NetbuLL 392> PTB CS lg (ArcelorMittal) 10/16/2010
In this netbull:
management and workers' unions ArcelorMittal Liège have signed a 12/10 agreement which provides social including indefinite period of 154 temporary workers. For others, an evaluation will take place every six months to judge the staff necessary for the proper functioning of the company. The 2004 convention, which guarantees the same pay to workers who would be displaced, will be renewed for two years, the time for both parties to work on a new text. By cons, it gets stuck in employees.
Egidio turn downhill DI PANFILO Secretary General SETCa-Liege: "With a profit of 1.3 billion, ArcelorMittal Belgium has paid 500 € tax in 2009 The notional interest make Belgium a luxury tax haven. Today, the measure is costing the state nearly $ 5 billion €. Without returning to the community. "
The downturn expected ArcelorMittal Atlantic for the last two quarters confirms. The Dunkirk plant currently only runs at 70% load. ... Without comparison, certainly, with the crisis of 2009 (50%), but this has still led management to ask employees to settle their counters leave before the end of the year (three days off to them by example was imposed in September). HP Orsoni explanation: "Today the economy is more ring before and it could last another two or three years. " He recalls the large investments being made, including the construction of the DC 21 and the HF2, currently stalled "received to work for sustainability." Response Philippe Collet (CGT): "Who says that once renovated, these plants will restart? And what about the train continues to warm? It is urgent to invest because it no longer meets today's expectations. "
Unions OGBL LCGB and have met with management of ArcelorMittal Luxembourg. In late 2008, they had agreed terms Lux2011. According to R. Kapuscinsky of OGBL in a context of recovery in Sawtooth steel production in Luxembourg is the "low economic" identified in the plan Lux2011. In this case, it would reduce staff by 485 positions cons 392 in a better situation. "We still surpass the number of 150 set in the event of an economic low Kapuscinsky Raymond concedes. We will set up a committee to look at whether it is necessary to reduce staff. "
Arcelor-Mittal will resume with the Ukrainian government negotiations. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has promised that there would be no re-privatization of the steel plant and the property rights of broader foreign investor in the Ukrainian economy remain intact.
The strike continues at Arcelor Mittal Châtelet
mail Germain M>>> They had two major victories this week. Last Wednesday a meeting was held to decide whether to continue the strike has given the progress in negotiations. Workers felt that the salary advances were too low and have voted to continue the strike hands. The management has therefore called for the conciliation and demanded the holding of a referendum by secret ballot. It was certain that the strike was on people she saw at stake.
The turnout of the referendum was 85%. 68% of voters opted for the continuation of a strike. This is a great victory for workers and trade unionists of the company. It is therefore in a strong position that the workers of Arcelor-Châtelet in their fourth week of strike.
Solidarity is always heartwarming but it is understood that it is now more essential than ever. Workers and representatives of the company called to other areas, other businesses, other implementations of steel and metal marking solidarity vis-à-vis their movement. Visits to posts and any other act of solidarity are very welcome.
Another indispensable tool is to talk about the strike everywhere. It seems that the media chose not to speak. Two-week strike, journalists came twice. The last time it was to film the referendum and what would be the renunciation of workers. They were coldly received.
results of the votes of workers Carinox 15-10-2010
Here are the results of the votes of the workers Carinox 15-10-2010
Chaired Conciliator's office.
486 registered 416 voters (71 not voting)
Turnout: 85.4% YES 281 NO 132
32% 68% No
February 1
This result is final.
Worker resistance was fully expressed.
Management can not but take this into account!
She MUST give reason to the just demand of workers.
ArcelorMittal Châtelet: continuation of the strike 15.10.10 ArcelorMittal workers at Châtelet voted against renewed Labour, the eighteenth day of their strike. Earlier in the week, they had already rejected the employers' proposals. The workers at the site of Châtelet are in their eighteenth day of the strike. Thursday already, at a general meeting, they had overwhelmingly rejected the draft agreement negotiated between unions and management since the beginning of the week. They decided to continue their movement, which hardens.
ArcelorMittal Châtelet: the workers are opposed to the draft agreement Belga 15/10 Châtelet ArcelorMittal workers have again voted against the draft agreement negotiated between management and unions. The consultation was organized at the request of the conciliator, on the basis of the text proposed earlier in the week. The conflict between management and unions began on September 27. Last Friday, the two sides found themselves before a conciliator. A framework for negotiations was first defined. Second, management and unions have continued negotiations. They agreed on a series of hires but remained opposed to the issue of improved salary conditions. After the vote, management expressed concern for the future of the site. The unions have pointed out that, for them, the gap between the positions of both parties is minimal and it takes a few tens of cents per hour to invest in improving the purchasing power.
ArcelorMittal Liège agreement among working, it crashes among employees
Management and workers' unions ArcelorMittal Liège have signed this Monday morning a new labor agreement that provides for the indefinite period of 154 temporary workers. For others, an evaluation will take place every six months to judge the staff necessary for the proper functioning of the company. In this context, unions have also received a renewal tools. Finally, the 2004 convention, which guarantees the same pay to workers who would be displaced, will be renewed for two years, the time for both parties to work on a new text. By cons, it gets stuck in employees. The measures proposed by the management would hire 5 people: the ECTS wants 8. And the use of economic unemployment, always advanced by ArcelorMittal, would not be legal, says the union. Continuing discussions while keeping the pressure (12/10/2010 6com).
ArcelorMittal agreement between unions and management
7S7 belga / mb 11/10/10 Unions and Management at ArcelorMittal reached an agreement on Monday morning in Liege. The 2004 convention, which protects the remuneration for the transfer of a production site to another, is extended and the hiring policy, as amended. "We will fight again to get jobs, said David Camerini (SCC). The advances are significant, we corrected the blocking points, but it's still not enough." Further extension of the 2004 convention, unions and management reached an agreement on the hiring plan. "There will be 150 engagements, as management wanted, but we will schedule an evaluation every six months and we will promote new commitments," adds the head of the Christian union.
threats of outsourcing part of the company and the job insecurity that arose, they are forgotten about.
Finally, the text includes a clause which states that any implementation will be systematically preceded by social concertation. As a reminder, a thousand workers of the "cold" had disconnected Thursday, as a result of management's proposals unacceptable in terms of hiring and working conditions. The hot phase was threatening to follow the movement if it was reviewing its position.
ArcelorMittal Management is satisfied the agreement
Trends Belga11 October 2010 ArcelorMittal's management communicated its satisfaction to have reached an agreement Monday morning, after negotiations with labor unions, in Liege. Etienne Botton, communications manager of ArcelorMittal: "It is based on hiring temporary workers and the extension of the existing salary guarantee agreement. These measures will both enhance the skills of the company to meet the demands unions and to maintain sufficient flexibility for the future of the company, "said Etienne Botton. On Friday, the management had forced back to work before further negotiations. (VIM)
ArcelorMittal Liège end of the strike and an agreement on a stone
Friday evening, the work has gradually taken on different production sites of ArcelorMittal Liège. According to Francis Gomez, president of the FGTB Metal Liege, management would have agreed to guarantee the implementation of the 2004 agreement, which aims to protect the pay of an employee upon transfer to another site, and discuss other points of disagreement. Discussions will continue on Monday. "It still needs the last comma," they say positively among steelworkers (6com 10/11/2010).
end strike at ArcelorMittal
ls 9 / 10 The 1,000 workers at ArcelorMittal strike since Thursday afternoon had to resume work on Friday to 22 hours to break overnight. A reversal caused by management, who agreed to resume negotiations on political hiring and working conditions, provided that the plants are restarted.
"Management has indicated its openness to discussion on the two points of disagreement raised at the end of this meeting and, provided that the factories to stop the return to work," said Minister Etienne Botton, communications manager of ArcelorMittal, on Friday. "They agreed to discuss the stumbling blocks, confirmed David Camerini (SCC). That is to say the 2004 convention, which aims to protect a worker's compensation in case of transfer from one site to another, and project outsourcing of certain sites. "
Wednesday, management promised to hire 150 people contracted CDI, while unions demanded double. A proposal was considered unacceptable, rejected collectively by the workers, who had stopped working. Only the refrigeration was shut down after this announcement, the hot phase is more difficult to stop, like to restart. But she threatened to disengage if management does not see it his copy. During the night of Thursday to Friday, unions and management have again put their proposals on the table.
proposals that were presented to workers in a general meeting convened on Friday morning. They led to the resumption of work in order to allow negotiations to resume. If management has agreed to revisit the working agreement, it proposed less favorable to workers, the outsourcing project, or the use of contractors of subcontracting, seems more difficult to negotiate. In fact, management seeks to exit 3 to 400 workstations in the core business or personnel from the heart of the business, their blocking all access to a permanent contract. Trade unions, they, want to limit temporary contracts. The talks ended early Friday evening. They will resume Monday. ■ AC.DB
The "tax magic" ArcelorMittal havoc with Belga 8 / 10 We knew that the financial subsidiary of ArcelorMittal had paid less than 500 euros tax the Last year, for a profit of more than 1.5 billion. We just learned that several other subsidiaries simply set no tax in 2009.
Also read on the subject of notional interest, "Do not come back on our word," the editorial Nathalie van Ypersele, editor of Trends-Tendances
The steel giant is using all the tricks to pay the legal minimize taxes, we read on Friday in La Libre Belgique. Several of its subsidiaries in Belgium do not pay any tax as well. With the exception of ArcelorMittal Financing Services Belgium (finance subsidiary), who paid 496 euros on a pre-tax profit of 1.55 billion euros thanks to notional interest and a payment of 92 million euros in taxes in 2009, the main group subsidiaries in Belgium have not paid taxes in 2009.
ArcelorMittal Belgium (steel production, 7088 workers), ArcelorMittal Stainless Belgium (stainless steel, 2,000 jobs), Industeel Belgium, ArcelorMittal Upstream (hot line of Liège), ArcelorMittal FCE Belgium (steel trading), and Ava Sidarfin Metal Center and have paid nothing in taxes in 2009.The notional interest reductions and other tax deductible to have such subsidiaries to avoid taxes. Taxes
ArcelorMittal group's industrial companies pay their taxes
All industrial companies in Belgium ArcelorMittal each pay their taxes, however, indicated the end of September the giant steel Liege. "For example, the various fees paid for activities Liege steel amounted to 113 million euros in 2008 and 92 million euros in 2009, then totaled Etienne Botton, a spokesman for ArcelorMittal Liege. ArcelorMittal activities represent 12,000 to 13,000 jobs in Belgium. "Etienne Botton also confirms that the amount of taxes paid in 2009 due to the system of notional interest. The group has used "Like any other Belgian company can do," he says, "It is true that in 2009, the year of crisis, this company has paid virtually no tax. In contrast, the previous year, she has paid 81 million euros. "
ArcelorMittal GD: status quo
12/10/2010 Unions OGBL and LCGB united under the banner Steel of the association met yesterday ArcelorMittal's management to discuss the ongoing restructuring and what it will mean after 2011.
late 2008, they had agreed terms Lux2011 in which management undertook including investment in the sites of Luxembourg, to provide guarantees of employment and wages and to implement a redeployment unit. The prospect of the elimination of 400 administrative positions was also on the agenda yesterday.
"We agree on the current report," says Raymond Kapuscinsky of OGBL, joined yesterday by The Daily. Because in a context of modest recovery for the global economy, and recovery sawtooth for steel production in Luxembourg is the "low economic" identified in the plan Lux2011. This fixed that in this case, it would reduce staff by 485 positions cons 392 in a window better.
The post-2011 should be discussed
"We still surpass the number of 150 set in the event of an economic low Kapuscinsky Raymond concedes. Now we must look at each case. We will set up a committee to look at whether it is necessary to reduce staff. But no layoffs are planned. "The same committee will also examine the case of the 400 administrative posts should be deleted. The date of its creation has not yet been set.
Production is expected to decline further until the end of the year, reports the trade unionist, with stops at some facilities in Differdange, Dudelange or Rodange. But the union warned: "If we have another situation in 2011, there will certainly be a lack of staff and management will be forced to hire."
The social partners are also beginning to discuss the post-Lux2011. "If we find an agreement together, we will certainly put the government in the same boat for a tripartite dialogue. The purpose of all this is not to arrive at a situation where management decides to lay off staff. "Far from the fiasco of the tripartite national level, the negotiations seem to ArcelorMittal happen more serene. "Management is willing to negotiate with the unions, yes, but we do not know the result into perspective ...», Raymond Kapuscinsky.
Arcelor-Mittal and the Ukrainian government resume a constructive dialogue 13/10/2010 Representatives of Arcelor-Mittal have expressed their willingness to resume with the Ukrainian government negotiations on the agreement of investment. This statement was made after the Commercial Court of Kyiv dismissed the case following the withdrawal of complaints filed by the Attorney General. Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has promised that there would be no re-privatization of the steel and the ownership of the broader foreign investor in the Ukrainian economy remain intact. The president predicted that the judicial process would be completed shortly. Representatives of
ArcelorMittalKryvyiRih, the Ukrainian branch of the international metallurgy, have now confirmed to be ready to resume negotiations with the Ukrainian government. The case Arcelor-Mittal was born when the Attorney General's office has accused ArcelorMittal of violating the conditions of a purchase agreement established in 2005 to its factory in the east. The metallurgist would have delayed subsequent investment without valid permission. Arcelor-Mittal said he had signed a legal agreement with the Fund of state property of Ukraine to postpone investment commitments after declaring a state of force majeure during the global downturn of 2008-2009.
ArcelorMittal Atlantic: large investments being made, but confirmed lower activity for the last half
La Voix du Nord 11.10.2010 The planned decrease in activity at ArcelorMittal Atlantic for the last two quarters confirms. In a context of "economy more flexible and volatile than before the crisis", says its director, Henri-Pierre Orsoni, the plant in Dunkirk not currently running at 70% load. ... Without comparison, certainly, with the crisis of 2009 (50%), but this has still led management to ask employees to settle their counters leave before the end of the year (three days off to them by example was imposed in September).
Explanation of Henri-Pierre Orsoni, "We are forced to adapt in terms of work organization and processes. Today's economy is more cyclical than before and it could last another two or three years. In Europe, we have not found the consumption of steel that was the pre-crisis, and as the European economy not recover his health before 2009 ... .
Another obstacle: raw materials (ores), which represents 70% of the costs of ArcelorMittal. "The rules have changed this summer," says Henri-Pierre Orsoni. Before, their prices were set at the year, which enabled us to gain visibility. But since this summer, the price of a quarter are fixed on the previous quarter. Clearly, the purchase price of raw materials varies from one quarter to another and it gets really complicated. "Hence a certain nervousness in the markets ... "These new rules disturb us, but once they have been included, which will take several months, we will adapt, "says Henri-Pierre Orsoni.
the side of the CGT, the majority, we do not dispute the remarks of the Director of ArcelorMittal Atlantic, which does not Philippe Collet, secretary of the EC point of "unease" among employees and concerns for food future hires. "87 took place in 2010, but since August, more news. In fact, our local management awaits green light from above (read: Lashmi of Mittal, ed.) Personally, I fear no other hiring occurring before December 31. "What about holidays imposed ? "It is true, but there is no guarantee that there will be no partial unemployment as in Mardyck, where ten days were decided this quarter," says Philippe Collet.
Regarding hiring, Henri-Pierre Orsoni, him advance to this year a figure of 120 at ArcelorMittal Atlantic, about a hundred and Mardyck Dunkirk (90%). Above all, it recalls the large investments being made, including the construction of the CC 21 (continuous casting) and HF2, currently stalled "received to work for sustainability," said the industrialist. Philippe Collet response: "Who says that once renovated, these Setup restarts? That nobody is talking about! And what about the train continues to warm? It is urgent to invest because it no longer meets today's expectations. "• OL. D.
(1) ArcelorMittal Atlantic includes sites Dunkirk Mardyck Desvres and Montataire.
Opinion Notional Interest The gravediggers employment
IIb 15/10/2010
With a profit of 1.3 billion, ArcelorMittal Belgium has paid 500 € tax in 2009 The notional interest make Belgium a luxury tax haven. Today, the measure is costing the state nearly $ 5 billion €. No return for the community. Egidio turn downhill
DI PANFILO Secretary General SETCa-Liege
September 29 in La Libre revealed ArcelorMittal Belgium while achieving a profit of 1.3 billion euros, was paid only 500 € d tax in 2009. With such figures, it is far from the "rage taxatoire" so often denounced by business organizations and their political connections that are the liberal parties. The tax rate for multinational steel is therefore 0.00038%. Far from the nominal rate of corporate tax in Belgium set to 33.99% (1). And yet, not do we speak here of the Belgian financial subsidiary. For La Libre continued his revelations on October 8 by showing how seven other subsidiaries of the Belgian group came to pay nothing at all (2).
These two articles, published while a negotiation was held in difficult social Liege to stabilize, through contracts with 300 workers indefinitely, stressed that we denounce since their inception: the system of notional interest scandalously contributes to make Belgium a luxurious tax haven.
The revelations during the summer in L'Echo (3) and in Le Vif-L'Express (4) were also in that direction. These items showed in fact that several Belgian subsidiaries of large multinational received large injections of funds intended to optimize their tax bases in order to increase their tax deductions. And they drive the point by showing that it was purely financial transactions and the enormous amounts of money invested in Belgian subsidiaries not created jobs and symbolically. Auchan and increasing its capital by 2.6 billion euros and calls royally fifteen people! Created
in 2005, the notional interest system was clearly invented to save the coordination centers, condemned by the Europe. The new system, rather ingenious and original, allows companies to deduct a notional interest calculated on their own funds, or what is commonly called, is not clear why the "risk capital". Indeed, given that many media can hardly be called leftists have shown in recent months, it is unclear where is the slightest risk in the injection of money whose sole purpose is not to seen to be taxed!
