NetbuLL 394> PTB CS lg (ArcelorMittal) 11/19/2010 In this netbull:
Press PTB ArcelorMittal Liège protests revolted and said the closure "temporary" cold Liege.
"It is outrageous that workers pay for Mittal maintains consistently high profits! Indeed, after having restructured drastically steel Liège, after receiving the payment qucotas of CO2 by the government, and in time when the steel group receives huge gift from a fiscal, Mittal, Lord and Master, sends 500 workers unemployed and their families ... It is clear in this situation, all terms of aid to enterprises. Recall that Mittal paid a total of € 496 and for all tax in 2009 in Belgium!
It is high time that politicians impose rules on conservation activities when they grant tax exemptions. Here, nothing! Mittal behaves like a lord and considers the workers as serfs in the Middle Ages ...
Again, this is not the workers, their families and the community (unemployment benefits to employees) to pay a high price for the overproduction of Mittal. If it considers it must adopt the tools, then it supports the full salary of workers during the period of inactivity sites! This is only fair. "
Marcourt JC:" I can understand the decision to ArcelorMittal tools of the "cold" to stop, because you must be aware of the industrial changes that are played around the world. But I think obviously the 500 workers who will be affected by this and I appeal to social dialogue. Wallonia must establish a social pact. This is not the same as peace. The social pact Walloon demand that I defend the social partners agree on the objectives of economic development ".
the night of 10/11, the RF B was Ougrée paralyzed one hour after a problem with chipboard sector wages. Management has promised to resolve the dispute more quickly, allowing the resumption of work. A short stop then, but it illustrates the difficulty of dialogue within the company.
Thirty established employees back office ArcelorMittal Flémalle symbolically expressed dissatisfaction Tuesday 5 / 11, finishing their day earlier than expected. They call for upward revision of their scales.
The HFB has been called into operation, the 24/10/2010. He had been arrested on weekend this year following a piercing of a hot air pipe leading to the base of HF.
Trilogiport ArcelorMittal supports the project "as it does not represent an additional cost for our operation."
After an initial period of long duration of 18 months that expires at the end of this year, Duferco reapplies the same order. Suddenly, the HF Carsid - at a standstill since November 11, 2008 - is sleep for several months.
ArcelorMittal to standby its blast furnaces at Fos Eisenhüttenstadt beginning of December.
Standard & Poor's lowered by one notch to "BBB-" rating assigned to the ArcelorMittal. The grade "BBB-" is one notch above speculative investments.
Marcourt will visit in November, Russia to defend the cause of Duferco to Clabecq, La Louviere and Charleroi. The Russian group Novolopetsk should normally take total control of the whole. Which casts doubt on the survival of Carsid and site of La Louviere.
action ArcelorMittal 5.48% abandoned the Paris Bourse. At this price level, the title loses more than 30% from its peak in April. ArcelorMittal said its EBITDA in the fourth quarter would be down 25% from the third quarter. ArcelorMittal reported a lower rate of capacity utilization to 71% in the third quarter, against 78% in the second.
The partnership agreement that binds ArcelorMittal (main shareholder at 70%) in group Cosider Algerian public (minority shareholder at 30%) expires in October 2011. The union's general secretary Smaïn Kouadria hopes that this deadline, the Algerian state exercises the right of preemption: "We call on the Algerian state to become majority shareholder with a 51% minimum capital of ArcelorMittal Algeria . At present, the Algerian state controls nothing. He has only observer status. Furthermore he has not fulfilled its commitments regarding the rehabilitation of the hot zone or coke, ArcelorMittal did not respond to market needs in production. The group is waiting to see if these benefits in tax and import will be renewed during the upcoming negotiations. Meanwhile, he quietly closes some units and prepares a redundancy or retrenchment.
