Monday, February 28, 2011
Christina Aguilera Micky Boobs
Gaspé, February 28, 2011 - Elected officials in the Gaspésie and Îles-de-la-Madeleine applaud the effort of the Government of Quebec to offer a better plan to help the victims of high tides and flooding in December.
Indeed, last week the Ministry of Public Security has announced additional measures for citizens, businesses and municipalities in eastern Quebec affected by these storms.
"This is good news for victims, is satisfied with the mayor of Gaspé, François Roussy. The job now is to identify cases some victims so they can benefit from this new program. "
President of the Regional Conference of Elected Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Bertrand Berger, is also pleased to see the department do an about-face by allowing municipalities to receive funding to restore their tourism infrastructure and recreational water-damaged. "The facilities of municipalities like Carleton-sur-Mer and Perce suffered for several tens of thousands of dollars in damage. I am reassured that the bill will be shared. "
The Regional Conference of Elected Gaspésie - Îles-de-la-Madeleine regrets that the rules of inadequate funding available to municipalities over 5000 inhabitants. Especially since they were born from the merger of smaller municipalities and are therefore very extensive. Municipalities like the Islands-de-la-Madeleine, Gaspé, Sainte-Anne-des-Monts and Chandler for example much of coastline exposed to the elements than most populous municipality elsewhere in Quebec, yet they are subjected to same funding rules.
Other claims have remained dead letters. Elected officials in the region call So again the funds to repair forest roads and recreation that were damaged by overflowing rivers. Damage is estimated at more than $ 5 million. Companies are looking forward to plan their season.
The municipal authorities also stress the importance of accelerating efforts related to the framework of prevention of natural hazards, adopted in 2006, which includes the flood mapping and characterization of erosion areas by the government in order to guard against the coming onslaught of Mother Nature. For the mayor of Iles-de-la-Madeleine Joël Arseneau, « le gouvernement doit présenter rapidement un plan de soutien financier à la hauteur des besoins des municipalités locales aux prises avec l’érosion des berges ».
Rappelons que les municipalités de la Gaspésie et des Îles frappées par les événements climatiques de décembre se sont regroupées le mois dernier pour demander au gouvernement du Québec d’adopter un décret spécifique à la région.
release of the Government of Quebec:
Media Relations: Benoit S.
Pilon, 418 396-2575
Swollen Feet And Headaches
Matane, February 28, 2011 - The Bloc Québécois candidate in Haute-Gaspésie-La Mitis-Matane-Matapédia, Jean-François Fortin, presented his plan for the future of the station Radio-Canada Matane. Indeed, many uncertainties remain in listeners about the future of CBGA as station of its own.
According to the Bloc candidate: "20 years after the closure of the television in Matane, we must still fight to maintain the mission of this station. We are witnessing the successive losses of ways that are detrimental to the information area. "
priority intervention axes
separate and independent mission station CBGA [within the CBC] cover and Gaspésie-Les Îles from Matane
The current long-term jobs, improving service and field presence.
The website separate from Gaspésie-Les Iles and its RSS news feeds;
The show on Saturday morning to clean the Gaspé
The news of the week-end.
The ability to capture Téléjournal Is Quebec through agreements with satellite companies (owners saucers do not have access to regional news).
A microwave trucks [satellite] to be based in Matane, which will cover live events taking place in the regions of Gaspésie, Bas-Saint-Laurent and the North Shore.
Candidates Fortin has shipped its priorities to the CEO of CBC, Mr. Hubert T. Lacroix.
Mr. Fortin also noted with surprise the belated reaction of the Liberal candidate request a change of position of Radio-Canada for the establishment of the regional station, more than five months after the final decision. "I think we should propose concrete actions at the appropriate time and make the strategic struggles of the way."
recall that Mr. Fortin was the first candidate to request that Matane is considered as the location for the regional station.
In addition, he announced the launch of a support group Facebook as "For the future of the station Radio-Canada Matane.
Source: Guillaume Cantin: (438) 888-2893
Comments: Jean-Francois Fortin: (418) 785-0399 Jean-François Fortin Candidate Official Bloc
High -Gaspésie-La Mitis-Matane-Matapédia
Club Penguin How To Get The Rainbow Puffle 2010
Gaspé, February 28, 2011. - The 9 th TDLG edition of "The Gaspésie jig" is now complete. Skiers from Quebec but also in British Columbia, Ontario, New Brunswick and France are all left to their homes, as well as six journalists from Norway, France, Finland, Denmark and Ireland.
All had only smiles of contentment before leaving. Some tears and heartfelt sparks in everyone's eyes showed a TDLG successful! The
TDLG 2011 is 200 skiers, 70 volunteers, speakers and journalists, over 100 volunteers in the villages, about thirty lectures given in schools and the general public, some forty artists community involved, an artist in residence, Edith Carleton Jolicoeur, 7 dinners featuring over 25 local products Gaspé, 10 community radio stations who presented travelogues skiers on their airwaves, interventions on the TDLG waves Radio One Geneva and more than a hundred companies here and elsewhere who have sponsored the TDLG.
The Board wishes to thank all partners, sponsors, artists, speakers and volunteers who helped make this wonderful 9 th edition.
The 10 th edition the TDLG will be held from 18 to 25 February 2012, with the theme "On the Road e cod. Other projects will also be announced in the coming months.
About TDLG Crossing Gaspé offers annually since February 2003, an unforgettable week of skiing in the enchanting scenery of Gaspésie. This week of festivities, skiing, friendship, self-transcendence, pleasure, shorelines and mountains meet men and women of all ages, all professions and from around the world. The next edition of the TDLG will be held from 18 to 25 February 2012. For more information: . The
TDLG 2011, by Geo Plein Air is supported financially by the Government of Canada, the Quebec government, the regional conference of elected (e) s de la Gaspésie-Îles-de-la-Madeleine, Ville de Gaspé and local development organizations (SADC and CLD) and by Desjardins, Telus, Orleans Express and the Gîte du Mont Albert.
Source: Hélène Francoeur Officer Project 418-368-8803
Friday, February 25, 2011
Why Does My Throat Hurt So Badly
Mont-Joli, Friday, February 25, 2011 - Following the round of consultations on the future of St. Lawrence called the St. Lawrence, it belongs to us! conducted last fall, the spokesman for the Bloc Québécois member for environment and Rosemont-La Petite-Patrie Bernard Bigras , begins a new tour of Quebec, this time to know the solutions identified by the Bloc Quebecois to meet the concerns of the people of Quebec. On the occasion of his visit to Mont-Joli, Bernard Bigras was accompanied by the Bloc Québécois candidate in Haute-Gaspésie-La Mitis-Matane-Matapédia, Jean-François Fortin .
The transportation of nuclear waste: a risk not to take
"Firstly, I repeat that the Bloc Québécois formally oppose the decision of the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) to allow the transport of radioactive waste by the St Lawrence by granting a license to the company Bruce Power Ontario Inc.. Quebec is not responsible for nuclear waste in Ontario. Moreover, in September 2010, we had already sent a letter to the CNSC him of our formal objection to the granting of license to transport and asking the Commission to consider the environmental risks and the serious concerns of the population Quebec. Unfortunately, the Canadian agency has not taken into account, "stated Bernard Bigras .
"This decision is all the more deplorable that the CNSC accepts that nuclear steam generators are already stored safely. Transporting them on Seaway St. Lawrence towards Sweden for recycling is far from being necessary. This could pave the way for a series of shipments of radioactive waste, making the St. Lawrence Expressway a real nuclear. However, given the environmental risks for the fragile ecosystem of the St. Lawrence, the serious concerns of the people of Quebec and former entailed the granting of this permit, the Bloc Québécois is asking the CNSC to reconsider his decision and cancel the permit transportation granted to Bruce Power. We believe that Quebecers did not assume the risks associated with energy choices of its neighbors. Therefore, if the CNSC does not respond in this sense, we urge the Harper government to legislate to crack this arbitrary decision, "continued Bernard Bigras .
