is the message UN on the International Year of Forests:
The International Year of Forests (2011) offers a unique opportunity to educate the public about the challenges facing many of the world's forests and the people who dependent. Major successes have been recorded and valuable lessons have been learned about how to promote sustainable forest management. This year is a way to gather all the votes and give impetus to a wider public participation in forest-related activities around the world.
The logo of the International Year of Forests (2011) evokes the theme "Forests for people" celebrating the centrality of people in sustainable management, conservation and sustainable development of forests on our planet. Graphic elements illustrate some of the multiple values of forests and the need for a vision 360 °: forests provide shelter to men and habitat for biodiversity, are sources of food, medicine and clean water, and play a vital role in preserving the global environment and climate stability. All these elements reinforce the message that forests are vital for the survival and well-being of the 7 billion people living on our planet.
For the Franciscan Missions, this is an opportunity to be even more supportive of the missionaries in the Amazon (Peru), Africa and Haiti to have a serious problem of deforestation.
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