The CFE-CGC has arrested Davinder Chugh, Executive General Arcelormittal, about the outsourcing project IT infrastructure group. This project would involve 484 employees. The vast majority of them would be transferred from one or other of the two currently used in SSII short list: American Indian CSC and HCL. The removal of 140 positions within three years would also evoked. Emile Hibon (CFE-CGC), secretary of the Works. "Certain applications are critical. If no one within four hours on some servers who are coughing, a plant may stop. Only local skills know precisely where the machinery and network connections. Actions of internal mobility or retraining, may be considered to remain competitive. "
Sylvain Dessi was an amateur from 1978 to the '90s, immortalized amount of" last moments "of the Lorraine steel industry. "In Liege, you still have the chance to have an activity ..." Armando Fassi, amateur photographer Seraing accumulates ten years the pictures of "his" steel. With support from the publisher Gérard Klopp and House of Metallurgy, Liege, the project became a beautiful book, fed vintage photos and a tutorial introduction Professor Robert Halleux. Besides the scientific supervision of the work, the House of Metallurgy has developed an exhibition entitled "From pig iron and steel: True Stories." Produced in partnership with the association "unpublished memoirs," the exhibition is also an opportunity to call for evidence on the steel industry. Armando Frassi reminds us that the heritage steel is also small and great stories. As, for example, workers fell into the molten steel which legend has it that the pockets of frozen steel have been deposited in a timber. It crosses former trade unionist John Potier, when it came to close the HF6 Seraing, managed to put it is "mothballed", which allowed its re-ignition in 2008. Another contemporary figure: Francis Degée which, as he put it very ironic, fail in the closure of blast furnaces. He was appointed director in 2003 to close hot peacefully plants: it succeeds only to wake up ... The exhibition runs at the House of Metallurgy, 17 November 2010 to April 15, 2011. Open Monday to Friday from 9 to 17 pm
Trade unions have given a negative opinion on the application unemployment of one to five days for January 2011.Cette request by management to the administration would complement those of November and December 2010, so the same conditions, ie 93% of net earnings. It would, according to management, employees stationed concerned (about 1129 people) "not having to use their paid leave and various counters CET (time account). CGT denounced the process "which is to pay partial unemployment by the taxpayer." The RSO (organic coating line) will be stopped temporarily in Sainte-Agathe. The staff concerned will be offered a use "stable" in other sectors.
ArcelorMittal Fos adopt its blast furnace No. 2 in December. The repair of 100 million euros invested initially in 2009, had been put on hold because of the economic crisis.
EC Meeting 15/11/2010
reads the POWER POINT that management presented this Monday 15 / 11 / 2010 at a special EC. The sentence of the Director of Refrigeration and framework "Polytechnique" French Robin Paulmier: "it will be inventive! "... Especially after all the sacrifices that staff do as well as organizational wage! Mergers
Business Evolution
orders flat carbon products in Northern Europe
• Apparent consumption of the 2nd half of 2010 reflects a cautious approach to buying steel from July. Despite the evaluation of low stock levels, apparent demand in 2011 will match the actual user activity, still under 20% below the 2007 level. Evolution
selling prices of hot coil in Northern Europe
After the price increase achieved in Q3, sales prices are down sharply in Q4 and Q1 2011
Evolution of the euro / dollar
• 20 % loss competitiveness in international markets, very damaging to the Packaging Liege
• Our markets are 20% more attractive to import products made outside the euro zone
Evolution of production costs of the coil Northern Europe
• Higher prices raw material costs weighed heavily on the production of steel.
Meanwhile, the current low level of scrap (from 240 to 270 € / t) makes the power generation industries very competitive with iron chains
In addition, imports of slabs in Europe • Some
foreign steel producers, mainly Russian, export of steel to Europe in the form of slabs.
• For coils, we have always had a quota system limiting imports, but we do not have this system for slabs.
• This new material (slabs) arrives in Europe from areas - especially Russia - which have their own ore, coke and have lower labor costs.
• Since half of our backlog is comprised of amenities (standard steel), we can hardly set the tone and keep the sale price of steel in some areas of Europe - especially the areas most exposed to imports, such as Italy - and this has implications for the entire European market
In summary
• steel demand is low
• selling prices decline
• costs of production increase
• We must reduce our exports of tin
• Focus on value chains and business tools cheapest
stops temporary tools
• In Europe:
- 3 high-
stoves - 1 tin industry
- 4 lines galvanized
- 2 lines RO
• At Liege, planned outage from Q1
- The Packaging sector, including DKP1-T5C
- galvanized lines IV and V
- The paint line 3 • Reallocation of tonnages
- Work underway to improve management of remaining lines
Social Dialogue
• Three essential priorities:
- Protect the safety of our staff and co-contractors working on our sites
- Protecting clients during transfer Book
- Put our facilities in the best conditions for a rapid restart and reduce costs during the shutdown period
• A social dialogue must be opened to identify measures necessary for adjusting benefits to the business.
- 500 jobs are directly concerned, and it will adjust benefits in addition to support functions to avoid degrading the costs of all the tons carried in Liege.
- Proposed measures: economic unemployment, reduction of temporary work, réinternalisation activities, ...
Marcourt: "We must develop a social pact Walloon"
Philip Lawson IIb 16/11/2010 Interview
Marcourt JC (PS) is challenged by global industrial change and its impacts on the economy of Wallonia, including closure in terms of tools and workers on the floor.
What do you think the recent decision by ArcelorMittal to the tools of "cold" to stop?
I can understand this decision by the steel group, for one must be aware of the industrial changes that are played around the world and the fact that Europe has a deficit at this level. But I think obviously the 500 workers who will be affected by this measure ArcelorMittal and I appeal to social dialogue. Engage when the negotiations on the cross (AIP), I think that Wallonia must establish a social pact.
you plead implication for social peace?
No, this is not the same thing. The social pact Walloon demand that I defend the social partners agree on the objectives of economic development in our region. Everyone wants the development of Wallonia, so we need a responsible manner, redouble efforts to accelerate the process. I have had the opportunity to meet with business people and union officials on the subject and I think everybody understands that we must work to develop this great social pact.