Shoreline erosion
"As was the case during the tour in 2005, bank erosion is the problem most frequently raised in almost all sections of the St. Lawrence and in particular in our district. However, this time, the Bloc Québécois has found that a sense of urgency even greater animates participants met on this issue. Shoreline erosion in the stretch of the Gulf and the estuary is strongly linked to climate change. According to stakeholders interviewed, the policy is on the banks not suitable for this portion of St. Lawrence where the increased strength of storms and water levels cause accelerated bank erosion. In 2010, we experienced significantly aggravating the effects of the tides fall, while the tides in some cases over four meters accompanied by strong winds caused extensive damage in our area, "said Jean-Francois Fortin .
"That is why the Bloc Québécois called for the establishment of a compensation fund for the negative impacts of climate change 500 million dollars to, firstly, to indemnify Quebec and the provinces for costs already incurred in connection with climate change and, secondly, to give them the means to finance measures to limit the acceleration of erosion . Monies from this Fund will be allocated in proportion to needs. Also, the federal government must undertake to improve the initial envelope at 100 million per year over 25 years and release the necessary fiscal space for Quebec to protect their shores from erosion, "said Bernard Bigras .
Storms and high tides
"In December 2010, of a rare intensity storms have caused torrential rains and strong winds with high tides that damaged several facilities waterfront home. The affected citizens who must give their homes, their land and their business in a state will pay thousands of dollars, they can not rely on compensation from their insurance company. The latter no longer cover floods caused by overflowing rivers, since the problem has become chronic. Hence the importance of special programs in disaster. The Quebec government has developed a comprehensive program of financial assistance in case of disaster to assist municipalities who have suffered significant damage. But this program obviously has limitations. The amounts awarded to cover 80% damage to a principal residence for up to 100,000 dollars. The Bloc Quebecois, the federal government must in turn provide disaster assistance in the form of a tax credit on reparations for injuries suffered in the disaster, showed Jean-Francois Fortin .
"Other measures should also be examined to help the victims who face the immediate consequences of global warming. For example, during the floods of 2007 in Rivière-au-Renard, DEC Canada had set up a special aid measure to compensate the businesses, companies and nonprofit organizations that were not covered by private insurance General program or financial assistance in case of disaster, "continued Bernard Bigras .
Port infrastructure
"The regional port infrastructure are no longer able to meet the needs of commercial shipping short distance nor the expectations of boaters. This is due to the fact that the federal government continues to exercise its exclusive constitutional authority in the field of navigation but does not assume its responsibilities regarding financial management, maintenance and improvement of port infrastructure. He was stubborn for years not to cede to the government of Québec or to municipalities, themselves, know the potential that These ports represent. Now the Port Divestiture Program, established in 1995, moving very slowly since April 2004, only four ports have been assigned, the last in 2007-2008, for a total of 19 in 16 years. The facility condition continues to deteriorate because Transport Canada has ceased to maintain adequate port facilities under its responsibility. The Bloc demands that the federal government accelerate the process of transfer of regional / local ports and expanding the amounts for the repairs that accompany this program, "stated Jean-François Fortin .
Fisheries and Water Protection
"As for the fishing industry, faced with a backdrop of recurrent instability, we consider it essential to develop a management plan for sustainable resource fisheries and to strengthen the plan assistance to communities affected by the fishing ban. Note also that it is imperative to take necessary measures to ensure that water is excluded from NAFTA so that our laws prohibiting the export of water are not challenged or invalidated, "said Bernard Bigras .
Let Quebec fully express their interests and skills
"The citizens express their concerns about the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons on the St. Lawrence. Since the protection of biodiversity and communities of St. Lawrence is paramount, everyone must acknowledge the correctness of the precautionary principle. The Bloc Quebecois, the federal government must respond to the motion passed unanimously by the National Assembly 20 October 2010 which claimed to await the results of evaluations Strategic Environmental requested by the Quebec government before issuing any license seismic surveys and drilling to the structure of Old Harry and suspend the current permissions. Once completed evaluations, if Quebec is able to ensure that the highest requirements for environmental protection and the highest standards of security can be deployed, it will then decide what Will make this resource. But to do this, Ottawa must stop linking hands in Quebec, allowing him to express its environmental priorities and let them decide what he intends to make all natural resources within its territory. Finally, when decisions directly affect the international St. Lawrence, the federal government should also allow Quebec to fully express their interests and skills as well as ecological and economic choices that match the aspirations and values of Quebeckers, "concluded Bernard Bigras .
information: Isabelle Monette, Press
Wing of the Bloc Québécois
Tel. : 613 947-2495
Cell. : 613 296-1041
Smart And Underweight Ladies
The father of actor Anthony Pilon sends us information about the film in which his son takes the title role.
The film is now finished! Here
official trailer on youtube and on the official site where there bcp info:
http://www .
Antoine Pilon, who grew up in Port-Daniel, took the title role and the film's principal.
The film will hit theaters April 15. Antoine will
in the Gaspé during spring break.
It will be available for interviews between 1 and 3 March inclusive.
It will also Pin Rouge on Tuesday 1st March to make snowboarding
where he will also be available for interviews.
attached some photos and her biography.
Benedict S. Pilon, lawyer
public relations consultant
Port-Daniel, Gaspésie
Cell.: (418) 396-2575
Olivier Antoine Pilon was born June 23, 1997 in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue on the island of Montreal. Moved with his family in Gaspé at the age of 3 years, he grew up beside the sea in the Baie des Chaleurs in the heart of an inspiring nature, in a small fishing village, Port-Daniel.
From a young age, Anthony asked to be young actor in television and movies. The distance was at that time the only obstacle.
returned to Montreal in 2007 for his studies, he returned to the charge with his desire to play big or small screen. He began taking courses in acting for the camera and drama. After only a few months within an agency, he obtained a role for an advertising RDS. Shortly after, he auditioned for the role of Frisson Hills and graduated from 1 500 children who auditioned, her first title role in this feature film.
He loves sports (snowboarding, parkour, long board, karate ...) he likes pop music and loves to travel. During a long journey of two months, he traversed the United States and Mexico Westfalia with his family to travel to Guatemala where he studied English Immersion family.
Antoine Olivier Pilon currently lives in Mont-Royal, he is two in secondary College in Montreal.
Milena Velba And Jensen Nadine
Quebec, Friday, February 25, 2011 - The Quebec Network Community Credit (RQCC) welcomes the inaugural speech by Premier Jean Charest. Although little information has been disclosed about the new strategy of entrepreneurship, RQCC welcomes the Government of Quebec intends to act in concert with leaders and organizations to promote entrepreneurship throughout Quebec. The RQCC will attend the National Forum on 1 March in Quebec and hopes to learn more about the new business strategy.
By Moreover, the RQCC takes a positive view of the Prime Minister wants to ensure local and regional benefits to increase the vitality of the territories. RQCC member agencies spread across the province, support businesses that often local customers, and they actually benefit from the encouragement of the government to purchase locally.
Community credit is part of a sustainable development approach that links economic growth with social progress, a view that no (e) Québécois (e) is left (e) for consideration. The clientele is RQCC are men and women who are mobilizing to improve their living conditions, and thereby participate in economic growth with social progress of Quebec.
formula Quebec microcredit
The RQCC includes 23 organizations, including 12 Loan Fund, advocated an individual approach, and 11 circles of borrowing, encouraging a collective approach. They operate in 12 administrative regions of the province and allow people who lack access to traditional financing to obtain microcredit to low interest rates for start-up, consolidation or development of individual enterprises, collective or self-employment. The
RQCC lends itself to low-income customers, particularly women, immigrants or youth whose profile and / or the project does not fit in the priority sectors of economic activity, nor in the normative framework of programs help, either in the target customers of financial institutions. RQCC stakeholders have developed special expertise for those clients wishing to achieve sustainable economic activities and responsible.
In 10 years, 1,350 loans totaling $ 8 million of dollars that have been granted by the RQCC, 4000 jobs created and maintained and more than 350,000 hours of training and support offered. The survival rate of enterprises assisted by the RQCC is 77% after 5 years and the loan repayment rate exceeds 90%.
