Sunday, October 17, 2010

What Is The Strongest Type Of Wooden Bats

NetbuLL 392> PTB CS lg (ArcelorMittal) 10/16/2010

In this netbull:
management and workers' unions ArcelorMittal Liège have signed a 12/10 agreement which provides social including indefinite period of 154 temporary workers. For others, an evaluation will take place every six months to judge the staff necessary for the proper functioning of the company. The 2004 convention, which guarantees the same pay to workers who would be displaced, will be renewed for two years, the time for both parties to work on a new text. By cons, it gets stuck in employees.

Egidio turn downhill DI PANFILO Secretary General SETCa-Liege: "With a profit of 1.3 billion, ArcelorMittal Belgium has paid 500 € tax in 2009 The notional interest make Belgium a luxury tax haven. Today, the measure is costing the state nearly $ 5 billion €. Without returning to the community. "

The downturn expected ArcelorMittal Atlantic for the last two quarters confirms. The Dunkirk plant currently only runs at 70% load. ... Without comparison, certainly, with the crisis of 2009 (50%), but this has still led management to ask employees to settle their counters leave before the end of the year (three days off to them by example was imposed in September). HP Orsoni explanation: "Today the economy is more ring before and it could last another two or three years. " He recalls the large investments being made, including the construction of the DC 21 and the HF2, currently stalled "received to work for sustainability." Response Philippe Collet (CGT): "Who says that once renovated, these plants will restart? And what about the train continues to warm? It is urgent to invest because it no longer meets today's expectations. "

Unions OGBL LCGB and have met with management of ArcelorMittal Luxembourg. In late 2008, they had agreed terms Lux2011. According to R. Kapuscinsky of OGBL in a context of recovery in Sawtooth steel production in Luxembourg is the "low economic" identified in the plan Lux2011. In this case, it would reduce staff by 485 positions cons 392 in a better situation. "We still surpass the number of 150 set in the event of an economic low Kapuscinsky Raymond concedes. We will set up a committee to look at whether it is necessary to reduce staff. "

Arcelor-Mittal will resume with the Ukrainian government negotiations. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has promised that there would be no re-privatization of the steel plant and the property rights of broader foreign investor in the Ukrainian economy remain intact.

The strike continues at Arcelor Mittal Châtelet
mail Germain M>>> They had two major victories this week. Last Wednesday a meeting was held to decide whether to continue the strike has given the progress in negotiations. Workers felt that the salary advances were too low and have voted to continue the strike hands. The management has therefore called for the conciliation and demanded the holding of a referendum by secret ballot. It was certain that the strike was on people she saw at stake.
The turnout of the referendum was 85%. 68% of voters opted for the continuation of a strike. This is a great victory for workers and trade unionists of the company. It is therefore in a strong position that the workers of Arcelor-Châtelet in their fourth week of strike.
Solidarity is always heartwarming but it is understood that it is now more essential than ever. Workers and representatives of the company called to other areas, other businesses, other implementations of steel and metal marking solidarity vis-à-vis their movement. Visits to posts and any other act of solidarity are very welcome.
Another indispensable tool is to talk about the strike everywhere. It seems that the media chose not to speak. Two-week strike, journalists came twice. The last time it was to film the referendum and what would be the renunciation of workers. They were coldly received.
results of the votes of workers Carinox 15-10-2010
Here are the results of the votes of the workers Carinox 15-10-2010
Chaired Conciliator's office.
486 registered 416 voters (71 not voting)
Turnout: 85.4% YES 281 NO 132

32% 68% No
February 1
This result is final.
Worker resistance was fully expressed.
Management can not but take this into account!
She MUST give reason to the just demand of workers.