Moreover, as pointed out by Christian Valenduc in the conclusions of the study he devoted to this system: "The business community put forward to safeguard employment, economic benefits, the unique expertise of the Belgium in the world of finance. None of these arguments withstands scrutiny. () There is no reason to subsidize the business tax "internal banker" of corporate groups and other benefits of the reform ( ) could be achieved at a much lower cost budget "(5).
must say that the 371 million euros announced five years ago, the measure is costing the state nearly $ 5 billion today, almost 14 times more! After the DLU, the general amnesty scheme for tax thieves, we are faced with a second significant error in calculation of a finance minister who, in ten years of operations, will succeed (if we add the removal of tax caps, the rescue of banks and quasi-unconditional sale, rental properties in the state) to deplete the finances of the state of astronomical proportions.
All these policy measures taken by a minister to champion liberalism excess, have the same consequences as the notional interest: not creating jobs as some falsely claim, but allow the richest to evade tax and thus be exempted from participation in the redistribution of wealth necessary to ensure a modern society. Because these billions of euros that are outside the community, those who are missing today to finance health care, to meet the minimum pensions, to secure and expand public transport and even invest in measures to promote the Installation of economic activities actually create jobs. It is time to change our tactics and mechanisms as removing harmful to the community that the notional interest.
It is clear, beyond the propaganda fostered by its supporters, the real purpose of the notional interest is not job creation. The political and ideological lies elsewhere.
Bruno Colmant, his highly publicized inventor, has acknowledged in September ending in Trends Business Magazine and his column: "our country could move towards a free zone status, that is to say, a geography benefiting tax benefits, lowering the corporate income tax for certain sectors. Regionalization of the corporate income tax could also be the corollary "(6). The former director of the Exchange Brussels, but also a former chief of staff Didier Reynders , is known for his advocacy of a very few controlled capitalism. He demonstrates that finding the link between discussions Current institutional and socio-economic issues. It illuminates the convergence of interests between the nationalists the NVA and the gravediggers Liberals in mind, a state with an effective public service.
The world of work has nothing to gain in a corporate adventure some already announcing that it would bring to our areas of tax haven for financial capitalism and deserts for social workers.
(1) Dr. Lawson, ArcelorMittal: 500 € taxes, La Libre, 29.09.2010
(2) Dr. Lawson, ArcelorMittal zero tax! La Libre
08.10.210 (3) JM. Lauwers and C. Scharff, Rush notional interest on the French, L'Echo, 27/07/2010
(4) Mr. Damry and A. Fourquet, Belgium tax haven for multinationals, Le Vif-L'Express, 27.08.2010
(5) Ch Valenduc , the notional interest: fundamental reform and controversial, Weekly Mail, CRISP, No. 2018 , 2009, p.52
(6) B. Colman, Dehydration notional interest tax, Trends-Tendances, 02.09.2010, p.18.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Congratulations Message Baby Shower
NetbuLL 391> PTB CS lg (ArcelorMittal) 10/07/2010
In this netbull:
At a general meeting on Thursday morning, two thirds of workers at the site of Seraing ArcelorMittal voted against the proposals of management. David Camerini (SCC). "We are far from what we require, namely the passage of 300 temporary contracts Structural indefinite contracts. In addition, they want to touch the 2004 convention, which protects remuneration in the event of a change of sector, and therefore our social achievements. Ferblatil workers voted overwhelmingly to stop work meeting on Thursday at the beginning afternoon. They will cross their arms until the next meeting, scheduled for Friday morning. Tilleur After workers, those of CT (Marchin) went on strike earlier this afternoon. 1,400 people crossed arms Thursday early afternoon. Robert Rouzeeuw, management has gone too far in relating to conventions 2004: "Tackling income and guarantees is an even more sensitive than hiring" A
Chatelet, ArcelorMittal workers are down Thursday morning in the streets to demonstrate against the refusal of management to accept a higher wage conditions of all workers. The demonstrators blocked traffic for several minutes by rail. In the ring, their passage has also caused some disruption. Before the start of the demonstration, the workers learned that management had refused to resume negotiations. According to unions, it remains opposed to the principle of increased salary conditions for all workers but agrees to grant the workers of the mill.
Liradelfo Ex-Delegate Marco FGTB mill: Marco Van Hees has struck again. Right in the mile. I would add that Mittal does not stop at the notional interest to increase its profits. The Marshall Plan it provides some tax benefits such as the abolition of tax on motive force for new investment. This exemption extends even to replace electric motors burned, can not be regarded as a new investment. "
fears losing its implementation in Ukraine, where he has invested $ 4.8 billion. He had bought Kryvorizhstal in 2005, promising to invest consistently. But the group had subsequently obtained from the privatization agency in Ukraine to postpone some planned investment because of the crisis. In July, the Attorney General of Ukraine has launched proceedings against ArcelorMittal and the privatization committee, arguing that the force majeure clause justifying the postponement of investment had been misused.
ArcelorMittal? Company antisocial!
Section Liège steelworkers of the Labour Party of Belgium in October 2010
Recently, a scoop of PTB denounced the fact that a subsidiary of ArcelorMittal in Belgium did not pay that 496 € tax profit of 1.3 billion euros 2009!
What is very interesting to know also is that this subsidiary is one that pays the most taxes ....
Indeed, other subsidiaries in this country, paying tax ... 0 €!!
So when the group made dramatic gestures and also boasts of being a social enterprise, should we laugh or cry? Its sole purpose is to the maximum benefit and all the rest is blah blah hypocritical for politicians who have given this kind of gift indecent ... The crisis is not for everyone.
What does not tell the political parties that voted these laws pro employer (notional interest) is that the money it takes to "turn" the country, the region. The money is missing from public coffers, it is in our pocket that the state will take it. We "bowl" with all the billions enough to find quickly to ensure health care, pensions, etc ....
Money, there, and a lot. But the political world does not get him where he is ... Who is there still, that world politics?
One would think that Mittal and his henchmen would have been happy about that ...
But no!
We who live in the company know that the lemon has been squeezed, the peels too, and now are the seeds that the boss wants to crush.
is why the PTB supports the workers and their unions in negotiations and struggles today.
Enough! Enough with the downsizing, job losses, outsourcing, cuts wages of any kind, signed but not respected, etc ....
ArcelorMittal faceted social enterprise? The finding is quickly ... NO!
must put pressure on politicians to act in our interest, finally, in the interests of workers. They must leave the woods and they stir Mittal to remind that if we are in a capitalist society (yes ...), we are not a banana republic!
See also
Marco Van Hees has struck again. Right in the mile.
letter Liradelfo Marco Arcelormittal early retiree Former delegate FGTB mill
Marco Van Hees has struck again. Right in the mile. Bravo for this article has generated quite a reaction. I would add that Mittal does not stop at the notional interest to increase its profits. He practices the adage "small profits make great profits" with great talent. As highlighted Marco Van Hees, the Marshall Plan it provides some tax benefits such as the abolition of the tax on motive force for new investment. This exemption extends even to replace electric motors burned, can not be regarded as a new investment. Despite all these advantages, our policies (PS head) are sparing no efforts to settle the ogre what Mittal. Thus, the common Oupeye, deleted the industrial tax surcharge (ICT) that Chertal (division including steel and rolling mill) had to pay to the municipality. However, following a long legal process, the court found in favor of the town and Mittal was s'aquitter of an annual sum of 1,250 million euros. Finally, while being deprived of these revenues, the municipality of Oupeye will have to make budget cuts (Job cuts), while Mittal it will fill their pockets. But if the list of gifts is long it is not exhaustive. It may also be made for aid workers sent for training. Thanks to Minister Tarabella (PS), they will be paid by the National Employment Office and not by the company to be formed. Nor should we forget the aid for CO2 allowances which Mittal has benefited to revive the HF6. He also sold quotas on the market for 100 million euros. Of course all in the name of employment has been declining. Workers whose working conditions have greatly deteriorated appreciate!
ArcelorMittal: Seraing workers disagree with management
BELGA IIb 07/10/2010 In late afternoon trade unions should take the findings of the General Assemblies and taking position in front.
At a general meeting on Thursday morning, two thirds of workers at the site of Seraing ArcelorMittal voted against the proposals of management. A decision which gives a first trend, while the assemblies of other sites Liege group will be held until mid afternoon.
"The proposals resulting from negotiations is insufficient," insists David Camerini ( CSC). "We do not agree with the hiring policy, we are far from what we require, namely the passage of 300 temporary contracts Structural indefinite contracts. Moreover, they want to touch the 2004 convention, protecting the wages in case of change of sector, and therefore our social achievements, "he adds.
By late afternoon, the unions should take the findings of the General Assemblies and taking position in front. "Unless one has no opportunity to discuss and decide that a work stoppage," warned the head still union chrétien.Jeudi late morning, the general assembly of agglomerated iron industry was underway. New
work stoppage at Tilleur
Ferblatil workers, the site of ArcelorMittal Tilleur, voted overwhelmingly to stop work meeting on Thursday early afternoon. They will cross their arms until the next meeting, scheduled for Friday morning. "We expected this kind of decision in sensitive sectors, such as Tilleur, who underwent a drastic restructuring in 2008," said David Camerini (SCC).
This work stoppage is a result of negotiations between unions and direction. They focus on political hiring and working conditions. Tilleur workers, who consider the management's proposals insufficient, had disagreed with a day of strike, mardi.Trois sectors met in general assembly on Thursday morning. Others should follow during the day. Eventually, a position should be taken in joint trade union front.
Workers ArcelorMittal disengage
ls 7 October 2010 After the workers at ArcelorMittal Tilleur those of CT (Marchin) decided to disengage early afternoon. They were joined by workers in the "cold" of Liege. The hot phase could also disengage. The 1,000 workers of the "cold" are on strike in Liege. The hot phase could also disengage. In all, 1,400 people crossed arms, beginning Thursday afternoon. Other sites could follow in Liege the day. For the delegation chairman FGTB-Metal in Liege, Robert Rouzeeuw, management has gone too far in relating to the conventions of 2004, which aim to secure the wages for staff travel. "Tackling income and guarantees is an even more sensitive as hiring, "he says. Thursday, general meetings were planned in all sectors, in Liege. The latter must be completed by mid-afternoon. "We will take stock and we will decide on a possible work stoppage and duration," says Robert Rouzeeuw. "Then we will wait for the reaction of management, which is consciously gone too far."
ArcelorMittal Liège work stoppage at Ferblatil (Tilleur)
The 350 workers Ferblatil (Tilleur) cross arms since Tuesday late morning. They are protesting against the manner in which negotiations take place between unions and management. These negotiations focus on the hiring policy and improvements in terms of working conditions. However, they are termed "difficult" by the trade union delegations. Negotiations should resume tomorrow / Wednesday. The work stoppage at Ferblatil is expected until at least Wednesday morning. (The Meuse 10/06/2010)
a Ferblatilien Mail: "On Tuesday 5 / 10 at 11am tico sector staff takes the phone about the ongoing negotiations between unions and employers with the objective 300 CDI. When a worker on the phone asking whether his delegate is satisfied of negotiations and the number of IDUs, the delegate of land can not conceal his disappointment without giving a figure (even if that figure is certainly around a third of the target will not be revealed at the meeting ... reason: fear that the priority in the library are not interested in the movement.) It was then that the workers Tico took charge of the guard to once again pressure on management. Meetings, Christian Brewer (FGTB) announces immediately that the movement does not last beyond the early break 6-2, to make way for negotiations on Wednesday. He assured the support of two unions claims and wishes of their base if negotiations turn in cherry stems, organize a movement that affects all workers bassin.Même always up for a strike did not insist that the action lasts longer than that and await the next news.
The strike spread to all speed at ArcelorMittal 7/10/2010 The 1,000 workers of the "cold" are on strike in Liege. The hot phase could also disengage. Trade unions meet with management late in the day. In Hainaut, the site workers ArcelorMittal Chatelet took to the streets this morning.
All the area of "cold" ArcelorMittal disengaged in Liege on Thursday afternoon. The hot phase could follow. "We can not decide now on a possible general strike," says David Camerini (SCC). The unions said they would meet with management, late Thursday afternoon. "We want to listen to the unions," said Etienne Botton, communications director of ArcelorMittal. "We deplore the actions begun, and we will not take a position before hearing their demands," he further said. The eastbound lane
"consciously" too far
For delegation chairman FGTB-Metal Liege, Robert Rouzeeuw, management has gone too far by touching the conventions of 2004, which aim to secure the wages for staff travel. "Addressing income and guarantees is an even more sensitive than the hiring," he says.
Châtelet ArcelorMittal workers in the street
At Châtelet, ArcelorMittal workers took to the streets Thursday morning in the city to protest against the refusal of management to accept a higher wage conditions of the all the workers. The demonstrators passed through the station and the ring of Châtelet. At the first stop, they blocked for several minutes in the railway traffic. In the ring, their passage has also caused some disruption. Before the start of the demonstration, the workers had learned their trade union representatives that management had refused to resume negotiations. According to unions, it remains opposed to the principle of an increase in salary conditions for all workers but agrees to grant the workers of the mill. By cons, it does not propose to their colleagues in the steel that guarantees benefits in the economic context of unemployment that affects the plant. ArcelorMittal
Branch: "A difficult economic environment"
"From the first claims, management of ArcelorMittal announced its intention to open discussions on all subjects, except for a general wage increase request and recurrent. In an economic environment that remains challenging, the future is through strict cost control, "responded Thursday to the management of ArcelorMittal following a strike by workers.
Management believes that demand for wage increase shall also discuss "in the context of inter-trade agreements to be held in the coming months (AIP 2011-2012)". "Management wants above all to preserve the site's future, and through him the job, including those who are the subject of some current claims. In this context, the strike is not a constructive response, "added the executive who still intends to continue the dialogue and" keep in touch with his staff and their representatives. "ArcelorMittal Chatelet workers determined
Workers ArcelorMittal Châtelet are determined to "recover what they have been taken," according to their terms. They feel they have been severely affected by the crisis and seek compensation. To put pressure on management, a shutdown has been decreed last week. Unions length with managers to negotiate the terms of a revaluation. That the plant finds it impossible to pay in the current economic climate. (New Gazette 10/05/2010)
ArcelorMittal inaugurates center for training in the steel and metallurgy in Lorraine
Finance Plus 05/10/2010 ArcelorMittal France today inaugurated the center learning the trades of metallurgy and steel in Lorraine, nine months to the day after launching the site last January. The opening of this training center, in partnership with training organizations - CFAI and Moselle CEFASIM Aforest - constitutes one of the commitments ArcelorMittal Group to revitalize and promote the territory of Lorraine, as a result of the reorganization of Gandrange site.
The institution opened its doors for the start of September 9, 2010, Home lera futures 120 apprentices over an area of about 1,000 m2 equipped with six classrooms on 2 floors and a living space of 50 m2. Outside the teaching periods, students will be trained in ArcelorMittal plants in Florange Hayange Ebange, Sérémange, Uckange, Yutz, Lower Ham Woippy and in its research center Maizières-les-Metz.
ArcelorMittal, which employs nearly 5,000 people over a dozen sites in Lorraine, intends to recruit young people at the end of their training. These new staff will include paying compensation to retirement for years to come. Moreover, multidisciplinary training provided and its adaptation to changing business sector of the industry will allow young apprentices to work towards different career paths.
Mittal: The consolidation of the steel nearly completed
Reuters Tuesday, October 5, 2010 The consolidation of the steel sector is almost complete if we exclude China, Lakshmi Mittal said Tuesday on the sidelines of a conference the World Steel Association taking the cons-up speculation about a resumption of mergers and acquisitions. Still fragmented, the industry is experiencing weakness in its price negotiations with iron ore mining giant three that are Vale, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton. "There is much room for consolidation outside China," he added, noting he was not interested in buying a Japanese steelmaker.
ArcelorMittal fears losing its implementation in Ukraine, where it invested $ 4.8 billion dollars AFP
04/10/2010 ArcelorMittal fears losing its implementation in Ukraine, where he has invested $ 4.8 billion into the largest producer Steel countries. He had bought Kryvorizhstal in 2005, promising to invest consistently. But the group had subsequently obtained from the privatization agency in Ukraine to postpone some planned investment because of the crisis. In July, the Attorney General of Ukraine has launched proceedings against ArcelorMittal and the privatization committee, arguing that the force majeure clause justifying the postponement of investment had been misused. ArcelorMittal
concerned that breaches of procedure recorded in this case does not guarantee him a fair trial, reports the FT. "We believe that a second step might be to say that we are behind in our investment commitments and, therefore, that the shares must be made to the state, "added the head of the Ukrainian subsidiary, now called ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih. A Ukrainian court has accepted Friday that the matter be dealt with by the Commercial Court of Kiev, while the privatization contract stipulated that any disputes should be subject to international arbitration. A second hearing is scheduled Tuesday.
