I was rereading some old publications of this blog and said to myself: "Calm down, it is time to revive this place words!" Because Facebook is still cool for photos, but it's not where I want to tell you my life.
My life ... In the final session, these words take a funny turn. "My Life" is a mix of procrastination useful (clean up the bathroom and classification of t-shirts by color along a gradient extensively studied), procrastination useless (see Facebook) and pitchage on Word for Word have A +, crossing fingers and hoping that magic exists.
And then, I want to welcome my little sister. His friends had gone to Peru, and not her. That fact that it has made his own trip to Quebec City. In the final session, to be visited by a Shopaholic is not always

And then ... The same charming, after getting me that we dined at the restaurant, asked to get a tan. The prom is coming. So we will sit under fluorescent lights, feeling hot and nice to relax at the end of the session, I thought. Result: sunburn crak in the breast. Pleasant. "Honey, no contact for a few days, stp ..." And then that evening, we decided to watch a movie, even if it does not finish before Shick and goes to bed early so I can return to the opposition between men and women in the novel Soucy. Except that, at 23h, when I want to stop the movie, there's baby who cries: "NO! It's the best movie I've seen in my life, stop the paaaaas!". And to diss shit '.

Well, then, in another vein ... y 'was launched Camels! Our baby journal, in gestation for two years, has finally emerged! Yay! We did a launch party at Fu Bar in Quebec City, and what a success! The Dean and his wife were there, along with three other teachers who support us fully. The wine was good, the music also, copies of the magazine went as hotcakes (well, they are not sold, it was free ... it has probably contributed to their success!). Finally, we could return to our concerns and quit school to read and proofread and review each piece to make sure everything is ok before you print ... And then there was even interviouvé! Text here: http://www.aufil.ulaval.ca/articles/dos-chameaux-16351.html

And on the picture: Me, Julie, Jeanne and Nicolas Elise, parents founders Camels (in Besides my love, Tom, who was not there for the photo).
I also want to start the invitation: the next issue, whose theme will be "a journey in and through literature" due out this fall. Feel free to submit texts or reflexive creations!
And then ... the session ends in joy and enthusiasm general! Tuesday, everything will be finished. Not the bacc ', of course: I have three courses to complete literature, and I have a certificate in creative writing to at the same time, but it will be okay.
Good end of the session, good spring, enjoy the sunshine and good weather!
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