What is the European contribution to the development Walloon?
What is good for Europe is as for Wallonia. When you take the major sectors such as pharmaceuticals and steel industry, we realize that Europe is lagging behind to support the development. For this reason I am pleased that the European Commission has tabled in late October, a proposal for a new industrial policy. It is also in this context that my work advocating the Union for innovation. Europe would do better to think she has a lot of aces, but she does not believe in value because of it.
Precisely, the Commission criticizes the Fund's investment Wallonia (CIW) ...
criticism is not about the Fund, but rather on the type of products it will offer companies. The question is whether it will be a strict market operator or whether it will issue financial aid. It would have been easier to make the Fund from the outset, a bank. But there was no consensus at this level within the Executive Walloon. The idea of a public bank is still afraid and it's even more unfortunate if the Municipal Credit remained at its core mission of local government finance, it would not be here today with the crisis.
Would it not have been better to entrust the mission of the CIW to SRIW (Regional Investment Company of Wallonia)?
I'm executing a government decision. The Fund is a technical tool to compensate the Walloon economic tools that we have taken, several million euros to help banks. Nobody asked the question of where we found the 850 million spent to save banks. In addition, the Fund has no staff. I even wonder why a tool, which weighs only 80 million euros, generates as much controversy as to motivate some people to complain to the European Commission.
Today, the opposition in Parliament Walloon MR you a liar ... I thank the member
Ecolo, Manu Disabato, for reminding us that at some point no difference between what I said in the Walloon Parliament and the facts today. The political debate deserves better than being simply a political show-as tends to believe the member R. Pierre-Yves Jeholet who calls me a liar. When the population is facing employment problems, I think stoop to exploit such things as the Fund is not growing debate.
ARCELORMITTAL will pause three blast furnaces
European Dow Jones Newswires 15/11/2010 ArcelorMittal to shut down three of its blast furnaces in Europe in the coming months, due to weak demand.
The group will watch the blast furnace of Fos, France, and its blast furnace Eisenhüttenstadt, Germany, starting in December. ArcelorMittal had previously announced it would also stop one of its blast furnaces in Romania as of November 19. The steelmaker said it would continue to adjust its production in Europe to match the observed weak demand in the region in the fourth quarter of 2010.
ArcelorMittal announced last month, when publishing its third quarter results, its rate of capacity utilization fell to 71% against 78% in the second quarter. In the second quarter, the group paused three of its blast furnaces because of weak demand. In September, 18 of its 25 European blast furnaces were in operation. In December, 15 blast furnaces are in operation. 15/11/2010 ArcelorMittal announced the temporary closure of three blast furnaces. These closures could lead to the development employee layoffs and reductions in working hours, but it should however not be any layoffs.
ArcelorMittal Isbergues what industrial project after the likely split of stainless steel? The
Voix du Nord 15.11.2010Réunies Monday morning's council, the unions Site isberguois ArcelorMittal were invited to advise on the proposed demerger of the steel industry from the rest of the ArcelorMittal board on which direction. All have agreed to say that the sheet metal classic, revived after several months of mothballed, will be penalized again by creating a new entity that is beyond the pale of ArcelorMittal. For unions indeed any industrial project or investment is looming on the horizon Isbergues.
ArcelorMittal announces temporary shutdowns of lines in Liege
ls November 12, 2010 At a meeting with trade unions, and still unofficial pending the planned European works council on Monday, the direction of steelmaker ArcelorMittal Liège announced the temporary shutdown of certain lines of the cold phase. According to union sources, the line of tinplate (API Tilleur), two galvanizing lines in Flémalle and a line of paint Ramet would be affected. The lines would be adopted in the first quarter of 2011 and for an indefinite period. If the information is confirmed, nearly 500 workers concerned and would probably find themselves unemployed economically. Also according to union sources, if the group also is preparing to close three blast furnaces in Europe, the HFB Liege would not be concerned. Obviously, these are economic data, including a decline in demand, which are used by management to explain these temporary closures.
The cold rolling mill in Ghent longer close by year-end
The cold rolling mill and coating line ArcelorMittal Ghent plant closed longer than usual at year end, announced Friday spokesman Company. This is due to weaker fourth quarter and the fact that many customers also keep the door closed. If certain key activities will continue to operate, the cold rolling mill and coating line will remain closed from December 24 at 6:00 am Jan. 3 at the same time, "said spokesman Jean Cornelis ArcelorMittal. The hot phase will run it normally. Of the 4,700 workers at ArcelorMittal Gent, who are assigned to departments closed end of the year will leave or unemployment benefit economically.