In this netbull:
At a general meeting on Thursday morning, two thirds of workers at the site of Seraing ArcelorMittal voted against the proposals of management. David Camerini (SCC). "We are far from what we require, namely the passage of 300 temporary contracts Structural indefinite contracts. In addition, they want to touch the 2004 convention, which protects remuneration in the event of a change of sector, and therefore our social achievements. Ferblatil workers voted overwhelmingly to stop work meeting on Thursday at the beginning afternoon. They will cross their arms until the next meeting, scheduled for Friday morning. Tilleur After workers, those of CT (Marchin) went on strike earlier this afternoon. 1,400 people crossed arms Thursday early afternoon. Robert Rouzeeuw, management has gone too far in relating to conventions 2004: "Tackling income and guarantees is an even more sensitive than hiring" A
Chatelet, ArcelorMittal workers are down Thursday morning in the streets to demonstrate against the refusal of management to accept a higher wage conditions of all workers. The demonstrators blocked traffic for several minutes by rail. In the ring, their passage has also caused some disruption. Before the start of the demonstration, the workers learned that management had refused to resume negotiations. According to unions, it remains opposed to the principle of increased salary conditions for all workers but agrees to grant the workers of the mill.
Liradelfo Ex-Delegate Marco FGTB mill: Marco Van Hees has struck again. Right in the mile. I would add that Mittal does not stop at the notional interest to increase its profits. The Marshall Plan it provides some tax benefits such as the abolition of tax on motive force for new investment. This exemption extends even to replace electric motors burned, can not be regarded as a new investment. "
fears losing its implementation in Ukraine, where he has invested $ 4.8 billion. He had bought Kryvorizhstal in 2005, promising to invest consistently. But the group had subsequently obtained from the privatization agency in Ukraine to postpone some planned investment because of the crisis. In July, the Attorney General of Ukraine has launched proceedings against ArcelorMittal and the privatization committee, arguing that the force majeure clause justifying the postponement of investment had been misused.
ArcelorMittal? Company antisocial!
Section Liège steelworkers of the Labour Party of Belgium in October 2010
Recently, a scoop of PTB denounced the fact that a subsidiary of ArcelorMittal in Belgium did not pay that 496 € tax profit of 1.3 billion euros 2009!
What is very interesting to know also is that this subsidiary is one that pays the most taxes ....
Indeed, other subsidiaries in this country, paying tax ... 0 €!!
So when the group made dramatic gestures and also boasts of being a social enterprise, should we laugh or cry? Its sole purpose is to the maximum benefit and all the rest is blah blah hypocritical for politicians who have given this kind of gift indecent ... The crisis is not for everyone.
What does not tell the political parties that voted these laws pro employer (notional interest) is that the money it takes to "turn" the country, the region. The money is missing from public coffers, it is in our pocket that the state will take it. We "bowl" with all the billions enough to find quickly to ensure health care, pensions, etc ....
Money, there, and a lot. But the political world does not get him where he is ... Who is there still, that world politics?
One would think that Mittal and his henchmen would have been happy about that ...
But no!
We who live in the company know that the lemon has been squeezed, the peels too, and now are the seeds that the boss wants to crush.
is why the PTB supports the workers and their unions in negotiations and struggles today.
Enough! Enough with the downsizing, job losses, outsourcing, cuts wages of any kind, signed but not respected, etc ....
ArcelorMittal faceted social enterprise? The finding is quickly ... NO!
must put pressure on politicians to act in our interest, finally, in the interests of workers. They must leave the woods and they stir Mittal to remind that if we are in a capitalist society (yes ...), we are not a banana republic!
See also
Marco Van Hees has struck again. Right in the mile.
letter Liradelfo Marco Arcelormittal early retiree Former delegate FGTB mill
Marco Van Hees has struck again. Right in the mile. Bravo for this article has generated quite a reaction. I would add that Mittal does not stop at the notional interest to increase its profits. He practices the adage "small profits make great profits" with great talent. As highlighted Marco Van Hees, the Marshall Plan it provides some tax benefits such as the abolition of the tax on motive force for new investment. This exemption extends even to replace electric motors burned, can not be regarded as a new investment. Despite all these advantages, our policies (PS head) are sparing no efforts to settle the ogre what Mittal. Thus, the common Oupeye, deleted the industrial tax surcharge (ICT) that Chertal (division including steel and rolling mill) had to pay to the municipality. However, following a long legal process, the court found in favor of the town and Mittal was s'aquitter of an annual sum of 1,250 million euros. Finally, while being deprived of these revenues, the municipality of Oupeye will have to make budget cuts (Job cuts), while Mittal it will fill their pockets. But if the list of gifts is long it is not exhaustive. It may also be made for aid workers sent for training. Thanks to Minister Tarabella (PS), they will be paid by the National Employment Office and not by the company to be formed. Nor should we forget the aid for CO2 allowances which Mittal has benefited to revive the HF6. He also sold quotas on the market for 100 million euros. Of course all in the name of employment has been declining. Workers whose working conditions have greatly deteriorated appreciate!
ArcelorMittal: Seraing workers disagree with management
BELGA IIb 07/10/2010 In late afternoon trade unions should take the findings of the General Assemblies and taking position in front.
At a general meeting on Thursday morning, two thirds of workers at the site of Seraing ArcelorMittal voted against the proposals of management. A decision which gives a first trend, while the assemblies of other sites Liege group will be held until mid afternoon.
"The proposals resulting from negotiations is insufficient," insists David Camerini ( CSC). "We do not agree with the hiring policy, we are far from what we require, namely the passage of 300 temporary contracts Structural indefinite contracts. Moreover, they want to touch the 2004 convention, protecting the wages in case of change of sector, and therefore our social achievements, "he adds.
By late afternoon, the unions should take the findings of the General Assemblies and taking position in front. "Unless one has no opportunity to discuss and decide that a work stoppage," warned the head still union chrétien.Jeudi late morning, the general assembly of agglomerated iron industry was underway. New
work stoppage at Tilleur
Ferblatil workers, the site of ArcelorMittal Tilleur, voted overwhelmingly to stop work meeting on Thursday early afternoon. They will cross their arms until the next meeting, scheduled for Friday morning. "We expected this kind of decision in sensitive sectors, such as Tilleur, who underwent a drastic restructuring in 2008," said David Camerini (SCC).
This work stoppage is a result of negotiations between unions and direction. They focus on political hiring and working conditions. Tilleur workers, who consider the management's proposals insufficient, had disagreed with a day of strike, mardi.Trois sectors met in general assembly on Thursday morning. Others should follow during the day. Eventually, a position should be taken in joint trade union front.
Workers ArcelorMittal disengage
ls 7 October 2010 After the workers at ArcelorMittal Tilleur those of CT (Marchin) decided to disengage early afternoon. They were joined by workers in the "cold" of Liege. The hot phase could also disengage. The 1,000 workers of the "cold" are on strike in Liege. The hot phase could also disengage. In all, 1,400 people crossed arms, beginning Thursday afternoon. Other sites could follow in Liege the day. For the delegation chairman FGTB-Metal in Liege, Robert Rouzeeuw, management has gone too far in relating to the conventions of 2004, which aim to secure the wages for staff travel. "Tackling income and guarantees is an even more sensitive as hiring, "he says. Thursday, general meetings were planned in all sectors, in Liege. The latter must be completed by mid-afternoon. "We will take stock and we will decide on a possible work stoppage and duration," says Robert Rouzeeuw. "Then we will wait for the reaction of management, which is consciously gone too far."
ArcelorMittal Liège work stoppage at Ferblatil (Tilleur)
The 350 workers Ferblatil (Tilleur) cross arms since Tuesday late morning. They are protesting against the manner in which negotiations take place between unions and management. These negotiations focus on the hiring policy and improvements in terms of working conditions. However, they are termed "difficult" by the trade union delegations. Negotiations should resume tomorrow / Wednesday. The work stoppage at Ferblatil is expected until at least Wednesday morning. (The Meuse 10/06/2010)
a Ferblatilien Mail: "On Tuesday 5 / 10 at 11am tico sector staff takes the phone about the ongoing negotiations between unions and employers with the objective 300 CDI. When a worker on the phone asking whether his delegate is satisfied of negotiations and the number of IDUs, the delegate of land can not conceal his disappointment without giving a figure (even if that figure is certainly around a third of the target will not be revealed at the meeting ... reason: fear that the priority in the library are not interested in the movement.) It was then that the workers Tico took charge of the guard to once again pressure on management. Meetings, Christian Brewer (FGTB) announces immediately that the movement does not last beyond the early break 6-2, to make way for negotiations on Wednesday. He assured the support of two unions claims and wishes of their base if negotiations turn in cherry stems, organize a movement that affects all workers bassin.Même always up for a strike did not insist that the action lasts longer than that and await the next news.
The strike spread to all speed at ArcelorMittal 7/10/2010 The 1,000 workers of the "cold" are on strike in Liege. The hot phase could also disengage. Trade unions meet with management late in the day. In Hainaut, the site workers ArcelorMittal Chatelet took to the streets this morning.
All the area of "cold" ArcelorMittal disengaged in Liege on Thursday afternoon. The hot phase could follow. "We can not decide now on a possible general strike," says David Camerini (SCC). The unions said they would meet with management, late Thursday afternoon. "We want to listen to the unions," said Etienne Botton, communications director of ArcelorMittal. "We deplore the actions begun, and we will not take a position before hearing their demands," he further said. The eastbound lane
"consciously" too far
For delegation chairman FGTB-Metal Liege, Robert Rouzeeuw, management has gone too far by touching the conventions of 2004, which aim to secure the wages for staff travel. "Addressing income and guarantees is an even more sensitive than the hiring," he says.
Châtelet ArcelorMittal workers in the street
At Châtelet, ArcelorMittal workers took to the streets Thursday morning in the city to protest against the refusal of management to accept a higher wage conditions of the all the workers. The demonstrators passed through the station and the ring of Châtelet. At the first stop, they blocked for several minutes in the railway traffic. In the ring, their passage has also caused some disruption. Before the start of the demonstration, the workers had learned their trade union representatives that management had refused to resume negotiations. According to unions, it remains opposed to the principle of an increase in salary conditions for all workers but agrees to grant the workers of the mill. By cons, it does not propose to their colleagues in the steel that guarantees benefits in the economic context of unemployment that affects the plant. ArcelorMittal
Branch: "A difficult economic environment"
"From the first claims, management of ArcelorMittal announced its intention to open discussions on all subjects, except for a general wage increase request and recurrent. In an economic environment that remains challenging, the future is through strict cost control, "responded Thursday to the management of ArcelorMittal following a strike by workers.
Management believes that demand for wage increase shall also discuss "in the context of inter-trade agreements to be held in the coming months (AIP 2011-2012)". "Management wants above all to preserve the site's future, and through him the job, including those who are the subject of some current claims. In this context, the strike is not a constructive response, "added the executive who still intends to continue the dialogue and" keep in touch with his staff and their representatives. "ArcelorMittal Chatelet workers determined
Workers ArcelorMittal Châtelet are determined to "recover what they have been taken," according to their terms. They feel they have been severely affected by the crisis and seek compensation. To put pressure on management, a shutdown has been decreed last week. Unions length with managers to negotiate the terms of a revaluation. That the plant finds it impossible to pay in the current economic climate. (New Gazette 10/05/2010)
ArcelorMittal inaugurates center for training in the steel and metallurgy in Lorraine
Finance Plus 05/10/2010 ArcelorMittal France today inaugurated the center learning the trades of metallurgy and steel in Lorraine, nine months to the day after launching the site last January. The opening of this training center, in partnership with training organizations - CFAI and Moselle CEFASIM Aforest - constitutes one of the commitments ArcelorMittal Group to revitalize and promote the territory of Lorraine, as a result of the reorganization of Gandrange site.
The institution opened its doors for the start of September 9, 2010, Home lera futures 120 apprentices over an area of about 1,000 m2 equipped with six classrooms on 2 floors and a living space of 50 m2. Outside the teaching periods, students will be trained in ArcelorMittal plants in Florange Hayange Ebange, Sérémange, Uckange, Yutz, Lower Ham Woippy and in its research center Maizières-les-Metz.
ArcelorMittal, which employs nearly 5,000 people over a dozen sites in Lorraine, intends to recruit young people at the end of their training. These new staff will include paying compensation to retirement for years to come. Moreover, multidisciplinary training provided and its adaptation to changing business sector of the industry will allow young apprentices to work towards different career paths.
Mittal: The consolidation of the steel nearly completed
Reuters Tuesday, October 5, 2010 The consolidation of the steel sector is almost complete if we exclude China, Lakshmi Mittal said Tuesday on the sidelines of a conference the World Steel Association taking the cons-up speculation about a resumption of mergers and acquisitions. Still fragmented, the industry is experiencing weakness in its price negotiations with iron ore mining giant three that are Vale, Rio Tinto and BHP Billiton. "There is much room for consolidation outside China," he added, noting he was not interested in buying a Japanese steelmaker.
ArcelorMittal fears losing its implementation in Ukraine, where it invested $ 4.8 billion dollars AFP
04/10/2010 ArcelorMittal fears losing its implementation in Ukraine, where he has invested $ 4.8 billion into the largest producer Steel countries. He had bought Kryvorizhstal in 2005, promising to invest consistently. But the group had subsequently obtained from the privatization agency in Ukraine to postpone some planned investment because of the crisis. In July, the Attorney General of Ukraine has launched proceedings against ArcelorMittal and the privatization committee, arguing that the force majeure clause justifying the postponement of investment had been misused. ArcelorMittal
concerned that breaches of procedure recorded in this case does not guarantee him a fair trial, reports the FT. "We believe that a second step might be to say that we are behind in our investment commitments and, therefore, that the shares must be made to the state, "added the head of the Ukrainian subsidiary, now called ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih. A Ukrainian court has accepted Friday that the matter be dealt with by the Commercial Court of Kiev, while the privatization contract stipulated that any disputes should be subject to international arbitration. A second hearing is scheduled Tuesday.
Monday, October 4, 2010
Polyps On Gallbladder And Pregnancy
Registration conditions and cancellations in the days "Tinseautestdays"
Registration Days "Tinseautestdays"
To register, simply note the conditions of registration, fill out the registration form on the blog and the return with the check for the following address:
Order of Cheque: F1 Challenge Ltd.
Mr Christophe Tinseau
603 rue de Bournigal
Registration Conditions:
Registration is effective upon receipt of payment.
------------------------------------ -------------
Cancellation by the participant:
- Between 30 and 15 days before the event: 50% of the commitment will be kept by the organizer.
- Less than 15 days before the event: non-refundable. (Including appropriate driver options and additional meals).
------------------------------------------ -------
--------------------------------------- --------
vehicles allowed during the days "Tinseautestdays"
All sports cars, for example type: Porsche, Ferrari, Lotus, Lamborghini Ariel, KTM, BMW, Maserati, Aston, Mercedes, etc..
Each vehicle will be an endorsement of the organization "Tinseautestdays" some vehicles without registration papers match type will be accepted but with the agreement of the organization.
vehicles will meet the standards of noise on the circuit, between 95 and 102 db following the circuit, checked every day under pain of being excluded by the circuit itself.
All participating vehicles must be in perfect working condition, tires, brakes, oil levels etc.. A professional mechanic will be present for each day you change your tires and brakes on command or if you would wear limit.
AT2S Company: Call Alexander at
Remember to set your towing eyes before taking the runway.
-------------------------------------------- -
behavior of participants:
- In case of damage caused motor by himself or any person under its responsibility, the participant undertakes to bear the repair costs.
- In case of damage to vehicles caused by the participants, the organizer will not take a position on the settlement of any dispute whatsoever, leaving the protagonists agree among adults and responsible.
- In case of damage on the tracks, rails, tires, fences, stands, etc. absorbent products., Each participant will be obliged to settle the invoices corresponding to the damage it has caused directly from managers of the circuit.
- Any participant, as well as its potential passenger will be helmeted and strapped before taking the runway. A maximum of two people on board, even for sedans will be accepted. ("Tinseautestdays" does not provide helmets).
- A driver is civilly and criminally liable for injury and damage it might cause.
- The participant agrees to follow the mandatory safety briefing. If it arrives late, he shall go to the organizer of the day to attend a safety briefing before entering the track.
- Any behavior deemed dangerous to the staff of the circuit or another competitor will be an immediate disqualification.
Consequently ... Do not overestimate yourself, so be careful and have a behavior Gentlemen, Be tolerant with the slowest ... Make your overruns phase of the straight.
universal rule: always the vehicle that exceeds that changes the trajectory ... Keep your path, do not zigzag in the middle of the track to pass the fastest ... Look ahead! To facilitate overtaking, you can use turn signals, you're right, you put your right turn signal and if you left, you turn your signal on the left, and release your accelerator slightly.
---------------------------------------------- ----
Registration Days "Tinseautestdays"
To register, simply note the conditions of registration, fill out the registration form on the blog and the return with the check for the following address:
Order of Cheque: F1 Challenge Ltd.
Mr Christophe Tinseau
603 rue de Bournigal
Registration Conditions:
Registration is effective upon receipt of payment.
------------------------------------ -------------
Cancellation by the participant:
- Between 30 and 15 days before the event: 50% of the commitment will be kept by the organizer.
- Less than 15 days before the event: non-refundable. (Including appropriate driver options and additional meals).
------------------------------------------ -------
- All vehicles operating on the circuit during the days "Tinseautestdays" must be compulsorily insured. (OR for competition vehicles without gray card).