ArcelorMittal Châtelet: continuation of the strike 15.10.10 ArcelorMittal workers at Châtelet voted against renewed Labour, the eighteenth day of their strike. Earlier in the week, they had already rejected the employers' proposals. The workers at the site of Châtelet are in their eighteenth day of the strike. Thursday already, at a general meeting, they had overwhelmingly rejected the draft agreement negotiated between unions and management since the beginning of the week. They decided to continue their movement, which hardens.
ArcelorMittal Châtelet: the workers are opposed to the draft agreement Belga 15/10 Châtelet ArcelorMittal workers have again voted against the draft agreement negotiated between management and unions. The consultation was organized at the request of the conciliator, on the basis of the text proposed earlier in the week. The conflict between management and unions began on September 27. Last Friday, the two sides found themselves before a conciliator. A framework for negotiations was first defined. Second, management and unions have continued negotiations. They agreed on a series of hires but remained opposed to the issue of improved salary conditions. After the vote, management expressed concern for the future of the site. The unions have pointed out that, for them, the gap between the positions of both parties is minimal and it takes a few tens of cents per hour to invest in improving the purchasing power.
ArcelorMittal Liège agreement among working, it crashes among employees
Management and workers' unions ArcelorMittal Liège have signed this Monday morning a new labor agreement that provides for the indefinite period of 154 temporary workers. For others, an evaluation will take place every six months to judge the staff necessary for the proper functioning of the company. In this context, unions have also received a renewal tools. Finally, the 2004 convention, which guarantees the same pay to workers who would be displaced, will be renewed for two years, the time for both parties to work on a new text. By cons, it gets stuck in employees. The measures proposed by the management would hire 5 people: the ECTS wants 8. And the use of economic unemployment, always advanced by ArcelorMittal, would not be legal, says the union. Continuing discussions while keeping the pressure (12/10/2010 6com).
ArcelorMittal agreement between unions and management
7S7 belga / mb 11/10/10 Unions and Management at ArcelorMittal reached an agreement on Monday morning in Liege. The 2004 convention, which protects the remuneration for the transfer of a production site to another, is extended and the hiring policy, as amended. "We will fight again to get jobs, said David Camerini (SCC). The advances are significant, we corrected the blocking points, but it's still not enough." Further extension of the 2004 convention, unions and management reached an agreement on the hiring plan. "There will be 150 engagements, as management wanted, but we will schedule an evaluation every six months and we will promote new commitments," adds the head of the Christian union.
threats of outsourcing part of the company and the job insecurity that arose, they are forgotten about.
Finally, the text includes a clause which states that any implementation will be systematically preceded by social concertation. As a reminder, a thousand workers of the "cold" had disconnected Thursday, as a result of management's proposals unacceptable in terms of hiring and working conditions. The hot phase was threatening to follow the movement if it was reviewing its position.
ArcelorMittal Management is satisfied the agreement
Trends Belga11 October 2010 ArcelorMittal's management communicated its satisfaction to have reached an agreement Monday morning, after negotiations with labor unions, in Liege. Etienne Botton, communications manager of ArcelorMittal: "It is based on hiring temporary workers and the extension of the existing salary guarantee agreement. These measures will both enhance the skills of the company to meet the demands unions and to maintain sufficient flexibility for the future of the company, "said Etienne Botton. On Friday, the management had forced back to work before further negotiations. (VIM)
ArcelorMittal Liège end of the strike and an agreement on a stone
Friday evening, the work has gradually taken on different production sites of ArcelorMittal Liège. According to Francis Gomez, president of the FGTB Metal Liege, management would have agreed to guarantee the implementation of the 2004 agreement, which aims to protect the pay of an employee upon transfer to another site, and discuss other points of disagreement. Discussions will continue on Monday. "It still needs the last comma," they say positively among steelworkers (6com 10/11/2010).
end strike at ArcelorMittal
ls 9 / 10 The 1,000 workers at ArcelorMittal strike since Thursday afternoon had to resume work on Friday to 22 hours to break overnight. A reversal caused by management, who agreed to resume negotiations on political hiring and working conditions, provided that the plants are restarted.
