Friday, June 18, 2010

Ap Biology Lab 8 Hardy-weinberg Problems Answers

NetbuLL 387> PTB CS lg (ArcelorMittal) 11/06/2010

In this netbull : Dominique di Clemente, CNE President "presents management having revived the blast furnace as a gift, which deserves all the concessions from staff. Social dialogue has become extremely difficult because local officials are competing with each other and it is one that will prove the stronger. That's how we see local directions go altogether beyond the guidelines the branch. With us now, we must always be angry to be heard. "

ArcelorMittal plans to sleep in some capacity in Europe: "ArcelorMittal's policy to adapt to the demand of its customers. And so, Europe's third quarter was characterized by lower demand due to summer shutdowns. ArcelorMittal is technically in a position to cut production by stopping up to three blast furnaces in the third quarter. Since the beginning of the year steel prices have rebounded about 50% but this increase was interrupted for three weeks. A situation that could weaken the will to impose the steelmaker announced a further increase in prices in the third quarter. The closures of three blast furnaces would strengthen the hand of steel producers to accept the new price increases.

ArcelorMittal is the conclusion. "Of course, by turning our idle facilities, we have cut our CO2 emissions of 224 million tons in 2008 to 164 million tons in 2009. However, emissions per tonne of steel produced increased by 2.1 tons of CO2 in 2008 to 2.245 tonnes in 2009. Coking plants require a minimum volume to operate profitably. This has forced us to increase the proportion of coke in the mixture, which discriminates against CO2 emissions. AM has also used less scrap and iron ore, other adverse selection. Finally, his factories were shot with less efficiency. To make matters worse, ArcelorMittal admits bracketed its environmental objectives.

"The agreement with Duferco gives us the opportunity to redeem the 50% of Duferco in 2010. Negotiations to this effect will begin in December, "said Russia's Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK). In 2006 Duferco and NLMK create equally FIS, a joint venture that operates 6 sites in Europe today, including Carsid Marcinelle, Duferco-La Louviere and Clabecq. This alliance guarantees Duferco supplies at good prices of steel slabs. It allows the Russian partner to find outlets for its surplus production of slabs. The group has a rolling capacity of 6 million tons, but produces 9 million tons of steel slabs per year. In two years, a new blast furnace construction in Russia should increase its tonnage of 3.5 million tons of slabs. It can usefully replace that of Marcinelle. 110 million euros were allocated for the rehabilitation of blast furnace Carsid and 158 million was spent to Clabecq. "Reviving Carsid is not economically viable today. It's cheaper to import slabs from Russia. Without this system and the economic unemployment, Carsid is already bankrupt"