- I offer several insurance in accordance with the insurance firm Sauzeau: RC, RC + damage circuit, all circuits risks, injuries drivers, see the link: / Tinseau /
--------------------------------------- --------
vehicles allowed during the days "Tinseautestdays"
All sports cars, for example type: Porsche, Ferrari, Lotus, Lamborghini Ariel, KTM, BMW, Maserati, Aston, Mercedes, etc..
Each vehicle will be an endorsement of the organization "Tinseautestdays" some vehicles without registration papers match type will be accepted but with the agreement of the organization.
vehicles will meet the standards of noise on the circuit, between 95 and 102 db following the circuit, checked every day under pain of being excluded by the circuit itself.
All participating vehicles must be in perfect working condition, tires, brakes, oil levels etc.. A professional mechanic will be present for each day you change your tires and brakes on command or if you would wear limit.
AT2S Company: Call Alexander at
Remember to set your towing eyes before taking the runway.
-------------------------------------------- -
behavior of participants:
- In case of damage caused motor by himself or any person under its responsibility, the participant undertakes to bear the repair costs.
- In case of damage to vehicles caused by the participants, the organizer will not take a position on the settlement of any dispute whatsoever, leaving the protagonists agree among adults and responsible.
- In case of damage on the tracks, rails, tires, fences, stands, etc. absorbent products., Each participant will be obliged to settle the invoices corresponding to the damage it has caused directly from managers of the circuit.
- Any participant, as well as its potential passenger will be helmeted and strapped before taking the runway. A maximum of two people on board, even for sedans will be accepted. ("Tinseautestdays" does not provide helmets).
- A driver is civilly and criminally liable for injury and damage it might cause.
- The participant agrees to follow the mandatory safety briefing. If it arrives late, he shall go to the organizer of the day to attend a safety briefing before entering the track.
- Any behavior deemed dangerous to the staff of the circuit or another competitor will be an immediate disqualification.
Consequently ... Do not overestimate yourself, so be careful and have a behavior Gentlemen, Be tolerant with the slowest ... Make your overruns phase of the straight.
universal rule: always the vehicle that exceeds that changes the trajectory ... Keep your path, do not zigzag in the middle of the track to pass the fastest ... Look ahead! To facilitate overtaking, you can use turn signals, you're right, you put your right turn signal and if you left, you turn your signal on the left, and release your accelerator slightly.
---------------------------------------------- ----
Friday, October 1, 2010
Milena Velba Competition
NetbuLL 390> PTB CS lg (ArcelorMittal) 01/10/2010
In this netbull: paid 500 euros for more than a billion of profits, it seems very little but the company said, it is a subsidiary that manages the cash requirements for all entities of the group's production in Europe. Robert Rouzeeuw for FGTB, to protest against austerity: "We are obviously shocked when you see all that, but as we continue to make gifts to companies, we see the result today." David Camerini, CCS. "I think it's a scandal in relation to groups who register their prodigious profits make a pot of gold as well."
Etienne Botton, a spokesman for ArcelorMittal Liège: "The whole group of industrial companies pay each ArcelorMittal Belgium their taxes. For example, the various fees paid for activities Liege steel amounted to 113 million euros in 2008 and 92 million euros in 2009. The operations of ArcelorMittal accounts for 12 to 13,000 jobs in Belgium. It is true that in 2009, the year of crisis, ArcelorMittal Finance and Service Belgium has hardly pay taxes. For cons, the year before, she has paid 81 million euros ".
Fifty workers at ArcelorMittal Liège gathered Wednesday at the firm of JC Marcourt. David Camerini (CSC Metal): "We remain firm in our positions. It is necessary to sustain the steel business in Liege, that all workers are engaged in temporary structural CDI. Workers' representatives also express concern about the problem of maintenance tools and outsourcing more and more frequent. According to JC Marcourt, the negotiating parties must be able to find "the criteria for compliance and security competitiveness. It is obvious that the situation in the steel industry in Europe remains extremely difficult and that it must reflect the conditions and prospects in the medium and long term. We must also consider the efforts by workers to revive certain tools or increase the performance of other tools. We must now find tracks that can fit into an agreement and does not endanger the sustainability of the tool.
Since Wednesday, some 600 workers at ArcelorMittal Châtelet decided to sit back following the refusal of management to effect an upgrading. The staff says he's determined and announced a move to the finish.
workers Thy Marcinelle (Riva Group) have initiated a strike in a common front on 14 September. Steelworkers protest against exclusion unreasonable and unacceptable to a worker, moreover union representative. After a period of inactivity, the steward had been declared fit to work. Following an accident at work several years ago, he suffered a slight medical restriction. The management refused to reinstate him. This position places the unilateral delegate in the intolerable position of workers with jobs, without jobs or income. The "health assessment form" written by Adhesia September 3 specifies that the person is fit to perform the activity that is his job. The Steelworkers argue that while management had been a doubt about it, she could swap the delegate with another worker. Indeed, the post of storekeeper and a post of rocker are occupied for over a year by temporary.
November 11 it will be two years Carsid is stationary. A La Louviere, of threats to employment, since the thread no longer interested in the Russians. They say Duferco but in reality it is the group Sif (Steel Invest & Finance), the result of a joint venture made in 2006 between the Gozzi family (owner of Duferco) and steelmaker Russian Novolipetsk (NLMK) said Camillo D'Aloisio (SCC). On 8 September, the Group announced its intention Duferco to withdraw the steel, thus Sif. The Russians appear interested in taking. But agreement on the option and sale between two parties for the acquisition of all assets of SIF will expire on December 18. And a statement of transfer must be made three months ago. We're Here! 1,500 people gathered at Namur to express concern about the future of factories Duferco. Marcourt JC: "We will set a record economic supported to highlight the strengths of the steel and the Walloon défendre.Nous we are committed to have this contact in the six weeks and then return to the unions. "
German employees of the steel industry will receive a wage increase 3.6%. The agency will also be paid at the same level as other employees for the same work.
Pinco, a new structure entirely independent of the ArcelorMittal Group, will include six major production sites "stainless" two in Belgium: Genk and Chatelet. The group underwent
Beltrame crisis hit. High unemployment therefore affects the 120 workers Plant Charleroi (Ruau). By September, the scheme of work is likely to move to a single position. Different tracks are studied: one of them is the upgrading to the plant in Valenciennes. Another is early retirement.
ArcelorMittal fifty workers at the firm Marcourt September 29 Fifty workers at ArcelorMittal Liège gathered Wednesday at the office of the Walloon Minister of Economy, Jean-Claude Marcourt, to Namur. A delegation was received by the Minister's representatives. She expressed concern about the stalled negotiations with management and lack of investment in the tool Liege.
Asked in Brussels on the sidelines of a meeting of the Walloon government, the minister said he understood the concern of workers. He said the negotiating parties must be able to find "the criteria to guarantee compliance and competitiveness." "It is obvious that the situation in the steel industry in Europe remains extremely difficult and must take into account the conditions and prospects in the medium and long term. We must also consider the efforts made by workers to revive some tools or increase the performance of other tools. We must now find tracks that can fit into an agreement and does not endanger the sustainability of the tool, "said Mr. Marcourt. (MDP) office in Malaysia
Arcelor-Mittal CORK
dh 29 / 09/2010 Fifty representatives of workers ArcelorMittal Liège, will meet this Wednesday, the Minister for Marcourt awareness to the issue of negotiations between unions and management which are currently stalled, the unions have announced. The negotiations include the Hiring Plan (via the transformation of CSD and temporary CDI) and improvements in terms of working conditions. They take place difficult and one-day strike was held September 16 in protest. Negotiations were then resumed, but were again blocked since Sept. 21. "We remain firm in our positions. It is necessary to sustain the steel business in Liege, that all workers are engaged in temporary structural Commission. Currently, management does not seem to accept that, "said David Camerini (CSC Metal). Workers' representatives, meeting in a common front, decided to draw the attention of the Minister on the situation Marcourt and blocking. They also want to express their concern about the problem of maintenance tools and outsourcing more and more frequent missions.
Germany: wage increases of 3.6% in steel
Under the agreement reached between employers and trade union IG Metall, the German steel workers will receive a wage increase of 3.6%. This agreement shall come into force Friday and run until October 31, 2011. In addition, effective January 1, 2011, interim will also be paid at the same level as other employees for the same work (6com 09/30/2010).
Strike at ArcelorMittal finish at Chatelet
Since Wednesday, the 600 workers at ArcelorMittal Châtelet decided to sit back following the refusal of management to effect an upgrading. The staff and announced his determination to finish a movement (RTBF30/09/2010)
Management expressed its "astonishment " September 28, 20:05
"ArcelorMittal management is surprised Châtelet the current social movement and the demand for general wage increase, while market conditions remain difficult. This action is not constructive for either the company or its employees. " A strike notice had was tabled last Thursday and a work stoppage was observed the next day.
ArcelorMittal: 500 € Tax!
Ph. Law. 29/09/2010 llb is a famous hare has lifted the weekly Solidarity Labour Party (PTB), thanks to the foresight of Mark Van Hees, tax advisor of the party and who works at the Ministry of Finance . And once again, the find demonstrates the perverse and irrational side of the mechanism intended to enhance the attractiveness of Belgium and attract investors. According to various documents returned by "ArcelorMittal Finance and Service Belgium (company number: 0429.496.204), the financial subsidiary of global giant in the steel industry has paid in respect of tax, an exact amount of 496 € in 2009. But at the same time It recorded a profit of over 1 billion euros (€ 1,288,708,054 exactly). A little calculation shows that the company was hit with a tax rate of 0.00038%, or 90,000 times less than the rate Nominal corporate tax (33.99%). If she could benefit from a tax rate that low, is that "ArcelorMittal Finance and Service Belgium" used the mechanism of notional interest. This allows companies to deduct an amount equal to the notional return on equity to reduce the gap between the cost of debt and the equity. Indeed, when a company borrows money, it can deduct, as business expenses, the interest they pay to the lender. When she turned to venture capital and she pays it, it can not deduct dividends. These are taxed at the corporate tax. For Raoul
Hedebouw, spokesman for the PTB, the tax benefit reaped by ArcelorMittal Finance in Belgium corresponds to almost 500 million raised for the refinancing of Brussels in the pre-discussions at the federal government. "It is urgent to remove the notional interest deduction, the gift tax that benefits several billion in the first place, banks and multinational coordination centers. The measure also does not favor any use. In Belgium, the social report 2009 ArcelorMittal Belgium commented that the company has even removed 854 jobs in 2009, representing 11% of the workforce, "he criticizes. For
Etienne Botton, spokesman for ArcelorMittal Cork, the group simply used a measure available to many businesses. "Rates are set by the federal government and must not forget that we paid 81 million tax in 2008," he replies.
ArcelorMittal pays 500 euros tax
ls September 29, 2010 ArcelorMittal Finance and Service Belgium has paid in 2009 for an exact amount of tax of 496 euros, according to La Libre Belgique, based on revelations of the weekly PWB 'Solidarity'. Winning is important ArceloMittal Finance which has significant equity. " In 2009, the deduction thus reaches 1,288,806,525 euros, which seems to be the largest ever amount deducted since 2006, "says Marco Van Hees. According to the spokesman ArceloMittal in Liège, the group simply used a measure available to businesses. "We must not forget that we paid 81 million euros in taxes in 2008," he said.
ArcelorMittal notional interest to avoid tax? 30.09.10 paid 500 euros for more than a billion of profits, it seems very little, but the company said, it is a company ArcelorMittal. Its subsidiary that manages the cash requirements for all entities of the group's production in Europe. Etienne Botton, ArcelorMittal spokesman: "The system of notional interest deduction allows an increase in equity, just as it would for example claim an investment, so it's a system that any company established Belgium may use either a small or a large international group. " For unions, the perception is very different. This is unacceptable and a gift that money should go into state coffers. Robert Rouzeeuw for FGTB, to protest against austerity "We are obviously shocked when you see all that, but as we continue to make gifts to companies, we see the result today." David Camerini, CCS. "I think it's a scandal in relation to groups who register their prodigious profits make a pot of gold as well." The group says it ArcelorMittal that the mechanism allows the deduction increases capital and business investment and it is legal. The law on notional interest is certainly not foreign to the facility in Belgium of the fund management subsidiary of ArcelorMittal. "For example, the different taxes paid for steel activities Liege totaled 113 million euros in 2008 and 92 million euros in 2009. ArcelorMittal activities account for 12 to 13 000 jobs in Belgium, "said Etienne Botton yet, spokesman for ArcelorMittal Liège. Belga F. and Braibant
Taxes ArcelorMittal group of industrial companies pay their taxes Wed September 29 All industrial companies in Belgium ArcelorMittal each pay their taxes, said in a statement Wednesday night ArcelorMittal Liège, in response to an article in the PTB 'Solidarity' that the financial subsidiary ArcelorMittal Finance and Service, was paid in 2009 for 496 euros in taxes than through the mechanism of notional interest. "For example, the various fees paid for activities Liege steel amounted to 113 million euros in 2008 and 92 million euros in 2009. ArcelorMittal activities accounts for 12 to 13,000 jobs in Belgium" Etienne Botton says, spokesman for ArcelorMittal Liège. Mr Botton also confirms that the amount of taxes paid in 2009 due to the system of notional interest. She uses it, "like any other Belgian company can do," says he. "It is true that in 2009, the year of crisis, this company has paid virtually no taxes. As against the previous year, it has paid 81 million euros," he continued. (CDM)
Steelworkers meet the Walloon government
ls September 30, 2010 The Walloon government has committed to establish within six weeks of contact "deep" with the group Duferco, during a meeting with a delegation Association in conjunction with the event Steelworkers Walloon, which brought together 1,500 people in Namur on Thursday morning. Unions have described the meeting "positive at any point of view." Ministers Jean-Claude Marcourt (PS), Jean-Marc Nollet (Ecolo) and André Antoine (CDH) attended the interview. "We will define a document to substantiate economic highlight the strengths of the Walloon steel industry and defense," said the Walloon Minister of Economy Jean-Claude Marcourt the Belga agency.
"We are committed to have this contact in the six weeks and then return to the unions. "Some 1,500 people gathered at Namur to express concern about the future of factories Duferco. The site Carsid in Marcinelle, is particular to stop for almost two years due to poor economic conditions in the area. The workers are demanding clear answers about their future.
The event took place in a tense but no incidents were deplored.
About the strike in the steel industry.
(mail JC) This Thursday, September 30 is held a day of strikes in the steel Hainaut (Manage Duferco La Louviere, Marchienne, Clabecq). Carlam (Carinox) and Fafer are secured. They do not strike but active participants in the demonstration of 30 people and cover who go there. First, workers and their representatives ask the maintenance of economic activity on the sites Duferco in Belgium. Two years of unemployment for workers in economic Marchienne. A significant reduction of activity for Duferco Manage (formerly Bombardier) and Duferco-Ittre. These measures concern the workers and weary.
The redemption of Duferco by Novolipetsk is not a good deal because Russian businessmen are not interested in maintaining a business. They are only interested in the reputation of the Belgian steel industry so they can use to sell their own slab of poor quality and low prices. As of December 31 Duferco leaves the rest of its shares to Russian capitalists. Duferco does not intend to invest in a company that will drop soon.
the side of the Walloon government, business licenses and legislation on CO2 quotas may cause problems for the resumption of the blast furnace Marchienne.
Workers have two clear targets for their control movement: the Walloon government and the employers through the management Duferco and Russian businessmen. They want a $ 450 million for Marchienne. Half by employers and half for the Walloon government. Money is a delicate issue because the other companies also want to be subsidized by the Walloon Region.
solidarity from the rest of the sector comes from a more general concern about the situation of the steel industry worldwide. Steelmakers are not at all out of the crisis. Arcelor Mittal is preparing a plan of economy of scale.
The Walloon government may well subsidize a generator of jobs. That said, we must take into account what the bosses were won with these companies and show them the bill. The Walloon government has turned against them to recover the subsidies that will give the steel industry.
The steel industry remains a core sector of the economy. It should also castigate the indecision of the actors in this drama: the government and employers. They played the strategy of letting workers rotting vegetate for two years. Technically and humanly recovery is thus made very difficult.
situation ArcelorMittal Liège
(mail a Chertalien 23/09) A year ago, more or less, the liquid phase ArcelorMittal Liège restarted. Management and unions have signed agreements that covered, among other things, the number of workers in the company. These agreements provided that the different partners should get back to the table after a few months to assess the situation. So far, the Branch does not want to do. Working structures put in place structures are lean, very flexible "reduced costs".
Specifically, the number of workers has been halved compared to the situation before stopping.
In addition, this staff must be strictly adapted to walking tools.
Subcontracting has been extended to the maximum.
For example, the hot mill Chertal (TLB), the workforce has increased from 300 to 153 managers, supervisors, management and workers understood.
Employees must necessarily remain at home on Friday, even if the tool produces.
workers to resume their days off when the mill is not running, something that rarely happens. Workers, exhausted, then the days of accumulating Recycling unable to make, so the numbers are reduced ....
Regarding working hours, instead of the scheme in "continuous fire" (1 week 6 / 14, 14/22 1 week, 1 week night and one week off), the TLB is past by the "3 breaks" (6 days 6 / 14, 14/22 6 days, 5 nights ... and repeat), with one day off on Sunday. Sometimes that management also asked for volunteers for these Sundays.
And there, the following explains, at least 30% of employment contracts are fixed term and temporary jobs.
These workers were there BEFORE the shutdown in 2009. They were contacted again to resume.
Their salaries have increased from + / - 1800 € to 1400 € net income per month.
