Saturday, September 27, 2008

Pokemon Heartgold English Freeze


Tom: Bibi ... I have yet to insomnia last night, and the other before, and one from before ... I dunno why ... and I'm afraid of not sleeping again tonight ...

SoBe (muttering, asleep already): In the sheep ... zzzzz ... But you'll see ... zzz ... it is not easy. Either they go in all directions ... zzz ... or will not want to jump me when I try. (Bailey) Should be really focused. Concentrated ... you concentrate ... kind of one sheep ... focus now ... zzz ... trying to count sheep jumping fences one ... zzz ... then you fall asleep.

the morning.

SoBe: And did you count sheep?

Tom Mouip

SoBe: Not easy, eh, to discipline them?

Tom: Well you see, I had this problem too, but I solved it by having them jump in front of me like, say "vertically", as if I was behind them, to that they scroll horizontally, because that was where I lost and they were not listening.

SoBe: Not stupid! Try Tonight (like I need to count sheep to fall asleep ... the sight of a pillow for me is the same as the bite of a tsetse fly).

the evening.


Tom: Hey uh what?! I fell asleep, me!

SoBe: I tried your trick for the sheep ... hihi! I can not sleep, me, seeing my bum sheep jump behind the eyelids, ass after cock after cock!

Tom (Gromelle): Try the other way.

SoBe (after a commendable effort): This is not really better, Tom ... like that, they stare at me jumping and I feel they run towards me to get into it ... I can not sleep with your stupid thing.

Tom: zzzz ...

SoBe ... is malignant.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Restore Farmville Posts To Facebook Wall

Under the sun, the campus

Robin Hood and two Ninja Turtle wisely waiting bus. A hacker is housed in my basement. Dollarama is a shortage of lollipop colors of the rainbow, and everyone looks the famous 25 in the year when there were only very few made. On all sides, electrons, pigs, helmeted deities and cowgirls are reaching out to collect pennies, selling content to every wind of a lunch box filled dearly (ham bought at 7:49 precisely, yellow tomato, suckers mentioned above ...) or rules of grammar ( for 5o cents, you recite it for a dollar you sing it, and for two dollars, she was singing, dancing and you recite the word of your choice at the time of your choice). Eggshells and spots of ketchup and mustard litter the ground, the campus fragrant sausage, hot dogs, and beer companies engaged without release in case of 24 case of 24. The sun shines in all its glory, he who hid all summer is finally revealed to celebrate the fall. Oh yeah! University is at it again!

It starts softly, with over-halves, nothing serious yet, but we feel that the rush is already not very far. However, the last of our worries because it is so beautiful, and then we find the friends! This is an opportunity to celebrate as if we ever do would celebrate, drink like a fish before it is too late and you feel guilty for not being studying, and it time to relax on the many green spaces on campus, enjoying the late summer that does no desire to be trapped in a classroom on-conditioned. What a beautiful moment that first week!

the agenda this session, a course on language as a material expression (writing workshops on the art of using the right words to convey the right message), the Quebec novel (course on at work by Réjean Ducharme, given by the widow of Gaston Miron, one is the best in Quebec!), a course on short stories and another on French journalism in the nineteenth century (from 1830 to the 1st World War everything that led to modern journalism, and journalistic writings the great authors we do know that their novels generally [Zola, Balzac, Baudelaire ...]), and finally a course on various literary critics. A good program, I think!

that, I leave you, and wishes to those it does, an excellent session, and others, a good life, as usual!