Information: Karyne Talbot, Coordinator Phone: 418 529-7928 p. 234 Toll Free: 1 877 810-RQCC (7722) /
Message For A Friend Who Got Engaged
Matane, Friday, February 25, 2011 - In a charged atmosphere at times, the team Program Electronics Technology Industrial has won the twelfth annual Olympics of the active life of the Cégep de Matane held Wednesday, February 23, eight team pointsdevant Humanities and eleven points ahead of that of Nursing.
Organised jointly by the Department of Physical Education and Life Committee student, this friendly competition brought together representatives of ten curriculum and employees of various departments of college. In all, more than a hundred students and staff took part in activities in a single goal: having fun! A dinner followed the events held in the afternoon and the day ended with the awards ceremony.
This annual event aims to bring together students and staff members in teams wearing the colors of the different curriculum of college. These teams then engaged a proud race when challenges requiring physical ability, but also ask participants to widen their brains! Armless volleyball, tennis on Wii, lesdevinettes, hockey-ball competition and pyramids are examples of events that showcase the menu of these Olympics. To complete the picture, each team had a mascot who proudly represented sonprogramme.
The event organizers are very pleased with the success obtained during the twelfth edition and thank particularly Matane Toyota, the official sponsor of the event, and the Coop at the CEGEP, volunteers and participants without whom it would have been impossible to hold an activity of this magnitude. And once again congratulations to the team of Industrial Electronics, champions of the 2011 Olympics of the active life of the Cégep de Matane!
For information: Philippe Imbeault, Physical Education teacher
imbeault.philippe @
418 562-1240, poste 2214
Source : Servicedes communications
418 562-1240 ext 2516
Cell: 418 566-9594
Uchi Stockists In Australia
Matane, Thursday, February 24, 2011 - Expand your talents in programming through advanced training available online you qualify to occupy one of the 7,500 vacancies annually in the technology sector Information and communications in Quebec by 2014! (Statistics taken from the publication of future careers Jobboom Publishing 2011)
Group Collegia sector Matane, the Continuing Education Department of the Cégep de Matane, will offer online and full-time certification college (ACS) Programmer integrator Interactive Media (LEA.BQ) during the months from March to July 2011. With a duration of 480 hours, honors program candidates develop specifically interested in programming skills and integration multimedia resources.
It is one of the few ACS programming available online throughout the province. Imagine studying full time in her living room! No travel, no accommodation costs or additional living expenses to take! Collegia Group is a pioneer of online training in Quebec. His teaching expertise has enabled it to form through its virtual campus several hundred individuals met.
Interested persons are invited to visit the Group website at Collegia or ask the Centre Matane Group Collegia by calling 1 800 463-4299 or by e-mail to cayer.isabelle @ .
Source: Brigitte Lavoie,
Communications and recruitment
418 562-1240 ext 2516 or 418 566-9594
Information: Isabelle Cayer, counselor training
Collegia Group - Centre Matane
418 562-1240 ext 2191 or 4299 1800463
cayer.isabelle @
Thursday, February 24, 2011
South Park Subs Stream
In this netbull:
The steel industry was completely off the 18 / 2. The action is part of protests against the AIP, but staff ArcelorMittal Liège also wishes to inform its ras-le-bol face problems of internal operations. A national strike is also scheduled on March 4 to protest against the AIP. Robert Rouzeeuw, FGTB Metal, evokes a ras-le-bol facing the "malfunctioning" of the company.
After the announcement of the continued operation of certain lines of "cold" in Liège and the publication on Tuesday of 2010 annual results up sharply for ArcelorMittal, David Camerini (CSC-Metal ArcelorMittal Liège) states that "the revival of HF6 would further strengthen the industrial area of Liège. "It changes so quickly from one side or the other it is hoped that the revival of blast furnace 6," said Robert Rouzeeuw (FGTB-Metal).
Electrabel and 7 major industrial companies, including ArcelorMittal, meeting in Blue Sky Consortium, have reached agreement on joint investment in power plants. These manufacturers, which together consume about 11 TWh per year, or 13% of consumption in Belgium, co-invest in a balanced mix of gas power plants , coal and nuclear, and get drawing rights on existing nuclear plants.
The man who died at ArcelorMittal Gent died from lack of oxygen after release into the air with argon gas, according to the labor auditor Ghent. The accident occurred produced during the repair of a converter.
In 2010, ArcelorMittal recorded a jump in its net profit to 2.9 billion. 4Q 2010 EBITDA of $ 1.9 billion includes $ 0.1 billion sale of quotas CO2. utilization rate will rise to 76% in the first quarter of 2011 against 69% in the last quarter of 2010. PM has no plans to permanently close one of the important sites, but in Europe and the United States, it will not return not to pre-crisis situation before 2015. ArcelorMittal plans to invest over five billion dollars this year, of which 30% will be dedicated to mining activities.
Florange currently operates two blast furnaces, the latter having been restarted to "adapt to the expected demand in the first and second quarters." The first blast furnace should be shut down within a year for maintenance.
In Luxembourg, the activity of steels used in construction recorded "negative results" in 2009 and 2010 and is the subject of a proposed restructuring. The unions say they are formally opposed deletion of 262 full-time jobs under the restructuring plan-third of the workforce. "The proposed strategy would result in a risk of closure or abandonment of sites and Rodange Schifflange. Michel Wurth steering committee has not confirmed the figure of 262 jobs under threat but has engaged in a little calculation. He believes that the performance gap between these sites and other sites the group is 250 people.
ArcelorMittal Ghent: Fatality
Solidarity 14/02/2011 Dirk Goemaere
Thursday, February 10, around 19:30, a fatal accident occurred at ArcelorMittal in Ghent Sidmar old. A tragedy for the family and relatives of the victim, and that raises many questions.
Two employees of the German company Loewe, a subcontractor, are busy dismantling a scaffold in the converter, having a masonry fireproofing. Suddenly one of them, one located at the bottom of the converter, collapses. His colleague from seeking help in the steelworks, he wants to get into the converter with the cage. But once the cage in the converter, it is also taken ill. Fortunately, a worker in the steel cage back immediately. The firefighter managed to resuscitate him, after which the man was taken to the hospital where his condition was declared stable. In terms of his colleague who was on the floor of the converter, help is unfortunately too late.
After the drama, the staff of the steel plant is in shock.
The next morning at 11am, held an extraordinary meeting of the Committee for Prevention and Protection at Work (CPPT) to explain the initial findings of the investigation. It was a German and a Pole. One of them died. Far from his home at his place of work. Arcelor workers demand a investigation of the tragedy. It is likely that there were gas fumes in the converter. How did this accident happen? These people had they been trained to recognize hazards related to gas? Does the language a problem? What is the procedure for this type of work? Any member of staff of an outside firm (subcontractor) must normally undergo safety training, otherwise he can not enter the factory. What went wrong? All these issues are unavoidable when we know that ArcelorMittal plans to resort increasingly to outsourcing
contact e-mail
Wide mobilization in Liege
ls 20 / 2 Several thousand activists FGTB Liège-Huy-Ware responded Friday to the union's call to gather on the Place Saint- Paul. In all companies and corporations, general meetings were held in the morning to inform staff and delegations are then parties to the Place St. Paul through fifty cars. The steel industry was completely stopped, ArcelorMittal workers who decreed a longstanding 24-hour strike. Across the metal sector, the Most companies have idled: it was at the FN (full stop), CMI, Techspace Aero.
staff ArcelorMittal Liège will be on strike Feb. 18
Belga IIb 02/10/2011 Liege steel basin is at rest, February 18. The action is part of protests against the AIP, but staff ArcelorMittal Liège also wishes to inform its ras-le-bol face problems of internal operations. A national strike is also scheduled on March 4 to protest against the AIP. "In Liège, we still know as internal problems, we voted a 24-hour strike, starting on February 18 at 6:00 in the morning, "said Robert Rouzeeuw, delegation chairman FGTB Metal. The representative refers to a ras-le-bol general delegates and staff to its" abnormal " Company. The workers gathered in St. Paul, Liège, about 11 hours. The movement will be followed by the FGTB, CNE and SETCa. The SCC has yet to state its position.