The appointment of Julian Onillon as CFO of the steel industry raises some questions about the future of the latter within the ArcelorMittal group. Director of Investor Relations is Onillon that Mittal was up to the front when it was in 2006, convinced of the merits of their bid for Arcelor. Julien Onillon has the perfect profile of the CFO that could undertake work on the disposal of a subsidiary which we wish to separate, but the correct valuation.
ArcelorMittal Liège: 24 hours of arrest at Chertal
mill workers of the mill ArcelorMittal Chertal have sat back for 24 hours Wednesday. They thus protested against the delay by the steelmaker in realizing the promises of investment at the site since the resumption of the hot phase. Workers have made efforts underscore the payroll by taking the activity with a reduced to 180 against 300 previously. The lack of rest days, inadequate training and facing new charges on working conditions are at the forefront of their complaints (10/06/2010 Quickness).
Recovery of blast furnace Ougrée
the right of the employee • CNE • May 10, 2010 In recent weeks, Seraing again spotted smoke in the sky. A year after mothballing, the blast furnace B Ougrée has indeed revived. About 600 steelworkers have thus found the way to work. But after the euphoria of re-opening, up to the reality that workers live in working conditions become more difficult. "The staff has
furnace was halved and the workload remains the same. In addition, we lost a lot of skills with departures more or less voluntary early retirement, last year. Workers are beginning to give us their difficulties in turning the machine with a small team and less experienced, "says Philippe Collinet, vice president of the union team CNE.
freeze wages, loss of certain benefits ... are among the other ingredients of the restart, formalized by the plan reached between unions and ArcelorMittal, on 18 February. "I do not know if this is a good Okay, but it is an agreement which has the merit to exist, "says Philippe Collinet. "He confirmed 600 jobs in the region, not counting the indirect jobs, Mittal has pledged to invest 110 million euros in the tools and the basin of Liege, for now, security is well ensured." With a lighter as a condition for reopening, CNE delegates feared that accidents are increasing: they therefore insisted on a substantial support for security in the enterprise.
At the time of negotiations, delegates were also requested that the plan be written in time. This point was he, not incorporated, but Philip Collinet hopes "the plan does not contain a cycle, but the investment promised in the preamble still show a willingness of management to engage for some time. " How long? "Five or six years if the market is buoyant and the company faces no major difficulties," predicts Gerard Loyens, permanent regional CNE. For it is there, the problem: the steel company is completely dependent on market forces and global policy Management relies on the full flexibility of work to adapt. A gift to repay "Actually, I think the group actually meets difficulties since the crisis, but today this direction having revived the blast furnace as a gift, which deserves all the concessions from staff, "says Dominique bitterly di Clemente, president of the union team CNE. And among these forced concessions, the dormant claims of staff: "Social dialogue has become extremely difficult because local officials are competing with each other and it was he who will prove the stronger. That's how we see local directions go altogether beyond the guidelines of the branch. With us now, we must always be angry to be heard, "the delegate said.
This internal competition also seems to be the strategic nerve ArcelorMittal: instead of closing the less profitable sites as do most companies in trouble real or alleged, the group has kept everything at 80%. If workers dare to complain about a site, they are automatically forced into the background by the competition of their own colleagues, on a site neighbor.
the scale of northern Europe, which is located on the multinational, it provides a playground very favorable to management.
Finally, what feeling so dominates the recovery of the blast furnace of Ougrée? "It is true that the agreement is not perfect, but are we had a choice? The company went into the hands of financiers and industrialists who seek not to develop it and strengthen it, "says union team ... "Meanwhile, Gerard concludes Loyens, now when you go over the bridge of Seraing, you see smoke above Ougrée 600 families have an income again and the community is relieved of the cost of the unemployed who have found work. As for tomorrow, it will be for us to recover what we lost. Julie Coumont
Steel: Marcourt (PS) validates a deal between the two basins Walloon
is led by the Walloon Minister of Economy, Jean-Claude Marcourt (PS), the leaders of the joint venture Duferco Novolipetsk Steel (FIS) and union officials are working to develop a plan for future activity sites of the Belgian steel group, in a context of global steel crisis. This is to ensure their sustainability into financial difficulties: how to identify the particular ways to construct a new coke plant in Charleroi to the same extent that the allocation granted to support the steel industry in Liege? The principle of this deal between the two basins Walloon was validated by the firm Marcourt. A new tool would allow the FIS to reposition itself in the market, thanks to the blast furnace Carsid. A La Louviere, long products could fall by the wayside. (L'Echo 3 / 6)