ArcelorMittal Liège social tensions still palpable
The social conflict that rocked ArcelorMittal Liège recent months, mainly in October, has a few jolts. So that night, the blast furnace B Ougrée was paralyzed following a one hour problem chipboard sector wages. After discussion, the management has promised to resolve the dispute more quickly, allowing the resumption of work. A short stop then, but it illustrates the difficulty of dialogue within the company. (6com 10/11)
Discontent among the employees of ArcelorMittal
Thirty employees setting of scales back office ArcelorMittal Flémalle symbolically expressed dissatisfaction Tuesday 5 / 11, finishing their day earlier than expected. They call for upward revision of their scales. A meeting with management is scheduled on Wednesday morning. (6com 6 / 11)
The Blast Furnace of Ougrée back to operating
BELGA IIb 24/10/2010 The Blast Furnace B (HFB) ArcelorMittal Ougrée (Seraing) was called into operation in the current night, after all tests had been conducted Saturday. The HFB, the only one of two blast furnaces currently operating from Liège, was been arrested last weekend after a technical hitch, the piercing of a hot air pipe leading to the base of HF.
In total, repairs, testing and re-operation will therefore lasted exactly one week. Despite stopping the supply of liquid iron in the steel, hardly anyone has been laid off during this week off, the company has worked with such stocks.
By cons, union sources estimate that some lines could be cold shutdowns in the middle of next week, suffering the effects of delayed the week off. The outgoing cast
currently HFB not yet sent to the steelworks Chertal: for one or two "breaks", they are first tested to see if the quality is optimal. It was during the afternoon or evening on Sunday that the plant should be fed again
Marcourt (PS) in Russia for Duferco
Jean-Claude Marcourt (PS), announced its intention to visit in November, Russia to defend the cause of the settlements in Clabecq Duferco La Louviere and Charleroi. These sites are operated in joint venture with the Russian group and Duferco Novolopetsk, but it should normally take total control of the whole. Which casts doubt on the survival of Carsid (Marcinelle) and even the site of La Louviere. (The Echo - 23/10)
Liege: ArcelorMittal does not block (that much) the Trilogiport
ArcelorMittal denies block the proposed multimodal platform Trilogiport. The steelmaker reiterated its support for the project "as it does not represent an additional cost for our operation," said Etienne Botton, a spokesman for ArcelorMittal Liege. Meetings are ongoing between the steel and the Port of Liège to reconcile points of view. (La Libre - 23/10)
ArcelorMittal: Standard and Poor's lowered the rating to "BBB-" 02/11/2010 Standard & Poor's lowered by one notch to "BBB-" rating assigned to the ArcelorMittal, due to uncertainties weighing on improving the Group's operating results. The grade "BBB-" which carries a stable outlook, is one notch above the category of speculative investments. S & P has decided to drop this note because "the prospects for further improvement in operating results of ArcelorMittal and its credit situation is more uncertain." The recovery, which was evident on the steel market in recent quarters, seems to have stalled and, in addition, pressure on margins because of higher raw material costs. Accordingly, "the steelmakers are facing tighter margins and growth prospects for 2011 just dull," says S & P. Phased out of the violent crisis that hit the steel industry in 2009, ArcelorMittal has however warned Tuesday that its operating performance should again slow down a quarter on the other end of the year as global demand for steel remained low sustained.
ArcelorMittal pessimistic for its fourth quarter
Reuters 11/03/2010 ArcelorMittal expects a fourth quarter well below expectations due to anemic demand, prices falling and a rise in commodity prices. Analysts had expected a modest improvement on the contrary accounts. "What emerges from this is the weakness in demand is expected to continue in the fourth quarter of this year," said chief financial officer, Aditya Mittal. The action ArcelorMittal abandoned at 5.48% to 23.65 euros on the Paris Bourse, which was the largest drop in the CAC 40. At this price level, the title lost 26.5% since the beginning of the year and more than 30% from its peak in April. AM stated that deliveries would increase slightly, as average selling prices of steel would be lower than the third quarter and that the costs of coal and iron ore would be higher. "In the third quarter, the company achieved a performance close to our lowest expectations in a context of declining volumes for seasonal reasons, a slowdown in physical market price and higher costs," Lakshmi Mittal said.
"Our outlook for the fourth quarter remains cautious as the expected rise in input costs Production will continue to impact and demand will remain sluggish, however, differences according to region, "said Aditya Mittal. He said world demand should increase by 6% next year, according to forecasts from the World Association steel, after rising 13% this year. ArcelorMittal said its EBITDA would be 1.5 to 1.9 billion dollars (1.07 to 1.36 billion euros) in the fourth quarter, down 25% from the third quarter. Consensus Reuters gives 2.4 billion dollars. The EBITDA for the third quarter was $ 2.27 billion, down 25% the third quarter of 2009 but above the consensus was 2.26 billion.