ArcelorMittal: unions Liege are now hoping the revival of HF6
Trends-Tendances Belga February 8, 2011 After the recent announcement of the continued activity of some lines of "cold" in Liège and the publication on Tuesday of annual results for 2010 up sharply ArcelorMittal Liège unions now expect a recovery next to the blast furnace 6 (HF6) in Seraing, stopping for over 2 years and last tool of the Liège basin still at a standstill.
"The revival of HF6 would further strengthen the industrial area of Liège," said the chairman of the delegation CSC-Metal ArcelorMittal Liège, David Camerini. "This is not news, but it changes so quickly from one side or the other it is hoped that the recovery of the blast furnace 6", for its part, Robert Rouzeeuw, delegation chairman FGTB-Metal ArcelorMittal Liège. While the steel giant "raking in billions" despite the crisis, the union official also recalls the restrictions imposed on workers and believes that they should receive a "just reward" for effort. For his part, David Camerini stressed "the considerable efforts" by the workers and the competitiveness of the Liège basin. More generally, the CSC-Metal asks ArcelorMittal's management to adopt a "real industrial policy" rather than engaging in the "financial speculation". Last week, management announced ArcelorMittal Liège unions continued until June of the activity of two galvanizing lines in Flémalle, the tinplate industry and pickling. These lines of "cold", which were originally to be arrested in the first quarter of 2011, occupying some 500 workers. In addition, the FGTB-Metal announced on Tuesday continued operation for 5-6 months of the paint line 3, Ivoz-Ramet.
AIP 2011-2012: ArcelorMittal Liège, the CSC roll contraflow
FGTB (employees and contractors) ArcelorMittal Liège will be on strike on Friday following the rejection of the agreement cross, but also because of internal problems. The Christian Union Will it follow suit? Remember, if the SCC approved the agreement, NEC (employee) has refused. It might therefore logically that only employees "green" would disengage ... Missed! Not only do they not disengage it (while perhaps an action "shock" to a seat employer), but it is the workers that they will participate in the action: thus the opposite of what happened the federal ... (6com14/02/2011)
ArcelorMittal Ghent: the mysterious death of the worker, elucidated
February 11, 2011 The 44 year old man who died Thursday night at the metallurgical enterprise ArcelorMittal Gent died from lack of oxygen after release into the air with argon gas, it was learned Friday from the 'labor auditor Ghent. The accident occurred during repair of fire-resistant coating of the converter. Workers at the firm Loewe had carried out the repair work and was taking down scaffolding. A worker found his colleague had fallen unconscious and gave the alarm, before losing her own knowledge. However, he could be transported to time in hospital. For his colleague, it was already too late.
According to measurements, it appears that argon gas was present in the converter. Upon release of high concentrations of this gas in air, oxygen deficiency arises, which can lead to unconsciousness or even death. There were only 14% oxygen in the air, and this has resulted in the death of the worker. Workers do not wear masks during work. The prosecutor's work assumes that the argon gas emissions due to leakage in pipes and investigate whether crimes were committed safety at work. A superstore
search for metallurgy Liege
Metallurgical Research Centre (MRC) and ArcelorMittal Liège Research (AMLR) associate via a stake (90%) of the first in the second. The new research center called CRM Group and will occupy 230 researchers. The operating budget will be around 30 million euros, which should enable it to afford a nice place in the area of research and development in Europe (02/01/2011 6com).
Aperam: there is already talk of
Aperam savings plan, the new subsidiary steel which combines the activities ArcelorMittal in this sector, reacts (already) in its IPO too timid in an interview with Les Echos, CEO Bernard Fontana said he is committed to achieving $ 250 million in savings over the next two years. This does not preclude the permanent closure of the mill Isbergues. What in principle satisfy investors. A little less workers (6com 02/01/2011).
ArcelorMittal will outsource 450 jobs to CCS
BELGA IIb 27/01/2011 The outsourcing of computer services at ArcelorMittal will affect 450 workers, said the European Works Council. Announced in December, This project was initially involve 484 employees, mainly on Belgian and French sites of the group. Better quality, bringing new solutions and cost reduction are, as the steel giant, the main reasons for this act of outsourcing to CSC. ArcelorMittal said he considered several options including internal solutions and potential collaborations with service companies. After analysis it was found that SAC was the best solution.
ArcelorMittal intends to use social dialogue to minimize the social impact of this measure, he says. The contract will be signed with CSC in the second quarter and outsourcing start the third quarter.
Protest against outsourcing of IT ArcelorMittal ArcelorMittal 27/01/2011 200 employees have demonstrated peacefully Thursday morning outside the headquarters of the steel group in Luxembourg against proposed subcontracting IT services company, the call several European trade unions. Brandishing placards "Do not touch our jobs" and bearing for most T-shirt with the boss of ArcelorMittal, Lakshmi Mittal, like a bloodthirsty "outsourcist", the demonstrators came from France, Belgium and Luxembourg wanted expose projects of the steel group to entrust part of his computer to the U.S. company CSC. "This is a passage in force," lamented Thursday during the demonstration Edward Martin, the CFDT delegate ArcelorMittal Lorraine. "After outsourcing accounting services and the separation of the branch of stainless steel, here are the computer. Tomorrow is who's next?" He asked. The unionist Lorraine has also deplored the lack of guarantees for the 484 employees of IT services can find a job at ArcelorMittal if outsourcing was wrong for some of them.
Duferco on strike from Monday to Friday at La Louviere
ls January 27, 2011 Workers Duferco La Louviere, a general meeting on Thursday morning, decided unanimously to go on strike Monday, January 31 at 6:00, and until Friday, February 4 6:00. This was announced Thursday at midday SETCa Centre and the FGTB-Metal. By this action, the workers want a share of protest against the draft central agreement "to regard as a project of social regression in particular in respect of wages and index particular, "said a statement union. Workers also want, through this gesture, throwing a clear message to Russia's Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK), which would be forecast to split the company into two (flat and long products), he says. Duferco workers require both investments to ensure the sustainability of all activities and the establishment of a social bond promoting solidarity between workers of different entities. New
CSD succeeds Harsco's website Duferco La Louviere
Harsco (ex Multiserv) has been replaced by New company (CDD group Strazzante) for park management to slag and scrap Duferco La Louviere. The operation resulted in the transfer of some forty workers employed on the site. The contract subcontract signed between the two companies is for a period of 18 months from 1 February. New CSD works for over a year for ArcelorMittal to Chertal. (L'Echo 6com 02/02/2011)
ArcelorMittal sees a rebound in early 2011 Reuters 8 / 2 ArcelorMittal plans a more rapid recovery than expected demand and prices for the beginning of this year . Gross operating (EBITDA) for the group, which alone accounts for 6% to 7% of world steel output, increased more than expected in the first quarter, settling in a range of 2 to 2.5 billion dollars, where experts had previously relied on 2.15 billion.
The group would increase its capital spending by more than 50% this year. ArcelorMittal has posted a net loss unexpectedly on the last three months of 2010 from $ 780 million against a profit of 1.1 billion a year ago. The gross operating profit (EBITDA) of ArcelorMittal for the period is, however, shown at a higher level of expectations, to 1.85 billion. The quarterly loss was largely due to exceptional items. The group divided its activities including stainless steel, combined into a new subsidiary called Aperam. Aperam on Tuesday released pro forma income rose, with earnings per share of $ 1.64 in 2010, against a loss of $ 1.54 last year. "The price levels should remain moderate throughout 2011 because of overcapacity in the sector," said Bernard Fontana, Executive Director of the new company.