Loss of revenue 23% +! It is normal to find volunteers (but less) to work on Sundays.
is the picture drawn quickly .... CURRENTLY
common front, unions (CNE / SETCA / MWB / CSC) raised key demands, namely
commitment of ALL structural CSD where the Department wants to retain 30% absolutely temporary contracts.
journal enrollment growth and wages.
End the requirement that employees not work on Fridays.
No division in the business sectors of "core" and "non-core", which would lead eventually to more outsourcing.
Workers and their union led a strike Thursday, September 16. Strike action at 100%.
Following this strike, the various interlocutors met again but management does not move on, or rather wants to make a bundle of different claims and negotiate while block.
The unions want, meanwhile, negotiate everything separately.
The situation is in deadlock.
this morning, the unions, by mutual agreement, left the company following the board of the negative attitude of the management.
No further action is currently scheduled formally.
The unions hope to recover at the table with management by the end of the month, even if they think the situation will become radicalized at the end of this period.
Steelworkers Duferco fear a butchering tools Walloon
ls 1 / 10 What can Walloon government? The question remains open after the event than 1,500 steelworkers Duferco Group on Thursday morning in Namur, followed by a meeting between their representatives and several regional ministers. "We are partly reassured because our policies also believe it is imperative to keep all our tools business, said Jean-Marie Hoslet for the CSC-Metal. For the rest, the uncertainty is total ... "But the issue is the future of the 3,500 employees of the Swiss-Italian group, which is currently negotiating the sale of its tools Charleroi (Carsid), La Louviere and the Russians Clabecq of Novolipetsk Steel (NMLK): a giant 60,000 people which is associated Duferco since late 2006 as part of a joint venture called Steel Invest & Finance (SIF). Amounts are in keeping: Duferco could reap hundreds of millions of possible withdrawal of the steel.
Should remain sole master on board, NMLK itself could stop the production of blast furnace Carsid - he already has five tools comparable to Russia - but also that of long products in La Louviere. The Russians would be interested in Wallonia as tools offering high value led to slab it is important, cost of home: the rolling of plates for automobiles, La Louviere, and the special plates large, to Clabecq ... trade union side, it does not mean of course that way. "If this scenario were to materialize, it would destroy a thousand jobs Carsid and 500 workstations in La Louviere, warns Manuel Morais (SETC-FGTB). And it would weaken any existing chain, in which La Louviere and Clabecq are normally fed into slabs by the blast furnace of Charleroi. "Verily this sector is already, there is a change of ownership or not, greatly weakened by the crisis. The blast furnace Carsid is stopped for two years and its 1,100 employees, economic unemployment, are still waiting for a restart. Now, to revive the blast furnace, it should not only that the situation is recovering strongly, but also a conveniently large investment is made upfront for construction of a new coking plant - the former, too polluting, having been dismantled . "The confusion is complete, because in addition to those economic uncertainties relating to changes in ownership, says Jean-Claude Marcourt, Walloon Minister of Economy. It is therefore essential that the actors actually clarify their intentions.
We'll meet with them to clarify that the Walloon government is ready to get involved. But our potential support may not lead to a dismemberment of the current tools. "■ JULY BENEDICT
Duferco Sif: breaking the silence
info csc 24 / 9" The workers have waited far too long!
November 11 it will be two years Carsid (unit production of slabs) is stationary. While across Europe the blast furnace restart, nothing happens here. A La Louviere, threats of on employment, since the thread no longer interested in the Russians. Nobody knows the exact intentions of the employers group. And the politicians are silent in all languages! We want answers to questions that people can legitimately ask, "said Camillo D'Aloisio, secretary of trade union ACV-CSCMetea.
attempt to break the silence and finally get the answers they expect, group workers Duferco manifest in Namur and they resonate with the Walloon government.
"They say Duferco but in reality it is the group Sif (Steel Invest & Finance), the result of a joint venture conducted in 2006 between the Gozzi family (owner of Duferco) and the Russian steelmaker Novolipetsk (NLMK), Camillo D'Aloisio said. On 8 September, the Group announced its intention Duferco to withdraw the steel, thus Sif. The Russians appear interested in taking. But agreement on the option and sale between two parties for the acquisition of all assets of SIF will expire on December 18. And a statement of transfer must be made three months ago. We're Here! Yet we are not aware of anything, we were told nothing. "
Workers and their representatives are concerned, therefore, the future of the group and steel in Hainaut.
"It's an area we are talking business here. And 3,500 people are involved, "said Camillo D'Aloisio which includes the questions raised recently by Jean-Marie Hoslet, provincial secretary of ACV-CSC-Metea:" Will you keep the upstream and downstream? Will there still one boss? Will you split the different trades? ". Can not get any response.
Faced with this uncertainty, anxiety and nervousness of workers are increasing. Monday, September 20, they met in general assembly at Duferco La Louviere. They demand to know the intentions of the Russians NLMK Hennuyères for each business group. They recall that, regardless of the industrial operator that takes the hand, workers and their organizations require the maintenance and consolidation of the industrial scope and compliance with previous commitments. Concerns are particularly acute for Carsid: "The furnace is turned off for nearly two years and the decision to relight is constantly postponed. NLMK increases capacity in Russia and the sites are in competition. We said that our furnace was damaged by the use of poor quality coke Russian who has been delivered ... We are also told that the cost is too high. But all this is because Carsid no more coke. That of Marchienne was closed, "said Camille d'Aloisio. We absolutely want to see revitalize the perimeter. Thousand workers are waiting with the feeling of being useless ... And every direct job involves three indirect jobs also involved ... We want to know when the blast furnace will be restarted. "
On the site of La Louviere, anxiety rumbles too. Indeed, the "long" (steel wire) no longer seems to interest the Russians that focus on the sheets (the coils). This poses a threat to employment of 500 workers.
"The situation is extremely worrying. Employers say nothing. Policymakers also are silent as to the city of Charleroi to the Walloon Region, sorry Camillo D'Aloisio. Yet there is about the future of the city and region. If you want to restart the blast furnace shutdown for a long time, we will have such permits for CO2. This prepares ... We want to take political positions. What will be the future of the workers involved? And what are we leaving our children? An urban blight?
PS, CDH and Ecolo are switching at the Region. They must decide on the future. "
Exclusion improper and unacceptable to a worker
info csc 24 / 9 Unusually, the workers of the company Thy Marcinelle (Riva Group), Charleroi, triggered a wave of strikes in a common front on 14 September. Steelworkers protest against the unfair exclusion of an employee and unacceptable, moreover union representative. This decision violates all employers rules of social dialogue. It is even more incomprehensible that there was never any conflict within the company where social relations were healthy. Aged 41, joined Ferrini Saverio Riva in 1988 and there is always "busy" to date. He participated in the social elections in 2000, 2004 and 2008 and is also the right hand of the President of the CSC in Riva. After a period of inactivity, the steward appeared in the company. He had a prior medical examination and was declared fit to work. Following an accident
work occurred some years ago, he suffered a slight medical restrictions but annual medical examinations passed since then have always concluded with a work permit.
But this time, management refused to reinstate him. This position places the unilateral delegate in the intolerable position of workers with jobs, without jobs or income. "If Saverio is not reinstated now, management will never take it back because for her, he is a troublemaker around in circles, protest his colleagues. It is all fighting to defend his colleagues and is always willing to represent them to enforce their rights. "brandish the workers' health assessment form" written by Adhesia September 3 last, he said that the delegate is able to perform the activity that is his job . The Steelworkers argue that while management had been a doubt about it, she could swap the delegate with another worker. Indeed, the post of storekeeper and a post of rocker are occupied for over a year by temporary. Many delegates expressed their solidarity on the picket line on 17 September. Organizations unions want to believe in a quick in-house and prevent the conflict from taking other dimensions.
ArcelorMittal steel pole splitting the growth of French employees to apply for transfer
L a division of ArcelorMittal steel industry workers is causing increasing concern of the French site Isbergues. According to the Workers Force union (FOR), the creation of this new entity will close the sheet metal classic by 2012. The possible weakening of the site has prompted dozens of employees to apply for transfer to Dunkirk. For the unions, "there is a difference between optimism officers and employees' perceptions of who no longer believe in rhetoric. "(La Voix du Nord 10.01.2010)
ArcelorMittal Inox branch traded next year?
27/09/10 AOF Trading in the steel industry ArcelorMittal could take place in early 2011 according to a spokesman for the group. This branch should become a new company, tentatively called "Spinco." It would cover 10,000 employees. According to Oddo, the enterprise value would range between 3.4 and 4.2 billion dollars.
69 billionaires and 836 million very poor in India 30/09/2010 India has 17 new billionaires in 2010, bringing the total to a record 69, as ranked by Forbes magazine published Thursday, September 30. Mukesh Ambani, chairman of India's largest private group, Reliance Industries, is the third consecutive year the richest man in the country, with a fortune of $ 27 billion (20 billion euros). It is closely followed by Lakshmi Mittal, CEO of the world leader Arcelor Mittal Steel with 26 billion dollars. In response, some 836 million Indians - over 1.2 billion people - live on less than 20 rupees (33 cents) per day. And statistics on health, infant mortality and income are worse than in parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Charitable organizations are alarmed by the increasing social inequality.
In this netbull: paid 500 euros for more than a billion of profits, it seems very little but the company said, it is a subsidiary that manages the cash requirements for all entities of the group's production in Europe. Robert Rouzeeuw for FGTB, to protest against austerity: "We are obviously shocked when you see all that, but as we continue to make gifts to companies, we see the result today." David Camerini, CCS. "I think it's a scandal in relation to groups who register their prodigious profits make a pot of gold as well."
Etienne Botton, a spokesman for ArcelorMittal Liège: "The whole group of industrial companies pay each ArcelorMittal Belgium their taxes. For example, the various fees paid for activities Liege steel amounted to 113 million euros in 2008 and 92 million euros in 2009. The operations of ArcelorMittal accounts for 12 to 13,000 jobs in Belgium. It is true that in 2009, the year of crisis, ArcelorMittal Finance and Service Belgium has hardly pay taxes. For cons, the year before, she has paid 81 million euros ".
Fifty workers at ArcelorMittal Liège gathered Wednesday at the firm of JC Marcourt. David Camerini (CSC Metal): "We remain firm in our positions. It is necessary to sustain the steel business in Liege, that all workers are engaged in temporary structural CDI. Workers' representatives also express concern about the problem of maintenance tools and outsourcing more and more frequent. According to JC Marcourt, the negotiating parties must be able to find "the criteria for compliance and security competitiveness. It is obvious that the situation in the steel industry in Europe remains extremely difficult and that it must reflect the conditions and prospects in the medium and long term. We must also consider the efforts by workers to revive certain tools or increase the performance of other tools. We must now find tracks that can fit into an agreement and does not endanger the sustainability of the tool.
Since Wednesday, some 600 workers at ArcelorMittal Châtelet decided to sit back following the refusal of management to effect an upgrading. The staff says he's determined and announced a move to the finish.
workers Thy Marcinelle (Riva Group) have initiated a strike in a common front on 14 September. Steelworkers protest against exclusion unreasonable and unacceptable to a worker, moreover union representative. After a period of inactivity, the steward had been declared fit to work. Following an accident at work several years ago, he suffered a slight medical restriction. The management refused to reinstate him. This position places the unilateral delegate in the intolerable position of workers with jobs, without jobs or income. The "health assessment form" written by Adhesia September 3 specifies that the person is fit to perform the activity that is his job. The Steelworkers argue that while management had been a doubt about it, she could swap the delegate with another worker. Indeed, the post of storekeeper and a post of rocker are occupied for over a year by temporary.
November 11 it will be two years Carsid is stationary. A La Louviere, of threats to employment, since the thread no longer interested in the Russians. They say Duferco but in reality it is the group Sif (Steel Invest & Finance), the result of a joint venture made in 2006 between the Gozzi family (owner of Duferco) and steelmaker Russian Novolipetsk (NLMK) said Camillo D'Aloisio (SCC). On 8 September, the Group announced its intention Duferco to withdraw the steel, thus Sif. The Russians appear interested in taking. But agreement on the option and sale between two parties for the acquisition of all assets of SIF will expire on December 18. And a statement of transfer must be made three months ago. We're Here! 1,500 people gathered at Namur to express concern about the future of factories Duferco. Marcourt JC: "We will set a record economic supported to highlight the strengths of the steel and the Walloon défendre.Nous we are committed to have this contact in the six weeks and then return to the unions. "
German employees of the steel industry will receive a wage increase 3.6%. The agency will also be paid at the same level as other employees for the same work.
Pinco, a new structure entirely independent of the ArcelorMittal Group, will include six major production sites "stainless" two in Belgium: Genk and Chatelet. The group underwent
Beltrame crisis hit. High unemployment therefore affects the 120 workers Plant Charleroi (Ruau). By September, the scheme of work is likely to move to a single position. Different tracks are studied: one of them is the upgrading to the plant in Valenciennes. Another is early retirement.
ArcelorMittal fifty workers at the firm Marcourt September 29 Fifty workers at ArcelorMittal Liège gathered Wednesday at the office of the Walloon Minister of Economy, Jean-Claude Marcourt, to Namur. A delegation was received by the Minister's representatives. She expressed concern about the stalled negotiations with management and lack of investment in the tool Liege.
Asked in Brussels on the sidelines of a meeting of the Walloon government, the minister said he understood the concern of workers. He said the negotiating parties must be able to find "the criteria to guarantee compliance and competitiveness." "It is obvious that the situation in the steel industry in Europe remains extremely difficult and must take into account the conditions and prospects in the medium and long term. We must also consider the efforts made by workers to revive some tools or increase the performance of other tools. We must now find tracks that can fit into an agreement and does not endanger the sustainability of the tool, "said Mr. Marcourt. (MDP) office in Malaysia
Arcelor-Mittal CORK
dh 29 / 09/2010 Fifty representatives of workers ArcelorMittal Liège, will meet this Wednesday, the Minister for Marcourt awareness to the issue of negotiations between unions and management which are currently stalled, the unions have announced. The negotiations include the Hiring Plan (via the transformation of CSD and temporary CDI) and improvements in terms of working conditions. They take place difficult and one-day strike was held September 16 in protest. Negotiations were then resumed, but were again blocked since Sept. 21. "We remain firm in our positions. It is necessary to sustain the steel business in Liege, that all workers are engaged in temporary structural Commission. Currently, management does not seem to accept that, "said David Camerini (CSC Metal). Workers' representatives, meeting in a common front, decided to draw the attention of the Minister on the situation Marcourt and blocking. They also want to express their concern about the problem of maintenance tools and outsourcing more and more frequent missions.
Germany: wage increases of 3.6% in steel
Under the agreement reached between employers and trade union IG Metall, the German steel workers will receive a wage increase of 3.6%. This agreement shall come into force Friday and run until October 31, 2011. In addition, effective January 1, 2011, interim will also be paid at the same level as other employees for the same work (6com 09/30/2010).
Strike at ArcelorMittal finish at Chatelet
Since Wednesday, the 600 workers at ArcelorMittal Châtelet decided to sit back following the refusal of management to effect an upgrading. The staff and announced his determination to finish a movement (RTBF30/09/2010)
Management expressed its "astonishment " September 28, 20:05
"ArcelorMittal management is surprised Châtelet the current social movement and the demand for general wage increase, while market conditions remain difficult. This action is not constructive for either the company or its employees. " A strike notice had was tabled last Thursday and a work stoppage was observed the next day.
ArcelorMittal: 500 € Tax!
Ph. Law. 29/09/2010 llb is a famous hare has lifted the weekly Solidarity Labour Party (PTB), thanks to the foresight of Mark Van Hees, tax advisor of the party and who works at the Ministry of Finance . And once again, the find demonstrates the perverse and irrational side of the mechanism intended to enhance the attractiveness of Belgium and attract investors. According to various documents returned by "ArcelorMittal Finance and Service Belgium (company number: 0429.496.204), the financial subsidiary of global giant in the steel industry has paid in respect of tax, an exact amount of 496 € in 2009. But at the same time It recorded a profit of over 1 billion euros (€ 1,288,708,054 exactly). A little calculation shows that the company was hit with a tax rate of 0.00038%, or 90,000 times less than the rate Nominal corporate tax (33.99%). If she could benefit from a tax rate that low, is that "ArcelorMittal Finance and Service Belgium" used the mechanism of notional interest. This allows companies to deduct an amount equal to the notional return on equity to reduce the gap between the cost of debt and the equity. Indeed, when a company borrows money, it can deduct, as business expenses, the interest they pay to the lender. When she turned to venture capital and she pays it, it can not deduct dividends. These are taxed at the corporate tax. For Raoul
Hedebouw, spokesman for the PTB, the tax benefit reaped by ArcelorMittal Finance in Belgium corresponds to almost 500 million raised for the refinancing of Brussels in the pre-discussions at the federal government. "It is urgent to remove the notional interest deduction, the gift tax that benefits several billion in the first place, banks and multinational coordination centers. The measure also does not favor any use. In Belgium, the social report 2009 ArcelorMittal Belgium commented that the company has even removed 854 jobs in 2009, representing 11% of the workforce, "he criticizes. For
Etienne Botton, spokesman for ArcelorMittal Cork, the group simply used a measure available to many businesses. "Rates are set by the federal government and must not forget that we paid 81 million tax in 2008," he replies.