The steel sector, which weighs 500 billion, has benefited in the second quarter with a strong automotive sector and a booming demand in China, both of which have been well mitigated. The price of coal and iron ore have also increased, but not those of steel. In China, the total demand, with the effects of storage and release, contracted in the third quarter as a result of monetary tightening, even if economic growth and effective demand remains fundamentally solids. ArcelorMittal reported a lower rate of capacity utilization to 71% in the third quarter, against 78% in the second. He said that the rate would remain at about that level over the last three months of the year, albeit with a slight increase in shipments. The rate of capacity utilization does not improve is a big black spot, "said Ingo-Martin Schachel, analyst at Commerzbank, adding that investors are troubled by the lack of visibility to an improvement in the first quarter of 2011. "It seems negative estimates for 2010 and 2011," he said.
Competitors such as POSCO and Nucor have already published results below expectations in the third quarter, the first reviewing its 2010 targets downward, while the second has warned against an uncertain environment. U.S. Steel, which also published its accounts on Tuesday for his part reported a reduced loss in the third quarter - down to $ 51 million against 303 million a year earlier - but noted that his business had slowed in most of its markets over the second quarter.
NINE YEARS AFTER HIS REDEMPTION Algerian state wants to resume ArcelorMittal
November 3, 2010 The complex would be in the palm ArcelorMittal wave. It is far from achieving the expected performance in terms of investment and increased production.
This, notwithstanding the terms of the partnership agreement signed in 2001 with the Algerian government. "There are only a part of this agreement has been respected," said Chairman and CEO of the Company's management of state shareholdings, (GSP Trans-sold). "The fate of the delicate question concerning the renewal of this agreement or not, depends entirely on the evaluation of the implementation of that agreement," stressed the official said. However, according the latter, ArcelorMittal can not control the management process because he had not made adequate investments.
In fact, the contract signed in 2001 includes a lot of advantages in favor of this group.
addition he has not fulfilled its commitments regarding the rehabilitation of the hot zone or coke, ArcelorMittal did not respond to market needs in terms of production, agree Smaïn Kouadria, general secretary union, and the first head of the Algerian partner Cosider. In the opinion of this union, this group, "waiting to see if these benefits Tax and import will be renewed at the forthcoming negotiations. " Meanwhile, "he quietly closes some units and preparing a social or downsizing," he adds. As a reminder, the partnership agreement that binds ArcelorMittal (main shareholder at 70%) in group Cosider Algerian public (minority shareholder at 30%) expires in October 2011. It
Cosider who is required to ensure compliance with this contract by the Indian group. The head of this group said yesterday that "a situation update on the Association Agreement will be developed in a few days." Accusing the management of the company not to respond to complaints and claims included in the platform of the complex demands of workers, Smaïn Kouadria hopes that this deadline, the Algerian state exercises the right of preemption: "We call on the Algerian state to become majority shareholder with a 51% minimum capital of ArcelorMittal Algeria. "The secretary general of the company union recognizes that at present," the Algerian state controls nothing . So he asks that governments have a right to control as this is stipulated in the supplementary budget law last year. This will, however, the State have a right to review management actions because at the moment, it only has observer status. "
Arcelormittal: an outsourcing project "high risk " 10/11/10 The CFE-CGC has arrested Davinder Chugh, the Directorate General of ArcelorMittal, on the proposed outsourcing IT Infrastructure Group - PCs, servers, mainframes, networks ... - in Europe.
This project would involve 484 employees, including 154 in France. The vast majority of them are called to be transferred from one or other of the two currently used in SSII short list: American Indian CSC and HCL. This would build on Atos Origin to part mainframes. The removal of 140 positions within three years would also evoked.
A worst-case scenario that condemns Emile Hibon (CFE-CGC), secretary of the Works. "The expert commissioned by the EC French showed that 20% of earnings announced by the two sub-contractors can not be achieved by dumping commercial selling at a loss. "All the bench marks made by Compass or Gartner have always, as the staff representative, well positioned inside the computer against major international IT services company.
Turnover, loss of key skills
By creating a high turnover and loss of key skills, outsourcing operation would, moreover, pose risks of deterioration in the quality of service. The proper functioning of the same plants may be weakened.
"Certain applications are critical. If no one within four hours on some servers who are coughing, a plant may stop. Only local skills know precisely where the machines and network connections in schools that are sometimes several miles long, "says Emile Hibon.
Therefore the CFE-CGC has proposed an alternative scenario management outsourcing, based on harmonization of internal resources. "We recognize that actions of internal mobility or retraining, may be considered to remain competitive. At the option of mergers - Sollac / Usinor, Arcelor / Mittal - the teams have already demonstrated their ability to question themselves. "
With the crisis, the computer group would also have paid a heavy price: voluntary departure of 120 IT professionals and breach of contract for 300 claimants.
Postponed twice already, the decision to outsource the IT infrastructure could be announced early December. In the meantime, actions could occur. An Inter-border (France, Belgium, Spain) was formed, resulting in a strike unit last October 25.
Arcelormittal is not at its first outsourcing operation with, it seems, a preference for companies Indian services. Accounting has been given a year ago at Wipro, and the group concluded in 2008 a framework agreement with Mahindra and Satyam Mindtree. However, an attempt to outsource the workstation have overturned. "One study showed that the internal computer was cheaper by 35%," observes Emile Hibon.