The price of iron ore jumped 22% since mid- November. At the same Meanwhile, prices of hot rolled steel in the United States have appreciated by 49%, but this increase should be felt in the accounts of ArcelorMittal until the second half. The group, which wants to lessen its dependence on mining giants by developing its own production of iron ore, said it expected to grow 10% this year compared to 2010. Over the whole of last year, it stood at 48.9 million tonnes against 37.7 million in 2009. "4Q 2010 EBITDA of $ 1.9 billion includes $ 0.1 billion sale of CO2 quotas. 8 / 2 According to Aditya Mittal, the group would be, upon publication of the first quarter of 2011, separate results for its mining operations. ArcelorMittal has recently launched a bid for the Canadian mining company Baffinland. The group wants to review its production sites in Europe to improve its competitiveness. Restructuring are already planned in Luxembourg. Despite this, the group plans to invest over five billion dollars this year, of which 30% will be dedicated to mining activities. With gains of 3.7% to 28.3 euros, ArcelorMittal signed one of the best performances of the CAC 40 Tuesday morning. 8 / 2 Florange currently operates two blast furnaces, the latter having been rebooted to "adapt to the expected demand in the first and second quarters," said Michel Wurth. This reboot also occurs when the first blast furnace should be shut down within a year for maintenance. Asked about the sustainability of sites in Luxembourg, Michel Wurth said ArcelorMittal was "very committed to maintaining a high activity" in the country. In Luxembourg, the activity of steels used in construction recorded "negative results" in 2009 and 2010 and is the subject of a proposed restructuring. "In Luxembourg, as in other European countries, we must be efficient and competitive, otherwise we can not continue," said Gonzalo Urquijo. "We review each site to see how to improve them," he said.
ArcelorMittal to mobilize more resources for production in 2011 February 8, 2011 ArcelorMittal continues to adjust its production, persistent overcapacity. The company no plans to permanently close one of the important sites. For Lakshmi Mittal "in Europe and the United States, we will not return to pre-crisis situation before 2015." The steel "gradually improving" its utilization rate, expected around 76% in the first quarter of 2011 against 69% in the last quarter of 2010. Lakshmi Mittal table in 2011 on a 10% increase in production of iron ore and 20% for coking coal. Mittal expects this year to a further increase of 7% of the steel market in China. Rising commodity prices will remain "one of the biggest challenges." AM will continue to pass this increase on its selling price. In 2010, the group recorded a jump in its net profit to 2.9 billion.
ArcelorMittal: 262 jobs under threat? Schifflange 04/02/2011 The future of the association concerned and Rodange Steel. On 13 October, the unions said they were still very satisfied with cooperation with the management of ArcelorMittal. After follow-up meeting on the agreement Lux2011, with sustainability of the production sites of Luxembourg group, the association Steel, formed by unions and OGBL LCGB, and noted that "measures taken by ArcelorMittal as Investment and changing staff meet quite agreements of 2011. "
Since then, the tone has changed. January 27, Raymond Kapuscinsky, Steward of OGBL said that eventually the production sites in Luxembourg could also be affected by the restructuring plans. Those fears now seem to be confirmed on the eve of the negotiations should lead to a new framework agreement between unions, ArcelorMittal and government. The association Steel has shown surprise and the attitude of the management of factories and Schifflange Rodange, which according to the unions "seem to operate in a logical out agreement Tripartite steel. Employee representatives are particularly concerned a plan to reduce costs by 38 million euros, which is beyond the scope of agreements Lux2011. The association
Steel lamented the lack of an industrial plan. Under these conditions, unions say they are formally opposed the deletion of 262 full-time jobs under the restructuring plan. This reduction of one third of the workforce - both sites have currently about 900 employees - according to the association can save 8.8 million euros. "There is still concern that the proposed strategy would result in a risk of closure or abandonment of sites and Rodange Schifflange, further underline the unions, who want to announce every effort to minimize the risk that other production sites are facing a similar fate. The association
Steel calls on government to meet as soon as possible the Tripartite steel to make the point about the intentions of ArcelorMittal. Emphasizing regular contact with unions, ArcelorMittal recalls the establishment of a working group on the proposed sites for future Rodange and Schifflange, which produces several types of long products (rebar, different types of rails ,...). A closure two plants seems excluded for now. "The goal is to define how to adapt the site for current market conditions very difficult - particularly in the area of constrcution - as well as ensure long-term sustainability of site activity." He will return no doubt to Michel Wurth, member of the Luxembourg branch of ArcelorMittal, to clarify the future plan on Tuesday. Unions to ensure grain. The agreement
Lux2011 Brief
Signed December 19, 2008 between ArcelorMittal, the association Steel and plan future Lux2011 two parts with primarily a commitment by ArcelorMittal to invest until the end of 2011 75 million euros in production sites in Luxembourg.
The second component is social with accompanying measures such as 400 administrative jobs eliminated by ArcelorMittal. This operation has resulted in virtually no layoffs directly through specific instruments such as early retirement, redeployment unit and plans for continued employment. These same tools are applied to ensure a guarantee of employment on the production sites.
ArcelorMittal Rodange Schifflange and not threatened, but ... 09/02/2011 At Belval, Differdange, Dudelange, with its new steels for automotive ultrasolides already approved by Fiat and Ford, or in the wire drawing of Bettembourg, where we work for photovoltaics, the year 2010 was rather smoothly at ArcelorMittal Luxembourg and should continue along the same lines in 2011.
Thus, if the application is back for special steels and high value added, it still is not in the construction industry and steel mass suffering in the group. In Luxembourg, this includes sites and Rodange Schifflange.
Michel Wurth, member of the management board of ArcelorMittal has explained that these two sites had lost 30 million euros in 2009 and $ 15 million over the first three quarters of 2010.
He did not confirm the figure of 262 full-time jobs at risk at these sites which include 900 employees but has engaged in a little calculation. He believes that the performance gap between these sites and other sites the group is 250 people. In sum, the site would have 250 people too many. According to management, when an employee group average produces 2500 tons of steel per year, and Schifflange Rodange, an employee produces only 1,400 tons. The goal is to reach 2200 tons in Luxembourg. A goal could be reached more quickly If growth picks up faster than expected, while its return to normalcy is not expected before 2015.
Yet, Michel Wurth was adamant there is no question of closing sites and Schifflange Rodange. Management confirmed that the agreement Lux2011, concluded in 2008 with the unions for the protection of sites of ArcelorMittal in Luxembourg, was still valid. The group is just beginning discussions for future sites. The unions would like to see in this part of the investments are made in such sites. But before investment, Michel Wurth wants the tools of the sites are studied to see how to transform them with what they already possess. He announced this at the establishment of a working group which will be associated with unions.
Birth of a global steel giant 03/02/2011 Nippon Steel and Sumitomo Metal will merge, creating the second largest global steel behind ArcelorMittal. The future group will employ 75,000 people worldwide and generates more than 50 billion euros of turnover. It has a market capitalization of around 25 billion euros. Its annual production exceeds 45 million tons of steel, which is still far enough of that of ArcelorMittal, which is approaching 100 million tons.
The transaction will enable the new group to cope with a degraded environment in Japan. Local steelmakers have indeed faced a long decline in production of automotive manufacturers, even if the year 2010 marked the first bounce. On the other hand, they face the rising prices of raw materials, particularly iron ore. Nippon Steel and had lowered its earnings forecast at the end of January to take account of these difficulties. The larger size of the new group will enable it to better negotiate with suppliers as with its customers.
This is primarily defensive and its impact on global competition are limited. The next wave of mergers should also be more for emerging markets including China. "Reconciliations are expected in the Chinese market, which remains highly fragmented and poorly disciplined. And they will do good for the entire steel industry, "explains one analyst.
ThyssenKrupp taxable profits halved in Q1 to 145 million EUR
awp / afp 02.11.2011 ThyssenKrupp, the German number one steel, saw its profits curtailed by high costs associated the commissioning of new blast furnaces, preventing full advantage of a recovery that is gaining momentum in its markets. Its net profit after minority interests fell 13% year on year to 142 million euros and pretax profit was reduced by more than two, to 145 million euros against 313 million euros in first quarter 2009 / 2010. The exercise group runs from October 1 to September 30.
This cons-performance is attributable to the loss posted by the Steel Americas, an operating loss of almost 400 million euros, itself due to "start-up costs of new plants" in the United States and Brazil. Their construction coincided with the crisis, which has eroded the steel market. In Brazil, the plant on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro has been under fire from critics because of its impact on the environment. And the costs go far beyond initial forecasts: ThyssenKrupp announced Friday to wait "a considerable negative contribution" of Steels Americas at its annual results because of the two investment exceeding 500 million euros. Suddenly, the action was red lantern of the DAX index in Frankfurt Stock Exchange, losing 1.41% to 30.69 euros. Both sites have also caused an outbreak of the debt of ThyssenKrupp rose to 5.81 billion euros at end-December, 2 billion euros more than three months earlier. "The reduction of our net debt is our top priority," said Heinrich Hiesinger about it, boss of the group arrived at the helm in late January.
