NetbuLL 393> PTB CS lg (ArcelorMittal) 22:10. 2010
In this netbull:
IT departments of the steel group ArcelorMittal Liège and Charleroi will be on strike Monday to mark their opposition to a proposed outsourcing of certain services European IT ArcelorMittal, announced Friday a joint statement from the front-SETCa CNE. If this project leads the direction, 484 European jobs would be outsourced. Arcelor
Trilogiport blocks. The group currency very expensive use of the railway on its site Chertal. It also access conditions so harsh that it threatens the commercial management.
Workers ArcelorMittal Châtelet have agreed Monday 18/10, after 21 days of strike, the draft agreement that their unions had negotiated with management the day before. The workers demanded a pay rise to compensate for lost wages following the adoption of a new organization of work. A recruitment plan includes a commitment of several interim.
Text of the agreement of October 11, 2010 ArcelorMittal Liège.
Strike IT services to ArcelorMittal October 25 Belga October 22, 2010 IT departments of the steel group ArcelorMittal Liège and Charleroi will be on strike Monday to mark their opposition to a proposed outsourcing some of ArcelorMittal European IT services, announced Friday a joint statement from the front-SETCa CNE. If this project leads the direction, 484 European jobs would be outsourced and eventually taken over by corporate providers or American Indian, warns union common front, stressing that "for Liege and Charleroi, 21 people are impacted by this approach. "At the last European works council, and after the disastrous experience of accounting, we scored our steadfast refusal to any outsourcing" a reminder of the unions. Specifically, one-day strike will take place in the computer services giant steel in Flémalle and Mont-sur-Marchienne (Charleroi), Monday, Oct. 25. Workers in other departments of the group are invited to support the motion, which could lead to work stoppages point in the other departments of ArcelorMittal. Strikes are also planned in other European sites in France and Spain. (LEE) Reuters 10/22/2010 The union CFE-CGC ArcelorMittal on Friday called for a strike in France and Belgium on October 25 to protest against plans to outsource IT activities of the European number one Global steel industry. According to the CFE-CGC, the main trade union group for this activity, the outsourcing project involves about 500 employees in Europe with 150 people in France, mainly in Dunkerque (Nord). The decision on outsourcing of business and its new location must be taken by the end of the year. ArcelorMittal announced in mid-September a new plan to save two billion dollars by 2012, which adds to the already saved three billion since the start of the financial crisis, mainly through downsizing.
Arcelor blocks Trilogiport
Philip Lawson IIb 22/10/2010 Trilogiport is again facing a major challenge. It concerns the connection of the railway platform. This must be done by passing the site of ArcelorMittal Chertal and using the railroad which owns the steel company. To this end, an agreement must be signed between the Autonomous Port of Liège (PAL), prime contractor for the project Trilogiport, the Walloon Region, subsidizing authority, and ArcelorMittal.
A first draft convention submitted by the steel group with its partners has elicited comments from the dealers of the future multimodal platform. They felt that access conditions suffered from certain limitations. Having expressed their concerns to the group of Lakshmi Mittal, they hoped that it review its position, especially as it may also benefit from the infrastructure Trilogiport. But now that ArcelorMittal is very greedy financially for the use of their infrastructure. Witness the new text of agreement that sent them. The point was even mentioned at the last Board of Directors of PAL. "We see the reading of this text a tightening of access that makes it very random use of the railway of ArcelorMittal Liège Trilogiport users. In addition, the financial claims are important and ArcelorMittal ArcelorMittal also requires the abandonment to his benefit posed by the railway SPW (Note: regional administration), "we read in the minutes of the meeting of the Board of Directors held on September 22.
In the document we have learned, there are reports of disagreement dealers and leaders of the port. For companies CETIM / GSD, the conditions imposed by ArcelorMittal are inconsistent with sound commercial and economic security and legal minimum expected by industrial operators. For the limited company Trilogiport Terminal, ArcelorMittall constraints in the proposed agreement are so large that they do it permit "to ensure quality service and ensure customer deadlines." SA WDP also show his opposition to the text.
interlocutors we contacted refused to give an idea of financial ambitions of ArcelorMittal. The managing director of PAL, Michael Lamotte (UNHRC) has indicated that negotiations would be initiated to clarify the situation with ArcelorMittal. The board of administration has decided to seek the intervention of the Walloon Government for this purpose.