ArcelorMittal pays 500 euros tax
ls September 29, 2010 ArcelorMittal Finance and Service Belgium has paid in 2009 for an exact amount of tax of 496 euros, according to La Libre Belgique, based on revelations of the weekly PWB 'Solidarity'. Winning is important ArceloMittal Finance which has significant equity. " In 2009, the deduction thus reaches 1,288,806,525 euros, which seems to be the largest ever amount deducted since 2006, "says Marco Van Hees. According to the spokesman ArceloMittal in Liège, the group simply used a measure available to businesses. "We must not forget that we paid 81 million euros in taxes in 2008," he said.
ArcelorMittal notional interest to avoid tax? 30.09.10 paid 500 euros for more than a billion of profits, it seems very little, but the company said, it is a company ArcelorMittal. Its subsidiary that manages the cash requirements for all entities of the group's production in Europe. Etienne Botton, ArcelorMittal spokesman: "The system of notional interest deduction allows an increase in equity, just as it would for example claim an investment, so it's a system that any company established Belgium may use either a small or a large international group. " For unions, the perception is very different. This is unacceptable and a gift that money should go into state coffers. Robert Rouzeeuw for FGTB, to protest against austerity "We are obviously shocked when you see all that, but as we continue to make gifts to companies, we see the result today." David Camerini, CCS. "I think it's a scandal in relation to groups who register their prodigious profits make a pot of gold as well." The group says it ArcelorMittal that the mechanism allows the deduction increases capital and business investment and it is legal. The law on notional interest is certainly not foreign to the facility in Belgium of the fund management subsidiary of ArcelorMittal. "For example, the different taxes paid for steel activities Liege totaled 113 million euros in 2008 and 92 million euros in 2009. ArcelorMittal activities account for 12 to 13 000 jobs in Belgium, "said Etienne Botton yet, spokesman for ArcelorMittal Liège. Belga F. and Braibant
Taxes ArcelorMittal group of industrial companies pay their taxes Wed September 29 All industrial companies in Belgium ArcelorMittal each pay their taxes, said in a statement Wednesday night ArcelorMittal Liège, in response to an article in the PTB 'Solidarity' that the financial subsidiary ArcelorMittal Finance and Service, was paid in 2009 for 496 euros in taxes than through the mechanism of notional interest. "For example, the various fees paid for activities Liege steel amounted to 113 million euros in 2008 and 92 million euros in 2009. ArcelorMittal activities accounts for 12 to 13,000 jobs in Belgium" Etienne Botton says, spokesman for ArcelorMittal Liège. Mr Botton also confirms that the amount of taxes paid in 2009 due to the system of notional interest. She uses it, "like any other Belgian company can do," says he. "It is true that in 2009, the year of crisis, this company has paid virtually no taxes. As against the previous year, it has paid 81 million euros," he continued. (CDM)
Steelworkers meet the Walloon government
ls September 30, 2010 The Walloon government has committed to establish within six weeks of contact "deep" with the group Duferco, during a meeting with a delegation Association in conjunction with the event Steelworkers Walloon, which brought together 1,500 people in Namur on Thursday morning. Unions have described the meeting "positive at any point of view." Ministers Jean-Claude Marcourt (PS), Jean-Marc Nollet (Ecolo) and André Antoine (CDH) attended the interview. "We will define a document to substantiate economic highlight the strengths of the Walloon steel industry and defense," said the Walloon Minister of Economy Jean-Claude Marcourt the Belga agency.
"We are committed to have this contact in the six weeks and then return to the unions. "Some 1,500 people gathered at Namur to express concern about the future of factories Duferco. The site Carsid in Marcinelle, is particular to stop for almost two years due to poor economic conditions in the area. The workers are demanding clear answers about their future.
The event took place in a tense but no incidents were deplored.
About the strike in the steel industry.
(mail JC) This Thursday, September 30 is held a day of strikes in the steel Hainaut (Manage Duferco La Louviere, Marchienne, Clabecq). Carlam (Carinox) and Fafer are secured. They do not strike but active participants in the demonstration of 30 people and cover who go there. First, workers and their representatives ask the maintenance of economic activity on the sites Duferco in Belgium. Two years of unemployment for workers in economic Marchienne. A significant reduction of activity for Duferco Manage (formerly Bombardier) and Duferco-Ittre. These measures concern the workers and weary.
The redemption of Duferco by Novolipetsk is not a good deal because Russian businessmen are not interested in maintaining a business. They are only interested in the reputation of the Belgian steel industry so they can use to sell their own slab of poor quality and low prices. As of December 31 Duferco leaves the rest of its shares to Russian capitalists. Duferco does not intend to invest in a company that will drop soon.
the side of the Walloon government, business licenses and legislation on CO2 quotas may cause problems for the resumption of the blast furnace Marchienne.
Workers have two clear targets for their control movement: the Walloon government and the employers through the management Duferco and Russian businessmen. They want a $ 450 million for Marchienne. Half by employers and half for the Walloon government. Money is a delicate issue because the other companies also want to be subsidized by the Walloon Region.
solidarity from the rest of the sector comes from a more general concern about the situation of the steel industry worldwide. Steelmakers are not at all out of the crisis. Arcelor Mittal is preparing a plan of economy of scale.
The Walloon government may well subsidize a generator of jobs. That said, we must take into account what the bosses were won with these companies and show them the bill. The Walloon government has turned against them to recover the subsidies that will give the steel industry.
The steel industry remains a core sector of the economy. It should also castigate the indecision of the actors in this drama: the government and employers. They played the strategy of letting workers rotting vegetate for two years. Technically and humanly recovery is thus made very difficult.
situation ArcelorMittal Liège
(mail a Chertalien 23/09) A year ago, more or less, the liquid phase ArcelorMittal Liège restarted. Management and unions have signed agreements that covered, among other things, the number of workers in the company. These agreements provided that the different partners should get back to the table after a few months to assess the situation. So far, the Branch does not want to do. Working structures put in place structures are lean, very flexible "reduced costs".
Specifically, the number of workers has been halved compared to the situation before stopping.
In addition, this staff must be strictly adapted to walking tools.
Subcontracting has been extended to the maximum.
For example, the hot mill Chertal (TLB), the workforce has increased from 300 to 153 managers, supervisors, management and workers understood.
Employees must necessarily remain at home on Friday, even if the tool produces.
workers to resume their days off when the mill is not running, something that rarely happens. Workers, exhausted, then the days of accumulating Recycling unable to make, so the numbers are reduced ....
Regarding working hours, instead of the scheme in "continuous fire" (1 week 6 / 14, 14/22 1 week, 1 week night and one week off), the TLB is past by the "3 breaks" (6 days 6 / 14, 14/22 6 days, 5 nights ... and repeat), with one day off on Sunday. Sometimes that management also asked for volunteers for these Sundays.
And there, the following explains, at least 30% of employment contracts are fixed term and temporary jobs.
These workers were there BEFORE the shutdown in 2009. They were contacted again to resume.
Their salaries have increased from + / - 1800 € to 1400 € net income per month.
Loss of revenue 23% +! It is normal to find volunteers (but less) to work on Sundays.
is the picture drawn quickly .... CURRENTLY
common front, unions (CNE / SETCA / MWB / CSC) raised key demands, namely
commitment of ALL structural CSD where the Department wants to retain 30% absolutely temporary contracts.
journal enrollment growth and wages.
End the requirement that employees not work on Fridays.
No division in the business sectors of "core" and "non-core", which would lead eventually to more outsourcing.
Workers and their union led a strike Thursday, September 16. Strike action at 100%.
Following this strike, the various interlocutors met again but management does not move on, or rather wants to make a bundle of different claims and negotiate while block.
The unions want, meanwhile, negotiate everything separately.
The situation is in deadlock.
this morning, the unions, by mutual agreement, left the company following the board of the negative attitude of the management.
No further action is currently scheduled formally.
The unions hope to recover at the table with management by the end of the month, even if they think the situation will become radicalized at the end of this period.
Steelworkers Duferco fear a butchering tools Walloon
ls 1 / 10 What can Walloon government? The question remains open after the event than 1,500 steelworkers Duferco Group on Thursday morning in Namur, followed by a meeting between their representatives and several regional ministers. "We are partly reassured because our policies also believe it is imperative to keep all our tools business, said Jean-Marie Hoslet for the CSC-Metal. For the rest, the uncertainty is total ... "But the issue is the future of the 3,500 employees of the Swiss-Italian group, which is currently negotiating the sale of its tools Charleroi (Carsid), La Louviere and the Russians Clabecq of Novolipetsk Steel (NMLK): a giant 60,000 people which is associated Duferco since late 2006 as part of a joint venture called Steel Invest & Finance (SIF). Amounts are in keeping: Duferco could reap hundreds of millions of possible withdrawal of the steel.
Should remain sole master on board, NMLK itself could stop the production of blast furnace Carsid - he already has five tools comparable to Russia - but also that of long products in La Louviere. The Russians would be interested in Wallonia as tools offering high value led to slab it is important, cost of home: the rolling of plates for automobiles, La Louviere, and the special plates large, to Clabecq ... trade union side, it does not mean of course that way. "If this scenario were to materialize, it would destroy a thousand jobs Carsid and 500 workstations in La Louviere, warns Manuel Morais (SETC-FGTB). And it would weaken any existing chain, in which La Louviere and Clabecq are normally fed into slabs by the blast furnace of Charleroi. "Verily this sector is already, there is a change of ownership or not, greatly weakened by the crisis. The blast furnace Carsid is stopped for two years and its 1,100 employees, economic unemployment, are still waiting for a restart. Now, to revive the blast furnace, it should not only that the situation is recovering strongly, but also a conveniently large investment is made upfront for construction of a new coking plant - the former, too polluting, having been dismantled . "The confusion is complete, because in addition to those economic uncertainties relating to changes in ownership, says Jean-Claude Marcourt, Walloon Minister of Economy. It is therefore essential that the actors actually clarify their intentions.
We'll meet with them to clarify that the Walloon government is ready to get involved. But our potential support may not lead to a dismemberment of the current tools. "■ JULY BENEDICT
Duferco Sif: breaking the silence
info csc 24 / 9" The workers have waited far too long!
November 11 it will be two years Carsid (unit production of slabs) is stationary. While across Europe the blast furnace restart, nothing happens here. A La Louviere, threats of on employment, since the thread no longer interested in the Russians. Nobody knows the exact intentions of the employers group. And the politicians are silent in all languages! We want answers to questions that people can legitimately ask, "said Camillo D'Aloisio, secretary of trade union ACV-CSCMetea.
attempt to break the silence and finally get the answers they expect, group workers Duferco manifest in Namur and they resonate with the Walloon government.
"They say Duferco but in reality it is the group Sif (Steel Invest & Finance), the result of a joint venture conducted in 2006 between the Gozzi family (owner of Duferco) and the Russian steelmaker Novolipetsk (NLMK), Camillo D'Aloisio said. On 8 September, the Group announced its intention Duferco to withdraw the steel, thus Sif. The Russians appear interested in taking. But agreement on the option and sale between two parties for the acquisition of all assets of SIF will expire on December 18. And a statement of transfer must be made three months ago. We're Here! Yet we are not aware of anything, we were told nothing. "
Workers and their representatives are concerned, therefore, the future of the group and steel in Hainaut.
"It's an area we are talking business here. And 3,500 people are involved, "said Camillo D'Aloisio which includes the questions raised recently by Jean-Marie Hoslet, provincial secretary of ACV-CSC-Metea:" Will you keep the upstream and downstream? Will there still one boss? Will you split the different trades? ". Can not get any response.
Faced with this uncertainty, anxiety and nervousness of workers are increasing. Monday, September 20, they met in general assembly at Duferco La Louviere. They demand to know the intentions of the Russians NLMK Hennuyères for each business group. They recall that, regardless of the industrial operator that takes the hand, workers and their organizations require the maintenance and consolidation of the industrial scope and compliance with previous commitments. Concerns are particularly acute for Carsid: "The furnace is turned off for nearly two years and the decision to relight is constantly postponed. NLMK increases capacity in Russia and the sites are in competition. We said that our furnace was damaged by the use of poor quality coke Russian who has been delivered ... We are also told that the cost is too high. But all this is because Carsid no more coke. That of Marchienne was closed, "said Camille d'Aloisio. We absolutely want to see revitalize the perimeter. Thousand workers are waiting with the feeling of being useless ... And every direct job involves three indirect jobs also involved ... We want to know when the blast furnace will be restarted. "
On the site of La Louviere, anxiety rumbles too. Indeed, the "long" (steel wire) no longer seems to interest the Russians that focus on the sheets (the coils). This poses a threat to employment of 500 workers.
"The situation is extremely worrying. Employers say nothing. Policymakers also are silent as to the city of Charleroi to the Walloon Region, sorry Camillo D'Aloisio. Yet there is about the future of the city and region. If you want to restart the blast furnace shutdown for a long time, we will have such permits for CO2. This prepares ... We want to take political positions. What will be the future of the workers involved? And what are we leaving our children? An urban blight?
PS, CDH and Ecolo are switching at the Region. They must decide on the future. "
Exclusion improper and unacceptable to a worker
info csc 24 / 9 Unusually, the workers of the company Thy Marcinelle (Riva Group), Charleroi, triggered a wave of strikes in a common front on 14 September. Steelworkers protest against the unfair exclusion of an employee and unacceptable, moreover union representative. This decision violates all employers rules of social dialogue. It is even more incomprehensible that there was never any conflict within the company where social relations were healthy. Aged 41, joined Ferrini Saverio Riva in 1988 and there is always "busy" to date. He participated in the social elections in 2000, 2004 and 2008 and is also the right hand of the President of the CSC in Riva. After a period of inactivity, the steward appeared in the company. He had a prior medical examination and was declared fit to work. Following an accident
work occurred some years ago, he suffered a slight medical restrictions but annual medical examinations passed since then have always concluded with a work permit.
But this time, management refused to reinstate him. This position places the unilateral delegate in the intolerable position of workers with jobs, without jobs or income. "If Saverio is not reinstated now, management will never take it back because for her, he is a troublemaker around in circles, protest his colleagues. It is all fighting to defend his colleagues and is always willing to represent them to enforce their rights. "brandish the workers' health assessment form" written by Adhesia September 3 last, he said that the delegate is able to perform the activity that is his job . The Steelworkers argue that while management had been a doubt about it, she could swap the delegate with another worker. Indeed, the post of storekeeper and a post of rocker are occupied for over a year by temporary. Many delegates expressed their solidarity on the picket line on 17 September. Organizations unions want to believe in a quick in-house and prevent the conflict from taking other dimensions.
ArcelorMittal steel pole splitting the growth of French employees to apply for transfer
L a division of ArcelorMittal steel industry workers is causing increasing concern of the French site Isbergues. According to the Workers Force union (FOR), the creation of this new entity will close the sheet metal classic by 2012. The possible weakening of the site has prompted dozens of employees to apply for transfer to Dunkirk. For the unions, "there is a difference between optimism officers and employees' perceptions of who no longer believe in rhetoric. "(La Voix du Nord 10.01.2010)
ArcelorMittal Inox branch traded next year?
27/09/10 AOF Trading in the steel industry ArcelorMittal could take place in early 2011 according to a spokesman for the group. This branch should become a new company, tentatively called "Spinco." It would cover 10,000 employees. According to Oddo, the enterprise value would range between 3.4 and 4.2 billion dollars.
69 billionaires and 836 million very poor in India 30/09/2010 India has 17 new billionaires in 2010, bringing the total to a record 69, as ranked by Forbes magazine published Thursday, September 30. Mukesh Ambani, chairman of India's largest private group, Reliance Industries, is the third consecutive year the richest man in the country, with a fortune of $ 27 billion (20 billion euros). It is closely followed by Lakshmi Mittal, CEO of the world leader Arcelor Mittal Steel with 26 billion dollars. In response, some 836 million Indians - over 1.2 billion people - live on less than 20 rupees (33 cents) per day. And statistics on health, infant mortality and income are worse than in parts of sub-Saharan Africa. Charitable organizations are alarmed by the increasing social inequality.
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NetbuLL 389> PTB CS lg (ArcelorMittal) 22/09/2010
In this netbull:
negotiations with ArcelorMittal Liège lead to a finding of deadlock. Blocking does not mean a breakdown in negotiations. No strike action is planned at this stage, but the union side is waiting for a solution before the end of the month. "
Workers Duferco Group announce a one day strike on all sites in the group September 30, and a demonstration in Namur.
A new structure Spinco called for now, should come within a year. Entity completely independent of ArcelorMittal. Spinco will include six major production sites "stainless" two in Belgium: Genk and Chatelet. ArcelorMittal Chatelet, it will soon be the past ...
Towards a major shock in the Walloon steel industry?
Johnny Coopmans 22/9/2010 Soon we will be first straight to a major shock in the Walloon steel industry. Duferco and Russian divorce, which threatens the blast furnace at Charleroi and at least s of the wire mill Boel La Louviere (total of 1500 direct jobs at risk). On 30 September there will be a joint event Duferco in Namur call "policies", the famous Walloon Olivier. On the other hand, the BMCC Charleroi is on strike since Monday in MMR because management refuses to resume work of a trade union CSC, which has been declared fit to work by the doctor's work, with the restriction of not having carry weight of 15 kilos. For this reason the management refuses to return to work due to force majeure and is unemployed. Since Onem consider him fit he refuses to pay unemployment benefits. End result: the delegate has no income.
