Demy, since the film calls them openly, taking the impossible and improbable traveling Genevieve and Guy in the streets of Cherbourg , the tracking shot that kills and contrasts with a serious moment in history, as in Demy therefore, the characters intersect, intertwine, are body, leaving, always fail to be Overall, say something and do the opposite, in short we get lost we like it, we're happy.
At the time of Demy, Guy went to war in Algeria , Genevieve despair, while wearing his trenchcoat beige and black headband in her hair perfectly brushes, was the provincial France of the 60s, where women selling hats and the men were mechanics cars, they met, were making plans, it folded a few months, except: War, this crap.

As in Demy too, the characters go about town, from Bastille to Montparnasse, Montparnasse of to Chateau water through the Park Nursery, Genevieve would like Garage Guy's store and his mother dancing in the corner, or at Mr. Dubourg the jeweler. Where Demy described the premises by color (which has a card Cherbourg, Nantes or Rochefort top ?), Honore recites Paris neighborhoods as a kind of sums up our collective heritage and imagination. Very imaginative when it is known that Bastille, Montparnasse Chateau water is an unlikely path, except if it was the day ahead. As always in these films Capital, the characters take a taxi or travel by foot, it's film, we follow the boulevards, it leads to places under the gray sky of Paris, there is free his movements, the city is a character in itself. Besides the nightly journey of Ishmael and alcoholic all signs he meets him and guide him recall the possibility of love, the Breton Montparnasse to the apartment of the young and "small" Erwann , which he eventually surrender.
In 2007, Love Songs are voluble and seriously light.
2009. The opportunity to review the film, and the state of mind that can go with. The film, one before, going slowly to the door. Judgement on the details of the thousands of details that converse with the characters constantly and in 2007 were only contextual. Details surrounding the characters but does not concern them, they never mentioned it, they never n'interragissent , they are like a radio on his background and news. Means the Paris of 2007, which unfolds a story as old as the world, the accident scene as this trivial variations of love.
Paris 2007 is everywhere in Paris Winter-Spring 2007 is everywhere, as they say a collection of ready-to-wear, and the actors actually have the air of glossy mannequins, bohemian chic Parisian or Stripes Armor Lux province. During the parade, another Winter-Spring 2007 puts on a show, it will be remembered suddenly, we jump in the figure, that of presidential, and it's like a second bereavement that appears in more than Julie, a poster PS, another of a president who is not even the Chinese X , Paris Bastille still Strasbourg-Saint-Denis , the turning of a plane, a replica of the characters on the terrace of a cafe in the middle of winter, which kindles a vogue and you catch yourself saying "I am forced to stay outside, it is because of the animal," and indeed a few moments earlier, on the screen before the tragedy, we saw a concert in a smoky coffee completely .
So it's not so much the smoking ban in pubs and restaus amazes us, everything has been digested, integrated, health, cancer, passive smoking is a consensus, that amazes is a sense of aimlessness in full view of Paris before May 2007. It's raining and it's cold in the film, but this winter there seems comfortable and reassuring, it gives the desires of a better tomorrow, as everyone in the movie, cry, laugh, quarrel and reconcile, die and live again song.
Love Songs in 2009, they would have done without BO Without music, without any of that stuff is incredible that some notes interspersed with silence. They are a social chronicle, where there would be blah to cover the helplessness and defeat, lies and bad faith, everywhere in the media every day. The crisis would have gone there, Julie committed suicide, Erwann would have been beaten, Ishmael spent his path, and instead of the gray winter sky, it would have been entitled to the neon tube that illuminate the desires inflicted by 3 in 4: a holiday to Seychelles on credit Carrefour prices even lower.

Jacques Demy said making films in singing, Honore we redid the scope of the cake with the daughter of Deneuve , Garrel with half lives sister of our first lady, like a loop perfectly curled. But like all the rehearsals, everything has changed in the meantime, love stories have faded into the background, the sweet melancholy least hope we have left in the gloom. In 2009, it is our lives we have sold off. It Gauchet that meets Demy and Honore came the time of disenchantment.
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