"Plan particles is announced
ls 16 / 2 The results of study of the Scientific Institute of Public Service (ISSeP) on ambient air quality in the Liege region are striking. Not only for its inhabitants, moreover, in March 2010 the European Court of Justice gave notice to Belgium to comply with the IPPC (Integrated Pollution Prevention and Pollution), which establishes a set of emissions standards.
To recap, the study showed that ISSeP Liege, these standards are not respected for fine particles and benzo (a) pyrene. "These data concern, and it's been a while that we are working on it, says it does in the office of Walloon Minister of the Environment Philip Henry (Ecolo). The Minister will propose in March the Government Action Plan Particles in Liege, along the lines of what has been done successfully in Charleroi: to strengthen the administration better to study pollution, work more closely with companies to force them to reduce their emissions. If we want to reduce emissions, we must better understand the sources. Because it is clear that in the case including ArcelorMittal, we can not let the company continue issuing as it does currently. And the company has already been asked to propose a plan for improvement. "It should be noted that
has already adapted the environmental permits for various polluting enterprises IPPC standards, even if it was falling behind with the requirements of the European Commission. But companies have a deadline to come into compliance, one to three years in general. These revisions
emission standards are based on the principle of "BAT" Best Available Technology or Best Available Technology ": it does, logically, that emission reductions that are technically feasible when it imposing them. Standards are imposed either upon application (or renewal) of environmental permits issued by municipalities or by adjusting the permits issued to new standards (this is the case with Directive IPPC). These permits are sometimes challenged: Arcelor-Mittal has gone into appeal against the emission standards imposed by the municipality of Seraing for Plant Community of Ougrée.
is the Regional Directorate of the Police and Controls (DPC) which then ensures compliance with these standards. Given the results of the study ISSeP, it is reasonable to ask whether the controls are sufficient.
"There are many controls, we meet Henry in the office. But what can be improved, it is our knowledge of particles and emission sources. And this is the direction of plane particles. "
the Walloon Parliament, the member Ecolo Veronica Cremasco arrested the minister (PS) of the Health Eliane Tillieux (twice) and Minister Henry on the subject recently: "Each year, the Liege region exceeds emission standards. It starts to do well! I await the Minister Henry stand firm on this issue: we must be more strict with companies, especially steel, which should be cleaner. This is done well elsewhere! As for the public health problem posed by such over-standard, they do not seem to bother the Minister of Health, whose responses are staggering vacuity.
But while companies are adapting to the standards, while we studied, people continue to suffer the fumes! "
Recall that the industry is not only responsible for emissions of fine particles. But according to the ISSeP, 55 to 59% anyway.
At ArcelorMittal, we did not hesitate to comment on this burning issue:
"This is an important and dear to our hearts," said Etienne Botton, spokesman for the steelmaker to Liege. Blamed by many to be main cause of the pollution in the Liege region, the company hears not deny that it is a big card issuer. But she defends the voice of its director Raymond Propson Environment, environmental action, "Nuisances, there will inevitably always. But we are constantly improving our processes with substantial investment programs. At Coke, we made two dedusting since 2005, costing 11 million euros. We have launched programs sealing of oven doors and a plan of action on the masonry, for more than 8 million. Maintenance is very heavy! Finally, we initiated a plan gas desulphurization. 10 more million. At the steelworks Chertal, we must now make the secondary dust and be capable of measuring fine particles PM2, 5, which is not obvious. We have two years to achieve compliance. At Community, we are launching an action plan beefy, with a new generation of electrostatic precipitators, which represents 3.7 million investment. And the list goes on: the action plan presented to the Region list 150! "Rest for the Community, ArcelorMittal went into appeal against the standards imposed by the new license (Minister Henry decide
28 April at the latest). "Until 2009, the standard of dust emission was 150 milligrams per cubic normomètre (Editor's note: Nm3 is a m3 of gas at normal temperature and pressure), we want to impose ... 20, said Raymond Propson. We are offering 50. This is what is taxed, at best, other steel companies.
And Community is an essential element of our liquid phase. "We have no problem with reducing emissions, as part of BAT (Editor's note: Best Available Technology, see above), that is to say, when possible, says Etienne Botton. We know also that it is in our interest for the future.
But provided that the same standards are imposed everywhere, at least at European level. "Emphasizing that most of his tools were stopped at the second measurement campaign of ISSeP early 2009, the company finally recalled it was very controlled," Measurements are made by all accredited bodies quarters and we must produce our regular internal monitoring plans emissions. As our staff statement as it wears masks with filters, and the rate of PAH (Editor's note : Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, including the famous Benzopyrene) is controlled. "■ P. Mo.
A tribute to the director makes trades Duferco La Louviere
The ordinary act is the title of the film the young director Maxine Cotton devoted to trades unsung steel from footage Duferco La Louviere. He paid tribute to his father, a mechanic for maintenance. The film was screened in Brussels and La Louviere, before nearly 200 people this weekend. He was greeted with enthusiasm. Other screenings are planned. (The New Gazette 21/02/2011)
Seraing: residents of blast furnace 6 complain about the nuisance 22 / 2 The inhabitants of Seraing living at the foot of the blast furnace 6 do are not happy. Arcelor them yet though promised change, but they see nothing coming. Stany Goffin, a waterfront industrial site explains: "We must admit that when we come here, they are rusted sheet metal, dirty walls, no one will really bring some order in all this."
3 years ago has created the Collective HF6 who meet as many residents near the site as representatives of three opposition parties.
Already in 2007, Arcelor had made their promises. Socket Fabian, MR: "A number of guarantees have been given in terms of developing the site in terms of reducing dust, noise, etc.. These guarantees are staggered over a period of six months to two years after the date of permit issuance. Today, we have to realize that these guarantees, these improvements, they were not given. "
Arcelor defends investments to the tune of tens of millions have already been made. Etienne Botton, a spokesman, said: "We can cite the desulfurization of coke oven gas which will allow reduce emissions of SO2, is an investment of 11 million euros is for the time being. "An investment among others, but nothing sufficient, estimated there at Collective, to specifically improve quality of life of residents.
As for the mayor, Alain Mathot, he said that Arcelor as investments are underway and are still in the program. ArcelorMittal Liège City and soon communicate the details of these investments.
Agreement between Electrabel and 7 major industrial joint investments
Trends-Tendances Belga22/2/2011 Electrabel and 7 major industrial companies, including ArcelorMittal, the consortium met in Blue Sky, came to an agreement on joint investment in power plants. With this agreement, the 7 major manufacturers can invest in production facilities operated by Electrabel for a share of capacity of 800 MW. It includes both investment in existing and new plants in Belgium and abroad. In exchange, the big companies receive more security about their electric supply in the long term. It is unclear for now exactly what the central question. "The proposed agreement provides that these manufacturers, which together consume about 11 TWh per year, or 13% of consumption in Belgium, co-invest in a balanced mix power plants to gas, coal and nuclear, and get right to draw on existing nuclear plants, "the statement said. Today, E. ON already owns Drawing on Electrabel power. With agreement, the 7 major manufacturers will likely also be obtained. The 7 major manufacturers are ArcelorMittal Stainless Belgium Aperam, Aurubis Belgium, Nyrstar Belgium Solvay, Tessenderlo Chemie and Umicore. The agreement will first be submitted to the competition authorities. (LEE)
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In collaboration with Green Church (who joined KO-REC-TYPE to establish a recycling program for empty printer cartridges), the missions of the Franciscans undertook to collect the cartridges empty printer (inkjet and laser) to benefit mission projects. For each recyclable cartridge that is eligible returns, KO-REC-TYPE provide funds to support the Missions and Church Green program. Every cartridge recycled is one less in a landfill! SMALL GESTURE
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( Quebec, February 24, 2011) The Head of Democratic Action and MNA for Chauveau Gérard Deltell, presented today at the National Assembly's vision and ideas for a modern Quebec.