Where ArcelorMittal would not see his position, a path independent rail is considered. "An impact study would be required with the key, obtaining a new license," they say. Moreover, it would increase the cost of the project Trilogiport. Currently, the total investment amounts to approximately 155 million euros, 115 million contributed by private partners (Euroports, Dubai Ports World, etc..) And 40 million from the public. It aims to develop
120 hectares for various industries: container terminal logistics area of European distribution centers, etc.. Proponents point out that Trilogiport should result in the creation of 2000 new jobs and enhance the potential for transfer to the Walloon waterways. "Trilogiport Liege is a challenge that we face. This is a major opportunity for the economic restructuring of Liege and contribute positively to the future of Wallonia," said Willy Demeyer recently, Mayor of Cork and chairman of the board administration of PAL
Resumption of work at ArcelorMittal - Chatelet 18.10.10 The work will resume on Monday afternoon at Arcelor-Mittal, former Carinox at Chatelet. Unions and management reached Sunday afternoon to an agreement after three weeks to strike. The agreement was presented this Monday morning meeting with workers. This agreement provides for the hiring of more temporary and various financial compensation.
Remember, the workers at the site of Chatelet étaitent twentieth day of their strike. at several general meetings, they had overwhelmingly rejected the draft agreement negotiated between unions and management since the beginning of the week. This time the new management proposals were convinced.
ArcelorMittal return to work for workers Châtelet October 18, 2010 ArcelorMittal workers have Châtelet - not surprisingly - agreed on Monday morning the draft agreement that their unions had negotiated with management the day before. The text resumes with the unions, all the claims they made. It gives them the most desired budget to meet the wage conditions of all workers from the site of Chatelet.
Work resumed after the meeting. According to unions, management relented following the new refusal Friday in the latest draft agreement. The site managers were then reviewed their positions and agreed to validate the claims of the workers, said Eric Bonjean, Senior Associate FGTB.
reminder, the workers had demanded a salary increase to compensate for lost wages they have suffered several months ago following the adoption, in times of crisis, a new organization of work. They carried this claim before the constitution in a few months of a spin-off covering all activities of the steel group ArcelorMittal.
After the general meeting on Monday morning, work resumed on the site, after 21 days on strike. Production should start as early as Monday evening. ArcelorMittal's management Châtelet welcomed the agreement. The site managers have insisted on certain aspects of the agreement: the wage rises, you want to offset the loss of purchasing power of workers and the recruitment plan, which includes a commitment next several intérimaires.Les amounts invested in these measures n were not disclosed. Both sides preferred to remain discreet about it.
ArcelorMittal Liège-Agreement of 11 October 2010.
1. Employment Policy Employment Policy
a) is part of the requirements defined in the Agreement of 18 February 2010 on restarting the liquid phase and completes the job already carried out 05/01/2010 a hundred temporary
b) must take into account the necessary upgrading of IOC in the enterprise became or will become surplus due to the continuous improvement of productivity (eg due to the implementation Speed Up site plan) and / or result of investments made or to achieve
c) should incorporate the principles of outsourcing which are: • The
outsourcing projects should help optimize the management of personnel and organizations and facilitate the reclassification.
• The outsourcing projects will be reviewed in consultation with staff representatives.
• In some cases where content outsourcing technical functions is low, the Department retains the right to review these agreements for outsourcing in the future and for temporary periods of Mantere to return, if necessary, the activities concerned and the associated jobs, and thus able to assign a possible redundancy of these functions.
The 5 criteria considered when outsourcing are and will be reviewed in full transparency with staff representatives:
• Standard core business: no outsourcing of strategic activity that is in the heart of business steel
• Economic criteria: outsourcing should bring a "plus" demonstrated economic, immediate or medium term, operating costs or the economy through investment.
• Criterion reliability / durability: axternaliser for a partner, a check made it technically credible to the intended activity, and he is also vis-à-vis the rule of law and rules social matters. • Criterion
social impact ArcelorMittal Liège: the impact will be evaluated equal numbers and means will be implemented to ensure relevant staff training to ensure their integration into their new workplace.
• Standard security: the partner must adhere to specific safety policy in force within the company and uphold its principles.
1. 1. Treatment of temporary population present 01.10.2010
A population includes all CSD and interim present in ArcelorMittal Liege 01.10.2010 and occupying a structural function, except: •
reinforcements vacation / training / Sickness •
CDD Back
PP were considered as structural features necessary for the industrial model of a blast furnace in Liège and a level of activity to absorb changes in controls and not affected by job cuts identified to date.