"Management has indicated its openness to discussion on the two points of disagreement raised at the end of this meeting and, provided that the factories to stop the return to work," said Minister Etienne Botton, communications manager of ArcelorMittal, on Friday. "They agreed to discuss the stumbling blocks, confirmed David Camerini (SCC). That is to say the 2004 convention, which aims to protect a worker's compensation in case of transfer from one site to another, and project outsourcing of certain sites. "
Wednesday, management promised to hire 150 people contracted CDI, while unions demanded double. A proposal was considered unacceptable, rejected collectively by the workers, who had stopped working. Only the refrigeration was shut down after this announcement, the hot phase is more difficult to stop, like to restart. But she threatened to disengage if management does not see it his copy. During the night of Thursday to Friday, unions and management have again put their proposals on the table.
proposals that were presented to workers in a general meeting convened on Friday morning. They led to the resumption of work in order to allow negotiations to resume. If management has agreed to revisit the working agreement, it proposed less favorable to workers, the outsourcing project, or the use of contractors of subcontracting, seems more difficult to negotiate. In fact, management seeks to exit 3 to 400 workstations in the core business or personnel from the heart of the business, their blocking all access to a permanent contract. Trade unions, they, want to limit temporary contracts. The talks ended early Friday evening. They will resume Monday. ■ AC.DB
The "tax magic" ArcelorMittal havoc with Belga 8 / 10 We knew that the financial subsidiary of ArcelorMittal had paid less than 500 euros tax the Last year, for a profit of more than 1.5 billion. We just learned that several other subsidiaries simply set no tax in 2009.
Also read on the subject of notional interest, "Do not come back on our word," the editorial Nathalie van Ypersele, editor of Trends-Tendances
The steel giant is using all the tricks to pay the legal minimize taxes, we read on Friday in La Libre Belgique. Several of its subsidiaries in Belgium do not pay any tax as well. With the exception of ArcelorMittal Financing Services Belgium (finance subsidiary), who paid 496 euros on a pre-tax profit of 1.55 billion euros thanks to notional interest and a payment of 92 million euros in taxes in 2009, the main group subsidiaries in Belgium have not paid taxes in 2009.
ArcelorMittal Belgium (steel production, 7088 workers), ArcelorMittal Stainless Belgium (stainless steel, 2,000 jobs), Industeel Belgium, ArcelorMittal Upstream (hot line of Liège), ArcelorMittal FCE Belgium (steel trading), and Ava Sidarfin Metal Center and have paid nothing in taxes in 2009.The notional interest reductions and other tax deductible to have such subsidiaries to avoid taxes. Taxes
ArcelorMittal group's industrial companies pay their taxes
All industrial companies in Belgium ArcelorMittal each pay their taxes, however, indicated the end of September the giant steel Liege. "For example, the various fees paid for activities Liege steel amounted to 113 million euros in 2008 and 92 million euros in 2009, then totaled Etienne Botton, a spokesman for ArcelorMittal Liege. ArcelorMittal activities represent 12,000 to 13,000 jobs in Belgium. "Etienne Botton also confirms that the amount of taxes paid in 2009 due to the system of notional interest. The group has used "Like any other Belgian company can do," he says, "It is true that in 2009, the year of crisis, this company has paid virtually no tax. In contrast, the previous year, she has paid 81 million euros. "
ArcelorMittal GD: status quo
12/10/2010 Unions OGBL and LCGB united under the banner Steel of the association met yesterday ArcelorMittal's management to discuss the ongoing restructuring and what it will mean after 2011.
late 2008, they had agreed terms Lux2011 in which management undertook including investment in the sites of Luxembourg, to provide guarantees of employment and wages and to implement a redeployment unit. The prospect of the elimination of 400 administrative positions was also on the agenda yesterday.
"We agree on the current report," says Raymond Kapuscinsky of OGBL, joined yesterday by The Daily. Because in a context of modest recovery for the global economy, and recovery sawtooth for steel production in Luxembourg is the "low economic" identified in the plan Lux2011. This fixed that in this case, it would reduce staff by 485 positions cons 392 in a window better.
The post-2011 should be discussed
"We still surpass the number of 150 set in the event of an economic low Kapuscinsky Raymond concedes. Now we must look at each case. We will set up a committee to look at whether it is necessary to reduce staff. But no layoffs are planned. "The same committee will also examine the case of the 400 administrative posts should be deleted. The date of its creation has not yet been set.
Production is expected to decline further until the end of the year, reports the trade unionist, with stops at some facilities in Differdange, Dudelange or Rodange. But the union warned: "If we have another situation in 2011, there will certainly be a lack of staff and management will be forced to hire."