"The challenges of a modern Quebec are immense, but I know that Quebecers want to meet them. I am deeply convinced that our nation comes to a crossroads in its history that it will initiate positive change if political parties have shown courage to propose. And the only party that has the courage, the only real party of change, the only party that proposes a vision for a modern Quebec is the Action Democratique du Quebec, "said Deltell.
Five major priorities for the ADQ leader
Gerard Deltell unveiled its five key priorities for a modern Quebec, in addition to developing ideas on other issues. These priorities are families, the lives of seniors, the local and regional development, the state of public finances as well as gains for Quebec in Canada reformed.
"Quebec families are certainly the most overlooked of Jean Charest and Pauline Marois. Seniors are now considered as subjects for public relations. Regional development is done from office towers departments. Public finances are not a priority for the Liberals, nor the PQ. And nobody dares to propose bold solutions to reform Canada and obtain gains for Quebec. It is time to put priorities in order. Quebecers are now ready for a big change, "argued the ADQ leader.
Families, forgotten in Jean Charest and Pauline Marois
Deltell Gerard chose to Quebec families a top priority for the Action Democratique du Quebec. While Jean Charest did not say one word to promote family life and that remains the champion Pauline Marois any program category wall wall, the ADQ leader has called for return of money in the pockets of parents and give them the freedom to choose what is best for their children.
"I propose to Quebecers family policies avant-garde. The reality of work is now very different, but Quebec has failed to adapt. A parent who wants to legitimately be present at home and care for the child's education is no longer a relative outside the labor market, quite the contrary. There are new models, and government must work to facilitate the deployment these models. In this vision, the Action Democratique du Quebec is proud to be the true party of families, all families, supported the separatist leader.
New ideas for our seniors
Mr. Deltell used his reply to the inaugural Premier's offer Quebecers new ideas to provide our seniors the dignity they deserve in their conditions life.
"In a modern Quebec, I want our nursing homes are changing and they become living environments and their dynamics be the least restrictive environment for our seniors. I want the collective agreements in the CHLSDs put the lie at the heart of concerns and non-unions. Moreover, these agreements should be bipartisan, but tripartite and include the essential signature of resident committees, proposed the Member for Chauveau.
"A modern Quebec will also strengthen laws and impose much heavier penalties against any person found guilty of abuse and maltreatment of our seniors. It will also condemns the complicity Quebec in silence. Abuse is unacceptable, and silence witnesses is just as "also supported Gerard Deltell.
Other areas of bold proposals for modern
order to propel Quebec and out of the impasse, the leader of the Action démocratique du Québec has offered several new ideas for regional development. With the aim of better land use, the ADQ leader has proposed a series of measures aimed at stimulating local and regional levels. Among other things, he advocated the decentralization of powers and budgets mainly to regions and municipalities. He also proposed to increase rapidly the regionalization of immigration. In addition, Gerard Deltell wants to return in each region of substantial royalties on the exploitation of their natural wealth and their energy production. "We must let the regions, not the environmental lobbies, the choice to develop their natural resources," reiterated the Member for Chauveau.
For the vast National Capital, Mr. Deltell argued that the development of this region is inevitably a reorganization of movement, a challenge which comes as the suburbs of Quebec City are growing. Moreover, the issue of the new amphitheater, the Member for Chauveau reiterated the importance of private sector participation, as did the federal government. "I reiterate that Quebec indebted not afford to lose the private," he said.
Reviving Montreal
Deltell For Gerard, the situation is now the Montreal area is worrisome. "By wearing a sober look at the metropolis, we see some sluggishness, immobility that makes it obvious stagnate. A modern Quebec Quebec will be a strong ambition he has for his economic and cultural metropolis. Montreal is full of talent, entrepreneurs, families just waiting to regain their pride in the metropolitan area. "
To do this, the ADQ proposes to revive the great project to relocate the Casino on the island of Montreal, and pair it with a permanent show by Cirque du Soleil. "Each metropolis has an entertainment center casino style that attracts millions of dollars in economic benefits of foreign capital. Moreover, Quebec is that Cirque du Soleil, a group of artists today who set up shop permanently in the four corners of the globe, has blossomed. However, Quebec is missing out on such a show and host hundreds of thousands of tourists who would see the benefit where it all began. It is imperative revive this project, "stated the Head of Democratic Action.
Mr. Deltell, who denounced a few months ago stubbornness Charest government to spend $ 300 million in a new roof for the Olympic Stadium, today proposed a revaluation of the Olympic facilities. "To upgrade this exceptional site, you must find partners. That is why the Democratic Action suggested that the government launches a tender to be submitted for projects to develop the Olympic facilities. Nothing should be set aside, even the sale to the private sector. "
" In a modern Quebec, we will consider all avenues to take that Montreal once again become the economic and cultural metropolis of Canada, " Gerard Deltell launched.
Public Finance: a single party Listening Quebeckers
Both Pauline Marois Jean Charest spend little importance since two years the issue of public finances. Many observers agree that it is the Action Democratique du Quebec, which plays the role of official opposition in this vital issue.
"As leader of the Action Democratique du Quebec, I heard the message of Quebecers. I listened. They want their government to cut its spending. Liberals We propose that limiting the increase in spending, but also to continue to leave the bar open and increase it to pay QST. The PQ remained convinced that big government and big bureaucracy is the solution to all ills, and they rely on other rich provinces of Canada to pay for it. In the Action Democratique du Quebec, we believe that Quebecers are right and the need for the government to clean up his yard. I am convinced that we must manage the finances of the state as a good father or a good mother. Choose a modern Quebec to finally have sound finances, rather than stifling the middle class as is currently the case, and shoveling spending on the backs of our children, "argued the ADQ leader.
Rethinking Canada to win the Quebec
For the Action Democratique du Quebec, the future looks very bright for that Quebec can make significant gains in Canada, thanks new pro-autonomy parties arising and progressing in other provinces.
"A modern Quebec is also a nation proud of its identity, and free its development, where the federal government should no longer be a hindrance, but a lever. From coast to coast, more and more provinces shall have in place pro-autonomy parties and even governments elected from these parties. In the coming years there will be across Canada, a willingness to reform federalism to the provinces. The Quebec nation has many allies. But to achieve these gains, we can not count on the Liberal government, which prefers the status quo to the reform of federalism. We can not rely on either the Parti Quebecois, which has no desire actual negotiating a new deal with Ottawa, except that in order to create new baffles to fuel his political option that reject more and more Quebecers. With self-government of the Action Democratique du Quebec, it all becomes possible! The Canadian government is no longer considered an obstacle to legitimate ambitions of a modern Quebec, but as a lever, "stated Gerard Deltell.
A modern Quebec will soon be available
"What we want, as Quebecers is to give government with a vision. Over the years, governments of the Parti Quebecois and the Liberals have always advocated a small-time management that aims to put out fires instead of building large and ambitious projects to govern for future generations. Dear Quebecers, the next big event coming election. In about two years, you'll finally have the chance to say how you think the Liberal Party and the Parti Quebecois, and give you a government of the Action Democratique du Quebec, which has the will to undertake major projects of reform by which pass the future and Quebec's development, "said Gerard Deltell.
"Your political party resolutely turned towards modernity, the Action Democratique du Quebec. Changes are possible, and already I pledge to you to put in place, if you give me the mandate to the next big electoral event. In the meantime, I will continue to go to Québec and its regions to continue the dialogue! This modern Quebec is possible! I give you my word, "said the ADQ leader.
The full speech of the Head of Democratic Action Quebec will be available late afternoon on the Twitter account of the ADQ leader at / gerarddeltell .