ArcelorMittal to put three blast furnaces at rest
European June 4, 2010 A spokesman the world's number one steel to Metal Bulletin said that to meet seasonal fluctuations in demand for steel, he planned to sleep in some capacity in Europe: "ArcelorMittal's policy to adapt to demand of its customers. And so, Europe's third quarter was characterized by lower demand due to summer shutdowns. ArcelorMittal is technically in a position to cut production by stopping up to three blast furnaces in the third quarter. Like its competitors in Europe and in other geographical areas, the number one steel had gradually rekindled its blast furnaces to meet the rebound in demand. The utilization rate of its production capacity in Europe had risen to 70% in late 2009 and should reach 80% in the second quarter. By adjusting the finest possible production to demand, especially ArcelorMittal to avoid stockpiling, which would weigh on steel prices. Since the beginning of the year steel prices have rebounded about 50% but this increase was interrupted for three weeks. A situation that could weaken the will to impose the steelmaker announced a further increase in prices in the third quarter to pass new price increases for iron ore and coking coal. The closures of three blast furnaces - whose location was not specified - would strengthen the hand of steel producers to accept the new price increases.
The crisis destroyed the efforts of the energy industry 7 / 06 / At ArcelorMittal, we realize. "Of course, by turning our idle facilities, we have cut our CO2 emissions of 224 million tons in 2008 to 164 million tons in 2009. However, emissions per tonne of steel produced increased by 2.1 tons of CO2 in 2008 to 2.245 tons in 2009, "argues its annual report.
The steelmaker said that adrift by three phenomena. "We usually work with an ideal mix of three materials that reacted at 1,500 ° C with iron oxide to recover the iron, coal, coke and another form of coal dust, PCI. Gold production units coke require a minimum volume to operate profitably. This has forced us to increase the proportion of coke in the mixture, which discriminates against CO2 emissions, "explains spokesman Jean Lasar. The industry has also used less scrap and more iron ore, other adverse selection. Finally, like others, have turned their factories with less efficiency. To make matters worse, ArcelorMittal admits bracketed its environmental goals, pushing certain investments to preserve its finances, "vis-à-vis shareholders and employees." But the steelmaker remains optimistic about the possibility of reducing its carbon intensity to 170 kilos of CO2 per tonne of steel in 2020, down 8% compared to 2007. And remember that the current intensity is 2 times lower than that of thirty years ago. Many of its plants in Europe or U.S. would be close to the optimum, but he thinks he can still win by wearing his other sites at best.
Duferco: assets under the Russian flag?
Philip Lawson llb10/06/2010 To believe Bazulev Anton, an official of Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK), the Russian group intends to settle permanently in Belgium and its partnership with Duferco in the joint venture fits RIS in this strategy. "NLMK is visiting Belgium. The assets we have in Belgium via Duferco are important to our strategic development and we've already invested a significant amount of money. The agreement with Duferco gives us the opportunity to redeem 50 Duferco% in 2010 and is the logical continuation of things. Negotiations to this effect will begin in December, "said Wednesday the director in charge of investor relations and public authorities at an informal meeting with Belgian journalists. The price of this rise should be less than 800million euros paid for the entry of NLMK in Duferco Belgium.
In 2006, NLMK and Duferco created equally (50/50) FIS, a joint venture that currently operates six production sites in Europe, three plants of the Italian-Swiss group in Wallonia (Carsid Marcinelle, Duferco-La Louviere, Duferco Clabecq-), two in France and Italy and two in North America. This alliance guarantees Duferco supplies at good prices of steel slabs. It allows the Russian partner to find outlets for its surplus production of slabs. The group, owned 85% by Russian billionaire Vladimir Lissine, said he had a total capacity of 6million tons of rolling steel, but produces 9millions tons of steel slabs per year.
In two years, a new blast furnace construction in Russia should increase its tonnage of 3.5 million additional tons of slabs. And according to Mr. Bazulev, it can validly replace that of Marcinelle. Therefore, the joint venture with Duferco is an opportunity for the development of NLMK in Europe. The objective of Novolipetsk would also be to specialize in niche tools Walloon especially for the automotive and construction. The two partners have invested over one billion euros in assets controlled by FIS, including a considerable part in Wallonia. Thus, 90millions euros have been invested in La Louviere (new reheat furnace for the cold rolling mill, park slabs automated system degassing under vacuum) in order to position the products on a market with high added value. About 110millions euros have been spent on repairs to the blast furnace and Carsid 158millions Clabecq were spent, including $ 100 million in a new production line for steel quenched and tempered, and in a heating furnace. "We have more than met our commitments in Wallonia," says Anton Bazulev.