When the memory is a steel heritage
ls 17/11 Where in my area - Lorraine - steel plants have closed, the state has pursued the policy of the tabula rasa. With the help of the unions who saw the Steel Heritage Preservation a contradiction with the primary objective: the workers' struggle. Result: a whole section of the industrial and social history has been forgotten. "The fact is Sylvia Dessi, photographer and son of a laborer who, from 1978 to the '90s was an amateur, immortalized amount of" last moments "of the Lorraine steel industry. "In Liege, you still have the chance to have an activity ..."
This, we must not repeat twice Armando Fassi, an amateur photographer of Seraing. For ten years he accumulated clichés of "his" steel. "Stitches in Time, I met with former workers who told me this amount of memories that led me to make a collection of testimonies. "With support from the publisher Gérard Klopp and House of Metallurgy, Liege, the project became a beautiful book, nourished by period photographs and an introduction by Professor Robert Halleux teaching on the history of Steel Liege.
Besides supervising scientific work, the House of Metallurgy has developed an exhibition entitled "From pig iron and steel: True Stories." "Because heritage is as much a matter of tools, buildings and objects as evidence of workers. From worker to manager through the foreman, "said Pascal Lefevre, director of the House of Metallurgy.
film in praise of the new rolling mills-Longdoz Hope, the name of a worker marked with nails on the handle of his shovel, shoe steelmaker ... Around some symbolic objects, the exhibition convenes evidence collected by Armando Frassi to evoke the world of steel.
Produced in partnership with the association "Memoirs Untold which collects and saves movies of amateurs, exposure is also an opportunity to call for evidence on the steel industry.
Whether the deposition of films, photos or stories that will enrich the intangible heritage. ■ When you think PHILIPPEBODEUX
heritage steel Liege, is believed to furnace, wagons pockets torpedoes. In its way, Armando Frassi reminds us that heritage is also made of steel
small and great stories. As, for example, workers fell into the molten steel which legend has it that the pockets of frozen steel have been deposited in a timber. The images of hell, monster even witches pasted to the industry that feeds an area sometimes and sometimes killed by the task number of workers. Testimonials
burns molten steel, praised the wooden shoe to prevent overheating or immersion in chip shops and cafes that have drenched the workers: 21 workers tell their steel industry.
It crosses the former trade unionist John Potier, when it came to close the HF6 Seraing, managed to put it is "mothballed", which allowed its re-ignition in 2008. Another contemporary figure: Francis Degée which, as he said so very ironic, fail in the closure of blast furnaces.
He was appointed director in 2003 to close hot peacefully plants: it succeeds only to wake up ... ■ Ph.Bx
fonts and steel around Liège, Armando Frassi Gérard Klopp editor, 48 euros. From
fonts and steel: stories
The exhibition runs at the House of Metallurgy, 17 November 2010 to April 15, 2011. Open Monday to Friday from 9 to 17 pm Saturday and Sunday, open from April 1 to October 31 in 14-18 h. Closed holidays. Admission: 5 euros.
Florange: A break ArcelorMittal
The Republican Lorraine 11.17.2010 Trade unions have given a negative opinion on Tuesday during the committee for establishing the site of Florange ArcelorMittal, at the request of unemployment of one to five days for January 2011 . The request made by management with the administration would complement those of November and December 2010, so the same conditions, ie 93% of net earnings. This partial unemployment will only be used for the first days of January where the lines have not yet restarted. It would, according to management, employees stationed concerned (about 1129 people) to " not having to use their various counters PC (paid leave), CET (time account), etc.. "says the CFE CGC. The CGT
immediately denounced the process "which is to pay partial unemployment by the taxpayer." In addition, the group's management confirmed the installation stops in Europe, notably in Liège, to pace the right tools to slower demand for steel. Finally, the RSO (organic coating line) will be a settled temporarily in Sainte-Agathe. The staff concerned may be received by the management of human resources for a job be offered "stable" in other sector, at the first sign of weakness in the backlog.
ArcelorMittal Fos invests 100 million euros in its blast furnace No. 2 17/11/2010 Faced with a sluggish economy, the mill's blast furnace stops No. 2 and used it to renovate it. The site, which will begin in May 2011, will employ 1,000 subcontractors per day and sustain the site for 20 years.
