale Tuesday "as a block, off-market of 26.48 million shares of self-control at a price of 26.4 euros per share. This allows the group to "strengthen its capital amounting to 699.67 million euros."
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