Source: Office of the Chief of the Action Democratique du Quebec
Sébastien Lépine, Press
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The message at the conference entitled "Leadership by Jacques Demers" was inspired by the personal and professional experience of the latter, and especially his conquest of the Stanley Cup in 1993. Broadly, we note that Mr. Demers has maintained its audience about the values he prefers to achieve its objectives: respect for self and others, honesty, openness and persistence. Mr. Demers also stressed the importance of having a positive approach to life and the importance of mentoring young people who represent the future. The conference ended with a photo and autograph for which Mr. Demers has demonstrated great generosity.
recall that Jacques Demers is primarily known as one of the headliners professional hockey. Today, with his experience as coach of winning teams, he shares with all his experience. It attaches great importance to teamwork, saying that each has a role to play within a team.
The CCTG thank its partners, SADC de Gaspé Gaspé Power words for holding this event.
Source: Dufresne MarieAndrée
Communications and Marketing
Chamber of Commerce and Tourism Gaspé
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
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Islands-la-Madeleine , February 23, 2011 - Following the filing of formal exploratory drilling project on the Old Harry site by the company in Nova Scotia Corridor Resources, the St. Lawrence Coalition calls on the Government of Newfoundland and the Government of Canada immediate suspension of the project until a thorough review of management framework hydrocarbons in the Gulf of St. Lawrence has not been realized.
Concerns within the Coalition
This drill could be conducted in 2012, by 2014, approximately 6 km maritime border in Quebec. This project, filed February 22, 2011 from the Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board (the Board), of great concern for St. Lawrence Coalition considers that the conditions are not met to ensure Security exploration in the Gulf.
"It is inconceivable that the Board Canada-Newfoundland and Labrador Offshore Petroleum Board conducts an evaluation of a drilling deposit Old Harry while the structure of the organization is severely criticized by the Commission Wells, "says Danielle Giroux, president of 'Warning FragÎles. Indeed, the Commission report tabled recently Wells highlights major flaws in the governance of the Board and management of petroleum activities in the marine environment. The report also confirms that the establishment of an independent structure is necessary to ensure the security of oil installations offshore and environmental protection. Recall that the Commission had been set up following the sinking of an offshore helicopter transportation of personnel and the death of 17 persons in 2009.
Moratorium right thing
"The Gulf is an inland sea six and a half times smaller than the Gulf of Mexico and many communities live in five provinces that would all be threatened by an exploratory drilling," says Karel Mayrand of the David Suzuki Foundation. That is why the Coalition urges that the environmental assessment process includes an examination before a commission, including the consultation of all the coastal Gulf of St. Lawrence. "It is important to establish a moratorium now and establish a framework for integrated management of the Gulf," added Mr. Mayrand.
Following the catastrophe of the Deepwater Horizon platform in the Gulf of Mexico, major reforms were recommended in the United States to eliminate conflicts of interest inherent in the delegation to a single agency with a double mandate industry promotion and protection of the environment. "The report of the Commission U.S. puts us a clear warning: if a thorough review of the entire industry is not done, an accident is likely to recur elsewhere in the world, "said Christian Simard of Quebec Nature. No province of the Gulf of St. Lawrence will be safe from such disasters as the specter of oil exploration will hover above the heads of communities and ecosystems. Coalition deems essential, therefore the implementation of reforms for the security of facilities and environmental protection.
Considering that the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico involved an exploratory drilling just like the one on which its Corridor Resources, even though his experience in this area remains to be demonstrated, the Coalition argues that such a risk should not be taken without confronting this type of development to other uses of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. "It is imperative that spatial planning of current and future uses of coastal and marine environments should be initiated, especially for defining a network of marine protected areas can ensure the functioning of the fragile ecosystems on which we depend," says Patrick Nadeau SNAP of Quebec.
The St. Lawrence Coalition includes 50 organizations and associations from various economic sectors and nearly 900 individuals. The coalition is calling for a moratorium on exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons across the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Danielle Giroux
Spokesperson of the Coalition Saint Laurent (French interview)
President, Attention FragÎles
418-986-6644 /
Orer Catherine, Director of Communications David
Foundation Suzuki
514-316-4646 x104 / catherine.orer @
Christian Simard, Director General
Nature Quebec
418-648-2104 x2071 /
Patrick Nadeau, CEO
Wilderness Society and Parks Canada, Quebec wing
514-278-7627 x226 /
How Much Does It Cost To Shorten Curtains
HAITI, February 22, 2011
Three brothers of the same family, originating in Central Hinche, living in the camp of the victims of Canaan, after the earthquake, have just been murdered on Route Frere, in the direction of Petionville. After leaving the Bank, the bandits opened fire on them for some money. Some good Samaritans took them to the morgue of the General Hospital of Port-au-Prince ... After more than a week, the bodies, still lying on the floor cement, may be thrown in the garbage ... like dogs rotting. The Branch can not indefinitely keep the corpses. That's understandable!
The youngest brother, Dieugrand WARRIOR, 30, himself stricken father of two children, always in search of money to find a solution to this problem, can not sell a small plot of said "public interest" that one of them had recovered from the desolate savanna of Canaan. Nobody has money to pay. So this morning he knocked on the door of the Franciscan Lilavois, hoping to be heard ... A dozen other people, sick, hungry and in need, had preceded him ... and all waiting at the door. What to do? The needs are enormous: in the immediate three coffins are required, mortuary fees, clothing, transportation of dead bodies, funeral celebrations, etc.. Besides the 3 fathers died leaving 14 children orphaned (Harold, 59, 8 children; Herold, 44, 2 children, Jimmy, 38, 4 children). And this is one case.
Through your support, may God help us. We will do what we can. God will do the rest: "The bodies of the dead alive before the Lord" is the hope of all those who believe in Him.
Mailhiot Raymond, OFM
"FRAME" A "Brother-Friend", a missionary in Haiti.
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® Franciscans Franciscan Friar contemplating the rubble in Port-au-Prince |
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The following activities will take place at Centre de ski Mont-Béchervaise part of the break 2011.
→ Open Thursday 24 February to Sunday, March 6 inclusive
The Mont-Béchervaise will be open daily from Thursday, February 24 until Sunday, March 6, inclusive. From 9:00 until 15:30, enjoy the exceptional winter conditions in Quebec. Glades, wide groomed trails, terrain park and corridors experts await.
→ ski instructors available
To hone your skills or those of your children, whether on skis or snowboard alone or in groups, contact us! An instructor will be happy to accompany you on the slopes or to teach you the basics of the sport. Call 418-368-2000 or email HYPERLINK "mailto : " \\ t "_blank" .
→ March 2, 2011: Dinner Mussels, slides and music
On Wednesday, March 2, 2011 from 18:00 we invite you to dinner mussels and fries, followed by the night skiing. The après ski party will be hosted at first by the group and will follow Oliver O'Leary DJ music. Book your seat for this anticipated annual event: call 418-368-2000 or email HYPERLINK "mailto : " \\ t "_blank" .
$ 10 for dinner;
$ 15 for the recovery of adult
$ 12 for the rise in student
$ 7 for the evening tube;
The show is free.
→ March 5, 2011: Mayor's Day
On 5 March 2011, Mr. Le Maire, François Roussy and counselors invite you to an open house event. This special day recognizes the commitment of the City of Gaspé to his property: the Centre de ski Mont-Béchervaise. Learn about the Canadian Ski Patrol, Ski School, Alpine Club, motorized equipment and members of the Board of Directors.
skiing and sliding tube at reduced prices. From
11:00 ET until 13:00, enjoy a brunch-style sugar shack with the mayor and councilors. Rejoice in your facilities Alpine Mountain Béchervaise and still enjoy our caterer that will delight you with its eggs, bread, fruits and vegetables. The brunch is priced at $ 11 for adults and $ 6 for children.
→ March 5: parallel slalom race for all
In the afternoon, after a good hearty meal, you compare, on a giant slalom course in parallel, until you have won in your category. Join free at noon. Entertainment and prizes await you.
→ March 6: Draw a pass from season
A 2012 season pass will be drawn at random day tickets sold during the week of the break.
Additional information HYPERLINK " " \\ t "_blank"
Enjoy the outdoors at 5 minutes from downtown Gaspé!
Mount Béchervaise Enjoy!
Source: Jean-François Noury, Director, Centre de ski Mont-Béchervaise 50, Eden Street, Gaspe, QC, G4X 1Z2, 418-368-2000 , .