NLMK does not intend to abandon its assets in Belgium, but he warns that the realization of other investments will depend on the recovery of the steel market. "Reviving Carsid is not economically viable today. The slab produced Marcinelle is 100 € more expensive than the same product on the market, where price is about 480euros per ton. So it is more advantageous to import slabs from Russia. Without this input and the system of economic unemployment, Carsid is already bankrupt, "he says. He judges understand the recent strike by workers at Duferco problems. But he maintains that contacts are underway to make solutions. It was therefore expected to decisions about the new coke oven Carsid and supply chain organization (flat and long products) in La Louviere
The Russian group Novolipetsk Steel wishes replace Italian Duferco
ls 10 / 6 NLMK group had signed with Duferco late 2006, a partnership. A withdrawal clause Duferco, passed relatively unnoticed at the time, existed in this text. For Belgian sites, the challenge is not small. The group Novolipetsk, which employs 60,000 people, mainly in Russia, has also taken its share of losses of the joint venture more than 500 million last year. But the partnership has not kept its promises, particularly Carsid who did not receive the quality coke Russians expected following the closure in 2008 of the coking Duferco. It could be that, stopped for 20 months, the furnace does not start: there is no consensus on the construction of a new coke plant to supply it, and above the cost of production is deemed too high. It would have prices recover from 30% to Carsid can regain its competitiveness. "While the economic unemployment is maintained, we can wait, says Anton Bazulev that evokes the situation of thousands of employees directly affected. But still not for years ... "The future of Carsid could also be threatened by the start of construction by NLMK a sixth blast furnace in Russia, which "theoretically" says Bazulev could replace that of Marcinelle. The future of La Louviere and Clabecq, however, seems certain. Supplied directly from Russia slab rates hypercompetitive, these sites are indeed open opportunities for high value-added NLMK - sheets for automobiles in particular (through finishing plants in France), with respect to La Louviere, and steel resistant to abrasion and high yield markets for industrial niche, including, as regards Clabecq.
leaves two questions: what is the attitude Walloon government, inescapable, and what the price demanded by Duferco who, failing to declare openly seller is diversifying its activities outside the steel? BENEDICT JULY
What future for the ArcelorMittal steel? June 10, 2010 The appointment of Julian Onillon as CFO of the industry raises some questions about the future of the latter in the steel group. On several occasions, rumors circulated about a possible sale of part of ArcelorMittal Inox. The group also recognized whenever explore "all possibilities". Clearly, it means, yes, we could sale, we think. By dint of reflection, it may be that a trend is emerging.
Julien Onillon, French living in London, is a pure product Mittal Steel. Director of Investor Relations Group, he is the Mittal family was up to the front when it was in 2006, convince skeptical French journalists (believe me, I know what I mean) the merits of their bid Arcelor. End maneuver, skillful diplomat, Julien Onillon has the perfect profile of the CFO that could undertake work on the disposal of a subsidiary which would be separate, but the correct valuation, while remaining quiet about his intentions. But this, of course, only my opinion.
Industrial ecology into the mores 8/6/2010 Created in 2001 under the leadership of Arcelor, Ascométal and Gaz de France is Ecopal a pioneer of industrial ecology. The industrial system is viewed as a natural ecosystem exchange its contents, its energies and information. Little or nothing should be lost through the collaboration of these businesses. They recycle industrial waste from their neighbors in their production cycle. The powerhouse DK6 is often cited as an example. With a capacity of 790 megawatts, it works sometimes alternately and sometimes natural gas with gas from blast furnaces ArcelorMittal. The steelmaker also promotes 90% of its milk with iron cement. The heat generated by the workshops used to heat 15,000 homes in Dunkirk via water pipes. The precursor
ArcelorMittal subsequently been emulated with Ecopal. In 2009, the association organized the pooled collection of 100 tons of paper and paperboard, 6 tons of TWDQ (toxic waste in dispersed quantities) and 26.5 tons of confidential records. Over a hundred companies participating in at least one of these actions.


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