Subject to validation of individual cases by a joint committee, including a positive assessment by the hierarchy, are engaged in a permanent contract at the date of signing of the agreement: temporary
101 including all benefits ArcelorMittal Liège is 3 years (= 1095 days). The parties must still agree on the duration of interruption that would be an exclusion criterion for the period delivery before the interruption. (Ex: input-output in 2000
2003-back in 2010: except for interruption of 7 years).
If necessary based on business requirements, internal mobility and changes in trade, supported by any necessary training will be organized to enable the best use of our Commission and, if needed the company, our temporary. This rule
the case of temporary affected by this paragraph until 30/04/2011. On 05/01/2011, the parties will make a new assessment of the situation of temporary here today, whatever the function exercised, and which have not been involved in CDI that date.
1.2. Implementation of the policy manual from Liege AM 1/10/2010
criteria defined in the employment policy aimed at increasing the level of skills necessary for the evolution of the steel business
Hiring Criteria: As a priority
Level A 1 / A2 with technical guidance
certificate good conduct medical check
declaring the ability
Testing complete USMR
favorable favorable opinion from a requesting department
Hiring Process
interim contract for functions of art (see § 1.c) and structural shift in CDD
after 6 month interim evaluation if positive hierarchical
passage CDI considered after 2 years if CSD hierarchical evaluation positive aspect Security, Skills, Behavior, Absenteeism For functions
TECHNICAL sharp, depending on the state of the labor market, the company gives the possibility to define an appropriate hiring process.
This policy is reflected in the Commission's commitment of 32 persons at the time of signing the agreement.
The future implementation of the policy will be followed every 6 months through job boards taking into account the changing needs streucturels Company and its business planning. Back
Early retired back in the company and occupied by CSD to satisfy most structural function. The expiry of their tenure in the company is set according to their wishes.
Their departure will result in a passage for a temporary Commission already present or by a direct replacement or a bypass.
To replace early retirees,
- the date of signing of the agreement, in advance, 21 temporary satisfying the conditions of employment during 2011 will receive a permanent contract.
To end October 2010, 34 temporary currently present will be identified by the hierarchy, and have a guaranteed contract until the CSD of CDI associated with early retirement departures.
investment plan investments (expenditures in 2010 = 29 Million €) is validated to date, namely:
Coke: Automating the charging
Coke: Coke Gas Desulfurization
Kessales: replacement of the furnace RC
Ramet: incinerator LP2
Ramet: RO 7 Galva Combiline
Tilleur: Revamping Workshop
Cylinders Flémalle: DEMATT
Industrial Safety Automated doors
These investments will need to redeploy affected staff to other duties.
For 2011, investment projects are under study, the main ones the Energy Project and the implementation of the coating technology by plasma vacuum Kessales.
3. Maintenance tools
Management reaffirms its commitment to maintaining the tools to a suitable level of performance.
One way to achieve this goal will be the implementation of WCM '(World Class Manufacturing), the first step is to put tools in the standard state. The financial resources required will be affected in this process. A deployment schedule will be presented to trade unions in October 2010
4. Security Agreement
Pay Convention, 2004, starting on 1/24/2003 and ends on 30/06/2010 was adopted under the proposed closure of the hot phase in Liège.
At the request of trade unions, it has been extended by three months.
Transitionally, the provisions of Convention 2004 are extended until 10/31/2012. However
payment of the guarantee will only be in the form of a monthly SRI, the system is the IUR abandoned.
Before 11/01/2012, the parties agree to apply provisions in respect of guarantees pay from that date.
5. FEL
Extract from the Minutes of the Board of Directors of the FEL, 9 September 2010:
"After several discussions on the subject, the Board of Directors decided to set up a meeting as soon as possible in the presence of experts. These will be designated by the trade unions and management. The objective of this group will share the assumptions
encrypted and identify possible solutions to erase the increase of € 24 million social provisions. "
6. Social functioning
The parties make the determination that the social climate therefore requires joint working aimed at improving social functioning in the long term. For this purpose, an external support will be sought.
Within this social functioning improved desired by the signatory parties, any implementation related to our social policies will be preceded by consultations with social partners.
Made Flémalle, October 11, 2010.
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