The social partners are also beginning to discuss the post-Lux2011. "If we find an agreement together, we will certainly put the government in the same boat for a tripartite dialogue. The purpose of all this is not to arrive at a situation where management decides to lay off staff. "Far from the fiasco of the tripartite national level, the negotiations seem to ArcelorMittal happen more serene. "Management is willing to negotiate with the unions, yes, but we do not know the result into perspective ...», Raymond Kapuscinsky.
Arcelor-Mittal and the Ukrainian government resume a constructive dialogue 13/10/2010 Representatives of Arcelor-Mittal have expressed their willingness to resume with the Ukrainian government negotiations on the agreement of investment. This statement was made after the Commercial Court of Kyiv dismissed the case following the withdrawal of complaints filed by the Attorney General. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has promised that there would be no re-privatization of the steel and the ownership of the broader foreign investor in the Ukrainian economy remain intact. The president predicted that the judicial process would be completed shortly. Representatives of
ArcelorMittalKryvyiRih, the Ukrainian branch of the international metallurgy, have now confirmed to be ready to resume negotiations with the Ukrainian government. The case Arcelor-Mittal was born when the Attorney General's office has accused ArcelorMittal of violating the conditions of a purchase agreement established in 2005 to its factory in the east. The metallurgist would have delayed subsequent investment without valid permission. Arcelor-Mittal said he had signed a legal agreement with the Fund of state property of Ukraine to postpone investment commitments after declaring a state of force majeure during the global downturn of 2008-2009.
ArcelorMittal Atlantic: large investments being made, but confirmed lower activity for the last half
La Voix du Nord 11.10.2010 The planned decrease in activity at ArcelorMittal Atlantic for the last two quarters confirms. In a context of "economy more flexible and volatile than before the crisis", says its director, Henri-Pierre Orsoni, the plant in Dunkirk not currently running at 70% load. ... Without comparison, certainly, with the crisis of 2009 (50%), but this has still led management to ask employees to settle their counters leave before the end of the year (three days off to them by example was imposed in September).
Explanation of Henri-Pierre Orsoni, "We are forced to adapt in terms of work organization and processes. Today's economy is more cyclical than before and it could last another two or three years. In Europe, we have not found the consumption of steel that was the pre-crisis, and as the European economy not recover his health before 2009 ... .
Another obstacle: raw materials (ores), which represents 70% of the costs of ArcelorMittal. "The rules have changed this summer," says Henri-Pierre Orsoni. Before, their prices were set at the year, which enabled us to gain visibility. But since this summer, the price of a quarter are fixed on the previous quarter. Clearly, the purchase price of raw materials varies from one quarter to another and it gets really complicated. "Hence a certain nervousness in the markets ... "These new rules disturb us, but once they have been included, which will take several months, we will adapt, "says Henri-Pierre Orsoni.
the side of the CGT, the majority, we do not dispute the remarks of the Director of ArcelorMittal Atlantic, which does not Philippe Collet, secretary of the EC point of "unease" among employees and concerns for food future hires. "87 took place in 2010, but since August, more news. In fact, our local management awaits green light from above (read: Lashmi of Mittal, ed.) Personally, I fear no other hiring occurring before December 31. "What about holidays imposed ? "It is true, but there is no guarantee that there will be no partial unemployment as in Mardyck, where ten days were decided this quarter," says Philippe Collet.
Regarding hiring, Henri-Pierre Orsoni, him advance to this year a figure of 120 at ArcelorMittal Atlantic, about a hundred and Mardyck Dunkirk (90%). Above all, it recalls the large investments being made, including the construction of the CC 21 (continuous casting) and HF2, currently stalled "received to work for sustainability," said the industrialist. Philippe Collet response: "Who says that once renovated, these Setup restarts? That nobody is talking about! And what about the train continues to warm? It is urgent to invest because it no longer meets today's expectations. "• OL. D.
(1) ArcelorMittal Atlantic includes sites Dunkirk Mardyck Desvres and Montataire.
Opinion Notional Interest The gravediggers employment
IIb 15/10/2010
With a profit of 1.3 billion, ArcelorMittal Belgium has paid 500 € tax in 2009 The notional interest make Belgium a luxury tax haven. Today, the measure is costing the state nearly $ 5 billion €. No return for the community. Egidio turn downhill
DI PANFILO Secretary General SETCa-Liege
September 29 in La Libre revealed ArcelorMittal