The crisis, pointing the tip of his nose in 2010, just to confirm. Economic conditions, a decline in orders for the end of the year that require the ArcelorMittal website Fos to finalize its blast furnace No. 2 in the month of December. "We are taking steps to adapt to market conditions, said Carlos Espina, director of ArcelorMittal Mediterranean. Yes, we stop a facility, but we use this period to move forward on a very important project for the site of Fos" . This project is the rehabilitation of blast furnace No. 2, arrived in late life. Initially planned in 2009, he was put in brackets because of the economic crisis. A colossal project, which will begin in May 2011 and be completed in September. 100 million euros invested, 1000 subcontractors hired, Carlos Espina does not hide his optimism about the future of the industrial site. "This is a site that guarantees its survival for the next twenty years at least." It will also increase the production capacity of the site. Richard Gasquez, staff representative CFDT, is more moderate: "This investment is owed to us since 2008 so we will not jump into the air. And it will help to perpetuate one of the tools of the production chain, and one ". Due to the shutdown of the blast furnace No. 2, nearly half of employees will experience two days of unemployment by the end of the year.
Pending end of construction, the first blast furnace that will provide all of the cast steel. In September, the site will be ready to fulfill orders from customers when the economy recovers. "I hope in the course of 2011, prospecting the director, the economy is currently weak, but the trend is ending the crisis."
Duferco mired in unemployment economic
Philip Lawson IIb 19/11/2010 After an initial period of long duration of 18 months that expires at the end of this year, and its Russian partner Duferco Novolipetsk (NLMK), within the JV FIS poised to make a new application of the same order. "We got an agreement on this in council and the aim is that this new period of long-term unemployment for workers starting on 1 January 2011. But we are not obliged to go to the end of 18 months, "told us Wednesday Roggerini Alessandro, Director of Human Resources FIS during a visit facilities in Lipetsk Novolipetsk (350 km south of Moscow). This new measure is imposed by the conditions and order situation, which does not always take off. Suddenly, the blast furnace (HF) Carsid - stationary since November 11, 2008 - should be kept dormant for several months. Its revival will be the agenda unless the application is rising again and will require an investment below 20 million euros paid by ArcelorMittal to turn one of its two HF Liege. The measurement of unemployment is expected long-term economic affect about 850 workers Carsid. For the workers involved, the impact of the measure leads to a wage reduction of close to 20%. Alessandro
Roggerini Duferco states that does not disengage from its facilities in Belgium (especially in Wallonia) on short notice. The agreement Incorporation of FIS signed in 2006 stipulates that both partners assess the situation after 4 years and at the end of this term, NLMK to buy the 50% stake Duferco. But the crisis has changed things. "Duferco will not leave by the end of the year. The two partners work together with the Walloon Region to find a solution to save the Belgian steel industry. One possibility is that the joint venture to continue its mission" he said.
But according to our colleagues' Mergermarket, the demise of the partnership within the FIS is also envisaged with the key asset allocation between Duferco and NLMK. About 80% of assets Russia would go against 20% for Duferco. And, according to Bruno Bolfo, CEO of Duferco citing "Mergermarket" NLMK is more interested in buying mills (Clabecq, cold mill and hot mill at La Louviere) than in the HF (Carsid). NLMK hopes to reach a decision by mid-December. However, according to Mr. Roggerini, partnership with NLMK was a good decision because it is thanks to the Russian group that Duferco is still present in Belgium today. Since 2007, the two partners said they spent about one billion euros (50/50) tools managed by FIS, including some 380 million investment in various sites based in the United States, Italy and Belgium, the rest of the funds were used to rebalance the accounts. "Duferco could not have made investments alone. We lost almost 400 million euros in 2009 and this year 2010, we will lose about 100 million. It is through measures to reduce costs and production achieved in 2010 following the orders of 2009 we were able to reduce the loss, "he concedes. Moreover, because of the shutdown of the HF Carsid is providing NLMK steel slabs in La Louviere. Among the investments
Belgium is in particular the new production line of high value-added steel (quenched and tempered steel, abrasion resistant steel) to Clabecq. The new line will be operational by the end of first quarter 2011 and Duferco will be included in the restricted circle of the five steel companies producing steel resistant to abrasion.
FIS employs approximately 5,000 people (one thousand U.S., 300 in Italy, 600 in France and about 3200 in Belgium). The Belgian workforce is as follows: a thousand workers at Carsid, 1500 La Louviere, 600 to Clabecq Jemappes 50 to 80 to Tildonk (in Trebos Flanders) and about 120 people in Manage (Manage Steel Center, where the workforce will be reduced to nearly 50 people in late 2011).
Novolipetsk, a Russian giant to the rescue of the Walloon steel industry
Ph. Law. (In Lipetsk). 19/11/2010 IIb He wants to be anchored in Belgium close to its European customers. It glorifies the Belgian know-how and quality tools.
