Bureau team of the Franciscan Missions wish you best wishes for the holiday season. With Christmas Day and throughout the New Year we thank you for all your blessings and we ask that God bless you and keep you, may He show you His face and give you His Peace! Francis of Assisi with you and inspire you every day of your life.
Here is a Prayer for Christmas Father Louis Castonguay, a missionary in Peru that we want to share with you:
God is with us (Emmanuel). It does not belong to one religion or another. It is not the property of Christians. Nor people who are "good". It belongs to all those that exist. It is with the people who invoke and those who do not know, because he lives in every human heart, each in its accompanying joys and sorrows. Nobody lives without his blessing.
God is with us (Emmanuel). We do not listen to his voice. We do not see his face. Its discreet presence, close and intimate, we may go unnoticed. If we do not go down deep into ourselves, we feel that our journey in life is without him.
God is with us (Emmanuel). It does not scream, it does not scream. It does not force anyone. He always respects . This is our best friend. It draws us towards what is good, what is beautiful, what is right. In him we can find a soft light and a strong force to face the harshness of life and the mystery of death.
God is with us (Emmanuel). When nobody understands us, he welcomes us. In times of pain and depression, it comforts us. In weakness and impotence, he supports us. It invites us to love life, to protect and make the best possible.
God is with us (Emmanuel). It is with those who are victims of all kinds of oppression to defend their dignity, and those who fight against this evil by supporting their efforts. It is always inviting anyone to build a life more just and fraternal, more worthy for everyone, starting with those who find themselves last.
God is with us (Emmanuel). It awakens our responsibility and set up our dignity. It strengthens our mind so as not to reach the slaves of all kinds of idols. He is with us, saving what we can put in danger.
God is with us (Emmanuel). It is in life and will be in death. He accompanies us every day and we met at the final hour. He then kiss each of his son and daughters, for eternal life.
Feliz Nochebuena, Feliz Navidad.
Louis Castonguay, missionary priest, St Joseph Vicariate of the Amazon, Peru.
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