Belgium while achieving a profit of 1.3 billion euros, was paid only 500 € d tax in 2009. With such figures, it is far from the "rage taxatoire" so often denounced by business organizations and their political connections that are the liberal parties. The tax rate for multinational steel is therefore 0.00038%. Far from the nominal rate of corporate tax in Belgium set to 33.99% (1). And yet, not do we speak here of the Belgian financial subsidiary. For La Libre continued his revelations on October 8 by showing how seven other subsidiaries of the Belgian group came to pay nothing at all (2).
These two articles, published while a negotiation was held in difficult social
Liege to stabilize, through contracts with 300 workers indefinitely, stressed that we denounce since their inception: the system of notional interest scandalously contributes to make Belgium a luxurious tax haven.
The revelations during the summer in L'Echo (3) and in Le Vif-L'Express (4) were also in that direction. These items showed in fact that several Belgian subsidiaries of large multinational received large injections of funds intended to optimize their tax bases in order to increase their tax deductions. And they drive the point by showing that it was purely financial transactions and the enormous amounts of money invested in Belgian subsidiaries not created jobs and symbolically. Auchan and increasing its capital by 2.6 billion euros and calls royally fifteen people! Created
in 2005, the notional interest system was clearly invented to save the coordination centers, condemned by the
Europe. The new system, rather ingenious and original, allows companies to deduct a notional interest calculated on their own funds, or what is commonly called, is not clear why the "risk capital". Indeed, given that many media can hardly be called leftists have shown in recent months, it is unclear where is the slightest risk in the injection of money whose sole purpose is not to seen to be taxed!
Moreover, as pointed out by Christian Valenduc in the conclusions of the study he devoted to this system: "The business community put forward to safeguard employment, economic benefits, the unique expertise of the Belgium in the world of finance. None of these arguments withstands scrutiny. () There is no reason to subsidize the business tax "internal banker" of corporate groups and other benefits of the reform ( ) could be achieved at a much lower cost budget "(5).
must say that the 371 million euros announced five years ago, the measure is costing the state nearly $ 5 billion today, almost 14 times more! After the DLU, the general amnesty scheme for tax thieves, we are faced with a second significant error in calculation of a finance minister who, in ten years of operations, will succeed (if we add the removal of tax caps, the rescue of banks and quasi-unconditional sale, rental properties in the state) to deplete the finances of the state of astronomical proportions.
All these policy measures taken by a minister to champion liberalism excess, have the same consequences as the notional interest: not creating jobs as some falsely claim, but allow the richest to evade tax and thus be exempted from participation in the redistribution of wealth necessary to ensure a modern society. Because these billions of euros that are outside the community, those who are missing today to finance health care, to meet the minimum pensions, to secure and expand public transport and even invest in measures to promote the Installation of economic activities actually create jobs. It is time to change our tactics and mechanisms as removing harmful to the community that the notional interest.
It is clear, beyond the propaganda fostered by its supporters, the real purpose of the notional interest is not job creation. The political and ideological lies elsewhere.
Bruno Colmant, his highly publicized inventor, has acknowledged in September ending in Trends Business Magazine and his column: "our country could move towards a free zone status, that is to say, a geography benefiting tax benefits, lowering the corporate income tax for certain sectors. Regionalization of the corporate income tax could also be the corollary "(6). The former director of the Exchange
Brussels, but also a former chief of staff Didier Reynders , is known for his advocacy of a very few controlled capitalism. He demonstrates that finding the link between discussions Current institutional and socio-economic issues. It illuminates the convergence of interests between the nationalists the NVA and the gravediggers Liberals in mind, a state with an effective public service.
The world of work has nothing to gain in a corporate adventure some already announcing that it would bring to our areas of tax haven for financial capitalism and deserts for social workers.
(1) Dr. Lawson, ArcelorMittal: 500 € taxes, La Libre, 29.09.2010
(2) Dr. Lawson, ArcelorMittal zero tax! La Libre
08.10.210 (3) JM. Lauwers and C. Scharff, Rush notional interest on the French, L'Echo, 27/07/2010
(4) Mr. Damry and A. Fourquet, Belgium tax haven for multinationals, Le Vif-L'Express, 27.08.2010
(5) Ch
Valenduc , the notional interest: fundamental reform and controversial, Weekly Mail, CRISP, No. 2018 , 2009, p.52
(6) B. Colman, Dehydration notional interest tax, Trends-Tendances, 02.09.2010, p.18.


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