Negotiations stalled at ArcelorMittal Liège
Belga IIb 21/09/2010 Negotiations between unions and management of ArcelorMittal Liège lead on Tuesday in a finding of "blocking", according to unions. The talks were resumed on Monday after a day of strikes last Thursday and continued on Tuesday. But without success. "Management has imposed a blockade," said David Camerini, delegation chairman CSC-Metal. "We remain firm in our position: we need to sustain the steel business in Liege, that all workers are engaged in temporary structural Commission. Currently, management does not seem to accept it." The blocking does however, a breakdown in negotiations. Management must consult his side and will review the unions, but at an unknown date. No strike action is planned at this stage, but the union side, we expect a solution before the end of the month. "
ArcelorMittal: the 24-hour strike began, it met 100%
Belga IIb 16/09/2010 The work stoppage for 24 hours in front decided jointly by the four trade union delegations (FGTB, CSC, SETCa , CNE) ArcelorMittal Liège began Thursday morning at 6 am on all sites Liege. Union source, the movement is respected by all workers in all sectors, some 3,000 people. Workers protest against the hiring policy, as organized by management. On Wednesday, the CEO of ArcelorMittal Joao Felix Da Silva had met with the four presidents of union delegations, informing them of his misunderstanding in the process of negotiations. He was asked to recover around the table to try to find a solution to the problem of employment "but not only," said Robert Rouzeeuw, president of the Metal-to FGTB Liege, "because the problems are unfortunately many. But we remain hopeful. "
Picket lines were set at 6 o'clock Thursday morning at all sites of ArcelorMittal Liège basin, of up to CT Marchin Chertal, through Seraing and Ramet. They will remain there until 6 pm Friday.
The unions want at the end of 24 hours of strike, negotiations resumed more calmly. "We have an ultimatum at the end of the month," says Robert Rouzeeuw. "If no solution is found by then, the movement could take over and be of greater magnitude yet." ArcelorMittal Liège
Negotiations stalled, 24 hours off
Info joint trade union front FGTB-CSC-SETC-CNE 09/14/2010
Since September 2, your unions negotiate a common front with the management of ArcelorMittal Liège
- The policy of hiring and employment levels
- The future of the 2004 convention on wage guarantees
- Management problems at all levels
- The deplorable working conditions stemming from organizations lean implemented by management
The management wanted to make a package with all points. We want to negotiate point by point, starting with the most important policy of hiring and employment volume.
After two weeks of discussion, we are nowhere management refuses to take into account that our claim is simple and compelling: all temporary positions currently occupied Structural should eventually be contracted
IDUs (duration indefinite).
We must show our determination.
For this, the joint trade union front FGTB, CSC, and G & CNE decree, this Thursday, September 16 at 6 hours, 24 hours strike
ArcelorMittal Liège: 24-hour strike Thursday
The social negotiations are deadlocked, so that the unions have decided ArcelorMittal Liège a 24-hour strike on Thursday to 6 hours. Several cases are on the table, starting with the processing of all temporary contracts in CDI, the common front that considers it a priority. Now management wants to negotiate all the points in one go (working conditions, management problem, the 2004 Convention relating to the guarantee of jobs, ...). The staff decided to put the pressure (6com 15/09/2010).
ArcelorMittal continued negotiations in Liege
The notice of strike filed by the unions of the metallurgist ArcelorMittal Liege expired Monday no effect on labor. "The purpose of the notice was to put pressure on management to accept a seat at the negotiating table, and that's what she did," said Jordan Atanasov, Chairman of the CSC-Metal Liege .
The negotiations started in last weekend will now conclude from this Tuesday morning. Remember, the unions demand the transformation of a series of fixed-term jobs or temporary permanent contract. "We have nothing against the use of temporary short-term needs, but when a position is structural, it must be under permanent," said the union yet. Another point of negotiation, unions demand the extension of an agreement signed in 2003 and matured, which guarantees workers the salary continuation when changing positions or sector, many in recent years, especially during the closure / raises blast furnace . (VIM)
Duferco (La Louviere) event in Namur September 30
6com 15/09/2010 workers Duferco Group (La Louviere) are within the power relationship: September 30, they announced a day to strike at all sites of the group and a demonstration in Namur. They denounce lack of decision for the Recovery of blast furnace Carsid at off for 2 years, and the sustainability of other steel tools. "Marchiennes not become the Bronx of Wallonia", ton Antonio Di Santo (FGTB Metal). A council is convened on September 22. They are demanding answers from the questions at shareholder Duferco Clabecq
So. De IIb 21/09/2010 workers at the steelmaker Duferco La Louviere met on Monday to show their concern about their future. Belgian sites of the company no longer belong to Duferco, but a joint venture (51% in Russian hands of Novolipetsk, and 49% Duferco). A Duferco Clabecq Alberto Granados, CSC, said that "the tool is a tool Clabecq envied, and unique. It makes lace here. "But changes have taken place in the group before the three Belgian sites were strongly linked. "But now we are no longer a polygon vertical ago, there was the hot Carsid (Charleroi), who worked for La Louviere La Louviere and working for Clabecq. We are no longer within the polygon. There is now a horizontalization tool. "
The slabs (raw material for rolling) may therefore come from elsewhere to feed Clabecq which then performs a transformation. They are already present in Russia, which helped to Clabecq not be dependent Carsid, economic unemployment for two years. But also for the union, depending on labor costs, unfavorable currency or the company could decide to roll Clabecq elsewhere than either Denmark or Italy. "The customer will change, but the employment blackmail will still take place. Previously, if we were not "nice" to Clabecq stocks were increased in Charleroi, now we say we will Denmark or Italy. "But the site may assert a series of arguments. "We will always need the tool Clabecq. A Clabecq, we can transform the slabs of sheet metal with a technique that exists nowhere else. The Belgian market is also interesting for them. Today Clabecq will work, good or evil, it exists, good or bad. So in the short term, I do not believe that Clabecq farm for the benefit of Denmark or Italy. I do not see this scenario there at 6 months, but that does not mean that you're prepared for it ... But the current owners, we say: I invest if I invest it that's positive. "For the future, an important date will be June 30, 2012. "After I prepare for surprises, because I do not know the new boss." Duferco should indeed decide to leave the joint venture on or before that date. But the union also believes that Duferco wishes go out much earlier than expected from the joint venture.
In general, "the concerns are less severe than in Hainaut" says the union. The Hennuyers unaware of the fact if their tool will continue to be necessary. "A blast furnace, it's expensive ... Russians already have three at home ... "But Clabecq issues also exist. "In which industrial scheme Will we end up? Under what conditions will we be exploited? "," Workers are already in a permanent knot flexibility. And yes, investments have been made, but do not you dress for the bride's best to sell it? "Few details filter out the side of the joint venture. SCC therefore wondered who will, on the management side, moving to the discussion table. Another scenario could also sell Duferco Carsid and La Louviere and keep Clabecq ... In addition, if workers do not suffer unemployment as important as economic Carsid to Clabecq, sales on the two major markets (energy and shipyard) cap and have not regained the level before the crisis. A challenge is to find new niche markets for the future. New
cold winter for the blast furnace Carsid
BELGA IIb 25/08/2010 The blast furnace Carsid, located at Marcinelle at a standstill since November 1, 2008, will not be turned back on in winter, so that it is to remain covered until the end of October, the Echo reported Wednesday.
According to the newspaper, the works council Carsid, member company of the joint venture combining RIS Duferco Russian NLMK group, to be held this Wednesday, will not address the issue of reviving the blast furnace. The Echo states that technically, it takes nearly two months between the decision to rekindle the tool and the first casting of cast iron.
According to the newspaper, negotiations are continuing behind the scenes between Duferco and the Walloon Region (Sogepa) for the construction of a new coking in Marcinelle
The strike continues to Thy-Marcinelle (Charleroi)
Workers Thy-Marcinelle have extended Friday morning round they observe strike since Tuesday to protest against the setting aside of an employee of the company, CSC also delegated. According to unions, leaders of the site would have benefited from the old problems of the worker to hang. A report of occupational medicine, however, says he can resume his normal functions. At worst, he could be moved to another department, say the unions. (The Libre20/09/2010)
The study "stainless" ArcelorMittal soon independent 01.09.10 A new structure, called Spinco for now, should come within a year. An entity totally independent of the ArcelorMittal group. Only the owner, Lakshmi Mittal, will remain at the helm, as the majority shareholder. Spinco will include six major production sites "stainless" two in Belgium: Genk and Chatelet. An extraordinary works council was held Tuesday at Châtelet to inform staff. It was therefore question the creation of this cluster "steel" which will include the independent site Chatelet. A creative workers now confirmed: ArcelorMittal Chatelet, it will soon be the past ...
Objective: better visibility on the market but also more freedom. Hallemans Bernard, director ArcelorMittal Chatelet: "To fly the company on its own would give more flexibility and freedom to make choices when the time comes. In a large group, when to invest or expand, we find ourselves in competition with other sites. When one is smaller, it has more freedom to invest where it sees fit, for our specific market. "
trade union side, there is still quite cautious. Eric Bonjean, Senior Associate FGTB: "Today, we know what we have, we do not know what you might have. Today, as part of a group such as ArcelorMittal, we were able happen - somehow - the crisis, with some damage of course ... but we're still here! Tomorrow, being one company specific "stainless" does one survive another crisis? "
But management reassures no great change in perspective. Hallemans Bernard:" There is no restructuring plan and no change in industrial scheme hidden behind this exercise in spin-off. This changes nothing for us or our priorities, which are either in or outside the group.
next stage in the development of this new company Spinco: September 22, for a European works council Luxembourg.
ArcelorMittal reduces the rate
Challenges, Wednesday, August 26, 2010, ArcelorMittal management France will announce Thursday, August 26 employee representatives a few measures to take into account the uncertainties in the automotive sector, one of the main markets group. Sites in Dunkirk, Fos and Florange should be concerned.
trade union sources, indicate already that "taken leave of forced" planned-three days off at Dunkirk, with even partial unemployment by the end of the year as and when time accounts are exhausted. Note that the site of Basse-Indre, not directly affected by the automobile, will also be affected by these measures. ArcelorMittal
two incidents Ferblatil and blast furnace B
Tuesday around 9:30, a leak in a vat of hydrochloric acid caused the poisoning of six people on the site of Arcelor Packaging International (API) Sclessin. Firefighters responded to Liege and six intoxicated people were taken to the hospital for security reasons. A little later, another pollution alert was triggered at the site of the blast furnace B Ougrée. An acetylene cylinder on fire required the response of firefighters, but has caused no casualties. Damage related to the two incidents appear to be relatively limited. (The Last Time 11 / 8)
Vives concerns Carinox (Châtelet)
The announcement of the departure of the CEO of ArcelorMittal steel industry worldwide are very concerned about the delegation of Carinox. In a European EC in Luxembourg, the social partners were informed of the departure of Jean-Yves Gilet will engage in French politics. One remembers that at Châtelet had advocated the establishment of the steelworks on site. We wondered about the coincidence of this decision with the announcement of the spin of the steel industry on which a further meeting is scheduled Sept. 22. Châtelet occupies the site of nearly 800 people. (New Gazette 05/08/2010)
The mills of Ruau (Charleroi) turned
majority shareholder of the mills Ruau, Beltrame group underwent the crisis hit. High unemployment therefore affects the 120 workers at the plant in Charleroi (Monceau). By September, the scheme of work is likely to move to a single position. To mitigate the economic impact, different tracks are studied: one of them is the upgrading to the plant in Valenciennes. Another is early retirement. (New Gazette 04/08/2010)
ArcelorMittal is the largest employer Liège
The Meuse fulfills its first two regional pages with the classification of firms Liege in 2008, as presented by Trends Business Magazine. In private, EVS has made 41 million euros profit and public side is Sogepa which garnered over 152 million euros. Effective radius, it's no surprise that ArcelorMittal turns in the lead with 2,499 workers surveyed (6com 04/08/2010).
Arcelor Mittal has again appeal to the market to refinance its debt 03/08/2010 Arcelor Mittal to raise $ 2.5 billion markets via a bond issue. The amount raised is intended to refinance its debt. This will be divided into three tranches. The first installment will focus on a billion dollars with an interest rate of 3.75% and matures in 2015. For an equivalent amount, the second installment will offer a rate of 5.25% for a maturity date in 2020. The last part concerns the remaining $ 500 million and will be fixed at a rate of 7% for a maturity Announced 2039.Le group had already called several times to markets in 2009 to address the decline of its activity at the height of the crisis.
ArcelorMittal In Talks pr buy iron ore assets of MMX
03/08/10 at 18:02 - DowJones ArcelorMittal is in talks to acquire iron ore assets of MMX Mineracao e Metalicos SA , a mining group owned by Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista. Batista tries to sell the assets of MMX iron ore from Brazil to focus on oil and energy, could provide better returns in the future, analysts said Monday. The Brazilian steelmaker Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA, the Chinese Wuhan Iron & Steel Co. and the American mining group Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.. (FBC) may also be interested in these assets. ArcelorMittal wants his side to expand its existing business of iron ore in Brazil in order to gain greater autonomy in terms of its supply.
ArcelorMittal fears a more difficult year-end
Les Echos 28/07/2010 Turnover of ArcelorMittal, the end of June shows a net restart its activity compared to 2009. This amounted to 40 billion dollars, up more than ten billion over the first half of last year. The growth was equally impressive on the gross operating surplus (EBITDA), which has doubled in one year, to 4.9 billion, including $ 3 billion made in the second quarter alone. For, from April to June, the group has increased its production of steel a year from 8.9 million tonnes to 24.8 million.
The group's management remains cautious: "The third quarter will be influenced by seasonal factors and the effects of economic slowdown in China" justifies Lakshmi Mittal, CEO of the group.
And secondly on its ability to pass on higher prices exerted by the iron ore producers, including Anglo-Australian BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto or Brazil's Vale. Last March, Eurofer criticized "a rise in commodity prices over 80%." Next, increasing by 9% of average sales price per ton of steel from ArcelorMittal for the second quarter of 2010 is rather limited.
this background of tension on the demand and costs, that EBITDA is expected in a range between 2.1 and 2.5 billion at the end of next quarter, while analysts' consensus was counting on $ 3 billion. For ArcelorMittal, such a situation must again planing its production following a 2009 which saw overcapacity nearly 50%. Utlisation rate of its production capacity is estimated at 70% by the end of the third quarter, against 78% for the period April to June
A man killed in steelworks Belval A man who working on the site of ArcelorMittal was killed yesterday at around 7 pm The tragedy occurred during an operation to move an electrode of electric furnace. During the maneuver, performed with a crane, industrial objects of a ton fell on the cab of a forklift which confronted the victim. The man who died was aged 46. The technical department of forensic science went to the scene to understand the exact circumstances of the accident as the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines.
Dunkirk: Visit of President of Arcelor Mittal
September 15, 2010 Lakshmi Mittal arrived by helicopter at 11am for a whirlwind tour of the company Dunkirk. Indian President visited three facilities in Dunkirk and 2 others to Mardyck to meet with the production engineers. A visit to a run for those who had not come to the site since last 3 years and who has met or unions of the company, or the press.
In Lorraine, the hardship is at the heart of the protest against pension reform
The World 07.09.10 They parade dressed as a founder, strapped into their coats aluminized, with their spats and their neck roll. "And they shall burn the torches!" Promises Edward Martin, CFDT delegate to the steel group Arcelor Florange Mitttal. Eighteen months after the closure of the plant Gandrange (Moselle), which led to the elimination of 600 jobs, steelworkers in the valley of the Fensch were preparing to jump on new fire " Monday, September 6, on the eve of demonstrations against the proposed pension reform, in turn, this will be Metz.
"Let them come and see our high-providedt, Woerth and the company! After thirty years of continuous fire, the guys are exhausted. Eight hours a day service posted at a hole where the melting casting fate to 1500 degrees, I can tell you that it uses. And we want them to be reused a ladle? is outrageous ", carried away Xavier Phan Dinh, 56, a maintenance worker at the mill crowns and bars, the latest installation group still active in Gandrange. "Anyway, the old, put them at the door, the sighs militant of the CGT. A Gandrange began by transferring the workers over 57 years. So what is the meaning of all this? "
ArcelorMittal new director general at the head of the stainless steel division
BELGA IIb 22/09/2010 ArcelorMittal on Wednesday announced the appointment of Bernard Fontana as Director General its stainless steel division of the group. The appointment comes as the steel company is considering setting up a possible spinoff for its stainless steel division, which is part of the site including ArcelorMittal to Chatelet. Bernard Fontana who was previously head of the Directorate Human Resources Group, replaces Jean-Yves Gilet. Mr. Fontana will be headed by Gonzalo Urquijo, member of senior management of ArcelorMittal.
In this netbull:
negotiations with ArcelorMittal Liège lead to a finding of deadlock. Blocking does not mean a breakdown in negotiations. No strike action is planned at this stage, but the union side is waiting for a solution before the end of the month. "
Workers Duferco Group announce a one day strike on all sites in the group September 30, and a demonstration in Namur.
A new structure Spinco called for now, should come within a year. Entity completely independent of ArcelorMittal. Spinco will include six major production sites "stainless" two in Belgium: Genk and Chatelet. ArcelorMittal Chatelet, it will soon be the past ...
Towards a major shock in the Walloon steel industry?