arrived in Belgium in 2006 through a partnership with Duferco within FIS, Novolipetsk (NLMK) is an actor unknown to the Belgian public. Hence the trip organized by the two partners to become better acquainted with one of the giant steelmakers Russia. Because its leaders intend to use our country as a bridgehead to conquer the market. "It is important for us to have assets in Belgium to be closer to our European customers and Belgium. Belgium is geographically the center of Europe, it therefore offers considerable advantages in terms of logistics and distribution network. Belgian staff expertise and assets are quality, "explains Anton Bazulev, Director of External Relations of NLMK. The group's leaders have strong ambitions to invest in Wallonia, as their industrial strategy is to have efficient production tools to supply the market in quality steels. Also, the group invests an average of 400 million euros per year to improve the performance tools. Since 1999 he has invested about $ 6 billion in its tools and plans to spend another 2 to 3 billion by 2012. His support base
, developed in Lipetsk, a city of nearly half a million people to 350 km south of Moscow, is an example of political modernization tools. Stretching over about 28 km2 area, the site produced a total of approximately 8.5 million tons of steel per year. It's a real city hosting several workshops and steel plants. It includes all elements of a quasi-integrated steel: coke, steel mills, sintering plants, rolling mills, galvanizing unit, paint lines, research center and 5 blast furnace (HF) of a total production of 9.1 million tons of iron annually. The most important of these is the HF6 that displays alone, with a capacity of 2.9 million tons of iron annually. A few slag him stands the HF7, a behemoth that will dethrone the HF6 after its commissioning in 2011 with a capacity of 3.4 million tonnes per year. NLMK will also open next year a central electrothermal that will produce electricity through the secondary gas recovery facilities. "The environment remains our priority. Our investment in this area have allowed us to reduce our emissions by 33%, which saves us today to purchase CO2 quotas. Furthermore, we have no specific discharges in the river near Voronezh, "says Alexey Dagman, responsible" development and ecology. " Lipetsk occupies 50% of 62 800 workers account NLMK in total. With producton total of 10.6 million tonnes of steel in 2009, he was the fourth Russian producer.
With its self-sufficiency in coke and iron ore, it produces its slabs at an advantageous cost price: 240 € -250 € per tonne of steel in Russia against almost 500 € in Carsid, while the market price of 380 € -410 € per tonne. This does not bode well for the recovery of HF Carsid ...
Novolipetsk Steel will charm the Walloons
ls 19/11 Alexander Anatolivitch Petrakov work at Novolipetsk Steel (NMLK) ... as 34,000 people in Lipetsk, an industrial city of 500,000 people located in south-east of Moscow, where it is said that at least one quarter population depends on this giant steel partner for 4 years Duferco in Belgium. Almost everything, in Lipetsk, breathes steel. Until name of the hotel - "Metallurg" - which houses the few journalists invited to get acquainted with this group, owned by oligarch Vladimir Lissine, whose fortune is estimated at 20 billion.
The timing is not insignificant: NMLK, which employs 63,000 people in total and is looming, with a production of 11 million tons of steel last year, as the 4th Russian steelmaker, is in advanced discussions with the Duferco about Walloon sites Carsid La Louviere and Clabecq.
The challenge? 3,200 jobs, including over a thousand around the blast furnace Carsid in Marcinelle in off from two years because of the crisis. Together equally in a joint venture ("FIS"), NLMK and Duferco discuss three options: the extension of their agreement, the purchase of shares by Duferco NMLK would become sole master tools Walloon, or division of assets - which would mean the end of the integrated steel industry in the basin ... Carolo
Carsid The future?
In Lipetsk, the strategy of Russian steel in Wallonia is emerging more clearly. The group, which has its own iron ore, turns on a site of 28 square kilometers ... no less than 5 blast furnace, which will add
a sixth by 2012 - the mastodon spit 3.4 million tonnes per year. NMLK ad'autant less need of blast furnace steel Carsid that he produced in quantity in Russia is half the price per tonne. "It would take a very strong increase in sales prices for Carsid again become competitive," says one slide in NMLK. The Russian group, producer of slab (semis), does however not enough facilities downstream of its blast furnaces. About half of its tonnage is sold as is, while the value added is won on the finish-rolled coil (automotive, for example). At this Walloon level as tools of interest: Clabecq, which produces special steel plate, and La Louviere, who rolled plate having a portion is then coated in France, are part of the assets to the management of which he intends to position itself as an operator Walloniecomme reliable, robust and well managed.
This pattern is also one that works for two years: the slabs that feed La Louviere and Clabecq are sent directly from Russia, given the cessation of production of Carsid.
And in this "downstream Walloon" as the two partners have focused their recent investments, including 120 million in Clabecq new rolling line of high-strength sheet. It is within this context that negotiations heat and rustle rumors. NLMK La Louviere and Clabecq wants, but he still wants Carsid? Duferco said certainly seller but at what cost? And the Walloon government, under pressure from unions, accepting there to mourn the hot phase of Carsid? ■ JULY BENEDICT
ARCELORMITTAL: bond investment of 1 billion euros
AOF19/11/10 ArcelorMittal announced the completion of a bond issue bearing interest at 4.625%, maturing on November 17, 2017 amounting to one billion euros. "The proceeds from the offering will be used to refinance indebtedness of the company and the lengthening of maturity." The settlement of this issue took place on Thursday. The bonds were issued by drawing against the Euro Medium Term Notes of the company from a $ 3 billion. They have been a private placement with institutional investors.