Johnny Coopmans 22/9/2010 Soon we will be first straight to a major shock in the Walloon steel industry. Duferco and Russian divorce, which threatens the blast furnace at Charleroi and at least s of the wire mill Boel La Louviere (total of 1500 direct jobs at risk). On 30 September there will be a joint event Duferco in Namur call "policies", the famous Walloon Olivier. On the other hand, the BMCC Charleroi is on strike since Monday in MMR because management refuses to resume work of a trade union CSC, which has been declared fit to work by the doctor's work, with the restriction of not having carry weight of 15 kilos. For this reason the management refuses to return to work due to force majeure and is unemployed. Since Onem consider him fit he refuses to pay unemployment benefits. End result: the delegate has no income.
Negotiations stalled at ArcelorMittal Liège
Belga IIb 21/09/2010 Negotiations between unions and management of ArcelorMittal Liège lead on Tuesday in a finding of "blocking", according to unions. The talks were resumed on Monday after a day of strikes last Thursday and continued on Tuesday. But without success. "Management has imposed a blockade," said David Camerini, delegation chairman CSC-Metal. "We remain firm in our position: we need to sustain the steel business in Liege, that all workers are engaged in temporary structural Commission. Currently, management does not seem to accept it." The blocking does however, a breakdown in negotiations. Management must consult his side and will review the unions, but at an unknown date. No strike action is planned at this stage, but the union side, we expect a solution before the end of the month. "
ArcelorMittal: the 24-hour strike began, it met 100%
Belga IIb 16/09/2010 The work stoppage for 24 hours in front decided jointly by the four trade union delegations (FGTB, CSC, SETCa , CNE) ArcelorMittal Liège began Thursday morning at 6 am on all sites Liege. Union source, the movement is respected by all workers in all sectors, some 3,000 people. Workers protest against the hiring policy, as organized by management. On Wednesday, the CEO of ArcelorMittal Joao Felix Da Silva had met with the four presidents of union delegations, informing them of his misunderstanding in the process of negotiations. He was asked to recover around the table to try to find a solution to the problem of employment "but not only," said Robert Rouzeeuw, president of the Metal-to FGTB Liege, "because the problems are unfortunately many. But we remain hopeful. "
Picket lines were set at 6 o'clock Thursday morning at all sites of ArcelorMittal Liège basin, of up to CT Marchin Chertal, through Seraing and Ramet. They will remain there until 6 pm Friday.
The unions want at the end of 24 hours of strike, negotiations resumed more calmly. "We have an ultimatum at the end of the month," says Robert Rouzeeuw. "If no solution is found by then, the movement could take over and be of greater magnitude yet." ArcelorMittal Liège
Negotiations stalled, 24 hours off
Info joint trade union front FGTB-CSC-SETC-CNE 09/14/2010
Since September 2, your unions negotiate a common front with the management of ArcelorMittal Liège
- The policy of hiring and employment levels
- The future of the 2004 convention on wage guarantees
- Management problems at all levels
- The deplorable working conditions stemming from organizations lean implemented by management
The management wanted to make a package with all points. We want to negotiate point by point, starting with the most important policy of hiring and employment volume.
After two weeks of discussion, we are nowhere management refuses to take into account that our claim is simple and compelling: all temporary positions currently occupied Structural should eventually be contracted
IDUs (duration indefinite).
We must show our determination.
For this, the joint trade union front FGTB, CSC, and G & CNE decree, this Thursday, September 16 at 6 hours, 24 hours strike
ArcelorMittal Liège: 24-hour strike Thursday
The social negotiations are deadlocked, so that the unions have decided ArcelorMittal Liège a 24-hour strike on Thursday to 6 hours. Several cases are on the table, starting with the processing of all temporary contracts in CDI, the common front that considers it a priority. Now management wants to negotiate all the points in one go (working conditions, management problem, the 2004 Convention relating to the guarantee of jobs, ...). The staff decided to put the pressure (6com 15/09/2010).
ArcelorMittal continued negotiations in Liege
The notice of strike filed by the unions of the metallurgist ArcelorMittal Liege expired Monday no effect on labor. "The purpose of the notice was to put pressure on management to accept a seat at the negotiating table, and that's what she did," said Jordan Atanasov, Chairman of the CSC-Metal Liege .
The negotiations started in last weekend will now conclude from this Tuesday morning. Remember, the unions demand the transformation of a series of fixed-term jobs or temporary permanent contract. "We have nothing against the use of temporary short-term needs, but when a position is structural, it must be under permanent," said the union yet. Another point of negotiation, unions demand the extension of an agreement signed in 2003 and matured, which guarantees workers the salary continuation when changing positions or sector, many in recent years, especially during the closure / raises blast furnace . (VIM)
Duferco (La Louviere) event in Namur September 30
6com 15/09/2010 workers Duferco Group (La Louviere) are within the power relationship: September 30, they announced a day to strike at all sites of the group and a demonstration in Namur. They denounce lack of decision for the Recovery of blast furnace Carsid at off for 2 years, and the sustainability of other steel tools. "Marchiennes not become the Bronx of Wallonia", ton Antonio Di Santo (FGTB Metal). A council is convened on September 22. They are demanding answers from the questions at shareholder Duferco Clabecq
So. De IIb 21/09/2010 workers at the steelmaker Duferco La Louviere met on Monday to show their concern about their future. Belgian sites of the company no longer belong to Duferco, but a joint venture (51% in Russian hands of Novolipetsk, and 49% Duferco). A Duferco Clabecq Alberto Granados, CSC, said that "the tool is a tool Clabecq envied, and unique. It makes lace here. "But changes have taken place in the group before the three Belgian sites were strongly linked. "But now we are no longer a polygon vertical ago, there was the hot Carsid (Charleroi), who worked for La Louviere La Louviere and working for Clabecq. We are no longer within the polygon. There is now a horizontalization tool. "
The slabs (raw material for rolling) may therefore come from elsewhere to feed Clabecq which then performs a transformation. They are already present in Russia, which helped to Clabecq not be dependent Carsid, economic unemployment for two years. But also for the union, depending on labor costs, unfavorable currency or the company could decide to roll Clabecq elsewhere than either Denmark or Italy. "The customer will change, but the employment blackmail will still take place. Previously, if we were not "nice" to Clabecq stocks were increased in Charleroi, now we say we will Denmark or Italy. "But the site may assert a series of arguments. "We will always need the tool Clabecq. A Clabecq, we can transform the slabs of sheet metal with a technique that exists nowhere else. The Belgian market is also interesting for them. Today Clabecq will work, good or evil, it exists, good or bad. So in the short term, I do not believe that Clabecq farm for the benefit of Denmark or Italy. I do not see this scenario there at 6 months, but that does not mean that you're prepared for it ... But the current owners, we say: I invest if I invest it that's positive. "For the future, an important date will be June 30, 2012. "After I prepare for surprises, because I do not know the new boss." Duferco should indeed decide to leave the joint venture on or before that date. But the union also believes that Duferco wishes go out much earlier than expected from the joint venture.
In general, "the concerns are less severe than in Hainaut" says the union. The Hennuyers unaware of the fact if their tool will continue to be necessary. "A blast furnace, it's expensive ... Russians already have three at home ... "But Clabecq issues also exist. "In which industrial scheme Will we end up? Under what conditions will we be exploited? "," Workers are already in a permanent knot flexibility. And yes, investments have been made, but do not you dress for the bride's best to sell it? "Few details filter out the side of the joint venture. SCC therefore wondered who will, on the management side, moving to the discussion table. Another scenario could also sell Duferco Carsid and La Louviere and keep Clabecq ... In addition, if workers do not suffer unemployment as important as economic Carsid to Clabecq, sales on the two major markets (energy and shipyard) cap and have not regained the level before the crisis. A challenge is to find new niche markets for the future. New
cold winter for the blast furnace Carsid
BELGA IIb 25/08/2010 The blast furnace Carsid, located at Marcinelle at a standstill since November 1, 2008, will not be turned back on in winter, so that it is to remain covered until the end of October, the Echo reported Wednesday.
According to the newspaper, the works council Carsid, member company of the joint venture combining RIS Duferco Russian NLMK group, to be held this Wednesday, will not address the issue of reviving the blast furnace. The Echo states that technically, it takes nearly two months between the decision to rekindle the tool and the first casting of cast iron.
According to the newspaper, negotiations are continuing behind the scenes between Duferco and the Walloon Region (Sogepa) for the construction of a new coking in Marcinelle
The strike continues to Thy-Marcinelle (Charleroi)
Workers Thy-Marcinelle have extended Friday morning round they observe strike since Tuesday to protest against the setting aside of an employee of the company, CSC also delegated. According to unions, leaders of the site would have benefited from the old problems of the worker to hang. A report of occupational medicine, however, says he can resume his normal functions. At worst, he could be moved to another department, say the unions. (The Libre20/09/2010)
The study "stainless" ArcelorMittal soon independent 01.09.10 A new structure, called Spinco for now, should come within a year. An entity totally independent of the ArcelorMittal group. Only the owner, Lakshmi Mittal, will remain at the helm, as the majority shareholder. Spinco will include six major production sites "stainless" two in Belgium: Genk and Chatelet. An extraordinary works council was held Tuesday at Châtelet to inform staff. It was therefore question the creation of this cluster "steel" which will include the independent site Chatelet. A creative workers now confirmed: ArcelorMittal Chatelet, it will soon be the past ...
Objective: better visibility on the market but also more freedom. Hallemans Bernard, director ArcelorMittal Chatelet: "To fly the company on its own would give more flexibility and freedom to make choices when the time comes. In a large group, when to invest or expand, we find ourselves in competition with other sites. When one is smaller, it has more freedom to invest where it sees fit, for our specific market. "
trade union side, there is still quite cautious. Eric Bonjean, Senior Associate FGTB: "Today, we know what we have, we do not know what you might have. Today, as part of a group such as ArcelorMittal, we were able happen - somehow - the crisis, with some damage of course ... but we're still here! Tomorrow, being one company specific "stainless" does one survive another crisis? "
But management reassures no great change in perspective. Hallemans Bernard:" There is no restructuring plan and no change in industrial scheme hidden behind this exercise in spin-off. This changes nothing for us or our priorities, which are either in or outside the group.
next stage in the development of this new company Spinco: September 22, for a European works council Luxembourg.
ArcelorMittal reduces the rate
Challenges, Wednesday, August 26, 2010, ArcelorMittal management France will announce Thursday, August 26 employee representatives a few measures to take into account the uncertainties in the automotive sector, one of the main markets group. Sites in Dunkirk, Fos and Florange should be concerned.
trade union sources, indicate already that "taken leave of forced" planned-three days off at Dunkirk, with even partial unemployment by the end of the year as and when time accounts are exhausted. Note that the site of Basse-Indre, not directly affected by the automobile, will also be affected by these measures. ArcelorMittal
two incidents Ferblatil and blast furnace B
Tuesday around 9:30, a leak in a vat of hydrochloric acid caused the poisoning of six people on the site of Arcelor Packaging International (API) Sclessin. Firefighters responded to Liege and six intoxicated people were taken to the hospital for security reasons. A little later, another pollution alert was triggered at the site of the blast furnace B Ougrée. An acetylene cylinder on fire required the response of firefighters, but has caused no casualties. Damage related to the two incidents appear to be relatively limited. (The Last Time 11 / 8)
Vives concerns Carinox (Châtelet)
The announcement of the departure of the CEO of ArcelorMittal steel industry worldwide are very concerned about the delegation of Carinox. In a European EC in Luxembourg, the social partners were informed of the departure of Jean-Yves Gilet will engage in French politics. One remembers that at Châtelet had advocated the establishment of the steelworks on site. We wondered about the coincidence of this decision with the announcement of the spin of the steel industry on which a further meeting is scheduled Sept. 22. Châtelet occupies the site of nearly 800 people. (New Gazette 05/08/2010)
The mills of Ruau (Charleroi) turned
majority shareholder of the mills Ruau, Beltrame group underwent the crisis hit. High unemployment therefore affects the 120 workers at the plant in Charleroi (Monceau). By September, the scheme of work is likely to move to a single position. To mitigate the economic impact, different tracks are studied: one of them is the upgrading to the plant in Valenciennes. Another is early retirement. (New Gazette 04/08/2010)
ArcelorMittal is the largest employer Liège
The Meuse fulfills its first two regional pages with the classification of firms Liege in 2008, as presented by Trends Business Magazine. In private, EVS has made 41 million euros profit and public side is Sogepa which garnered over 152 million euros. Effective radius, it's no surprise that ArcelorMittal turns in the lead with 2,499 workers surveyed (6com 04/08/2010).
Arcelor Mittal has again appeal to the market to refinance its debt 03/08/2010 Arcelor Mittal to raise $ 2.5 billion markets via a bond issue. The amount raised is intended to refinance its debt. This will be divided into three tranches. The first installment will focus on a billion dollars with an interest rate of 3.75% and matures in 2015. For an equivalent amount, the second installment will offer a rate of 5.25% for a maturity date in 2020. The last part concerns the remaining $ 500 million and will be fixed at a rate of 7% for a maturity Announced 2039.Le group had already called several times to markets in 2009 to address the decline of its activity at the height of the crisis.
ArcelorMittal In Talks pr buy iron ore assets of MMX
03/08/10 at 18:02 - DowJones ArcelorMittal is in talks to acquire iron ore assets of MMX Mineracao e Metalicos SA , a mining group owned by Brazilian billionaire Eike Batista. Batista tries to sell the assets of MMX iron ore from Brazil to focus on oil and energy, could provide better returns in the future, analysts said Monday. The Brazilian steelmaker Usinas Siderurgicas de Minas Gerais SA, the Chinese Wuhan Iron & Steel Co. and the American mining group Cliffs Natural Resources Inc.. (FBC) may also be interested in these assets. ArcelorMittal wants his side to expand its existing business of iron ore in Brazil in order to gain greater autonomy in terms of its supply.
ArcelorMittal fears a more difficult year-end
Les Echos 28/07/2010 Turnover of ArcelorMittal, the end of June shows a net restart its activity compared to 2009. This amounted to 40 billion dollars, up more than ten billion over the first half of last year. The growth was equally impressive on the gross operating surplus (EBITDA), which has doubled in one year, to 4.9 billion, including $ 3 billion made in the second quarter alone. For, from April to June, the group has increased its production of steel a year from 8.9 million tonnes to 24.8 million.
The group's management remains cautious: "The third quarter will be influenced by seasonal factors and the effects of economic slowdown in China" justifies Lakshmi Mittal, CEO of the group.
And secondly on its ability to pass on higher prices exerted by the iron ore producers, including Anglo-Australian BHP Billiton, Rio Tinto or Brazil's Vale. Last March, Eurofer criticized "a rise in commodity prices over 80%." Next, increasing by 9% of average sales price per ton of steel from ArcelorMittal for the second quarter of 2010 is rather limited.
this background of tension on the demand and costs, that EBITDA is expected in a range between 2.1 and 2.5 billion at the end of next quarter, while analysts' consensus was counting on $ 3 billion. For ArcelorMittal, such a situation must again planing its production following a 2009 which saw overcapacity nearly 50%. Utlisation rate of its production capacity is estimated at 70% by the end of the third quarter, against 78% for the period April to June
A man killed in steelworks Belval A man who working on the site of ArcelorMittal was killed yesterday at around 7 pm The tragedy occurred during an operation to move an electrode of electric furnace. During the maneuver, performed with a crane, industrial objects of a ton fell on the cab of a forklift which confronted the victim. The man who died was aged 46. The technical department of forensic science went to the scene to understand the exact circumstances of the accident as the Inspectorate of Labour and Mines.
Dunkirk: Visit of President of Arcelor Mittal
September 15, 2010 Lakshmi Mittal arrived by helicopter at 11am for a whirlwind tour of the company Dunkirk. Indian President visited three facilities in Dunkirk and 2 others to Mardyck to meet with the production engineers. A visit to a run for those who had not come to the site since last 3 years and who has met or unions of the company, or the press.
In Lorraine, the hardship is at the heart of the protest against pension reform
The World 07.09.10 They parade dressed as a founder, strapped into their coats aluminized, with their spats and their neck roll. "And they shall burn the torches!" Promises Edward Martin, CFDT delegate to the steel group Arcelor Florange Mitttal. Eighteen months after the closure of the plant Gandrange (Moselle), which led to the elimination of 600 jobs, steelworkers in the valley of the Fensch were preparing to jump on new fire " Monday, September 6, on the eve of demonstrations against the proposed pension reform, in turn, this will be Metz.
"Let them come and see our high-providedt, Woerth and the company! After thirty years of continuous fire, the guys are exhausted. Eight hours a day service posted at a hole where the melting casting fate to 1500 degrees, I can tell you that it uses. And we want them to be reused a ladle? is outrageous ", carried away Xavier Phan Dinh, 56, a maintenance worker at the mill crowns and bars, the latest installation group still active in Gandrange. "Anyway, the old, put them at the door, the sighs militant of the CGT. A Gandrange began by transferring the workers over 57 years. So what is the meaning of all this? "
ArcelorMittal new director general at the head of the stainless steel division
BELGA IIb 22/09/2010 ArcelorMittal on Wednesday announced the appointment of Bernard Fontana as Director General its stainless steel division of the group. The appointment comes as the steel company is considering setting up a possible spinoff for its stainless steel division, which is part of the site including ArcelorMittal to Chatelet. Bernard Fontana who was previously head of the Directorate Human Resources Group, replaces Jean-Yves Gilet. Mr. Fontana will be headed by Gonzalo Urquijo, member of senior management of ArcelorMittal.
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